Sunday, December 4, 2011
Ice Breaker!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:20 PM

And let's see, the last time I posted something on my ancient blog was, last year December? Wow. 'Cos here I am blogging again on December... 2011! How time flies this year, the year is already ending and the memories of me being in the Philippines for Christmas last year is still oh-so fresh. Unfortunately, I'm not coming home for Christmas this year. No one knows how heart breaking such a news is, but I grew up accepting it and sucking up all my disappointments.
I mean it's fun here in Singapore, blaaardy blah. But, what I meant was... the relatives. It's not about the places we can go and do for Christmas. It's the people you celebrate it with. Christmas is never complete with the sight of all of them, on the day itself. Aw shucks, it's making me sad. Forget it.
Anyhoozers!!! My life has totally changed in 2011. So many ups and down, I think I was on a roller coaster of emotions. I wasn't even exaggerating that my life changed. It's a cliche thing to say when you haven't blogged in awhile, but it definitely applies to me.
Friends came and went, and new ones appeared one by one. I didn't know whether to cry or be happy cos everything was happening so quickly for me to even react. But I was contented.
Sec 5 was indeed hella frustrating! I mean the start of the year, I was wondering why I feel so relaxed and still so slacky. That was before I knew time was fast this year and alas, I was shaking my leg even 2 months before my O's. I was angry because I couldn't feel the pressure and stress that would motivate me to study for the damn exam.
AND NOW MY O'LEVELS IS OVER? I don't know why, it's so unbelievable. But I am grateful and happy about everything. The people I meet in Sec 5, they are wonderful. I made sooo much friends, I got even more charismatic this year, it's OH-SUM.
This year made me realize my true friends, and to just a more suitable acquaintances. I will definitely miss Secondary School. I recall being so childish in Sec 1 going, "I HATE THIS SCHOOL! I WANNA CHANGE!" LOL. I ended up learning to love it more and more through my years in school. Honestly, I'm happy to have stayed one more year in the school. I learnt a lot more about myself, and what I was capable of.
You know what? Whatever it is, 2011 was a blast. HAHA.
It was sour at first, but it came up sweet at the end. :')