Saturday, July 31, 2010
i mastered the Art of holding my pee in movies.
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 11:14 PM
Hello, mellow, mongoloids! Guess what?! Inception was grrr-rrrr-rrrr, (wait for it)... rrrreat!!! It's that type of movie that leaves you at the edge of your seats. Well, as for me, I more likely sink into my seat when I'm in suspense! Not only that, it's that type of movie that leaves you hanging at the ending.
I luvv suspence but hate hanging endings, this is hard. But I'll just really luvv the movie, though deeeeeeeeep inside, I'm dying to find out. It's a must-watch, if you really don't mind endings like that.
So yeah, we were suppose to meet at 4 in Orchard. I'll have to say I'm usually late, but today when I decided NOT to be late, I still end up so. Farah was still online, so I was like, "Are you leaving yet???" And she replied, "5 more mins!" Then I knew perfectly well, we'll be late.
We met them at the MRT around 4 50? I'm not too sure, and the movie was at 5pm. The line was kinda long, but fast. They still had seats at the fifth row, thank Goodness! The movie was already starting when we were still lining up for the popcorn.
So me, Priscilla nd Nat went up first. For those who doesn't mind missing some parts, could stay to get everyone's Popcorn. Movies like this, you got to start from the begining to understand the movie and not miss a single thing. We missed just a few minutes of the movie.
It was freezing cold in the cinema, I forgot to bring my jacket once again! Waiting for the bus, it finally popped into my mind, made me snap my fingers and stomp my feet. The people at the bustop with me gave me looks. Blimey O'Reilly! I always hold my pee when I'm watching any movie. I never want to miss any parts of it. So I held mine just now from half the movie all the way until we finally went to the toilet after the movie.
It wasn't even right away! After the movie, everyone stood around arguing about the ending. This, I knew very well it would happen. Especially, Pat N whose very, very determined that it was reality. When the screen went black, everyone in the cinema had the same reaction.
Yeah, I don't know what the Billy-O the guys were thinking. They decided that we all buy our seperate foods then sit somewhere random to eat. As Nat would call it, "gangsta" So we took awhile to decide what to eat and then sat at some awkward place at the corner of the fountain in Takashimaya.
Then Pat N had to go so we bought yummy frozen Yoghurt! The nice lady gave us free toppings! B-)
That sums it all up. I missed going out with the bunch, they're the best company I could ever receive from God. I can never wait for the next one.
Geronimoooooo!(PS: I actually got dimples!)
random much?
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 1:56 PM
I... miss... wearing... my... high-waisted... shorts! :(
click to enlarge.
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 12:17 PM
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:29 AM
Woke up with only my brother at home. The thing I like about Saturdays is that my dad works on that day. So I don't have to wake up to see his face. I know, it's mean, but you really don't know the back story but today's Saturday is exceptionally better! I've got no parents at home, (my sister is categorized as one, to me.) except me and my brother.
And thank goodness both of us has plans for later. So we don't have to be stuck at home with HIM. I'm going to watch Inception later this afternoon, and my brother's going to study outside. I should be doing the same thing. But I CANNOT miss anymore good movies. I've already missed Despicable Me And Toys Story 3.
Curse those mongoloids that watched on the same day we planned to, got all the movie slots full!
I get a little more freedom from my dad when my mom's not around 'cos I pretty much don't listen to him when he does give me a curfew. I've lost my respect to him neons ago. I'd listen to my brother instead!
One time, I stayed out quite late and my dad didn't even call me. But my brother did, he was like, "Even if that douche never asked you to come home. You still have to, because I'm here to tell you to!" At least I got someone who cares. And to think it was suppose to be a dad's job to call me home. But I don't care, I don't want him to.
Enough about that imbecile.
Sacré bleu! Speaking of which, I still haven't paid my overdue book fines! It was all because of the coursework that I had to borrow books on healthy food. I couldn't return quite yet when the due date was reaching. I tried to renew it but they didn't let me!
Tsk. Oh wells, I can't wait for Inception!
Friday, July 30, 2010
die, you freaking MSN.
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 3:16 PM
I was just reading through my old posts! All the way from Secondary 1. It's far different from my posts now. It isn't as fun and retarded anymore! What happened!? Have I lost my touch!? I seriously hope not. So I've been trying to sign in to MSN but it's obviously trying to piss me off. It keeps saying that my contact is not available right now, and to try again.I HAVE, FOR LIKE THE MILLIONTH TIME.So yeah, anyhoozers, my mom and sister is going to Malaysia tomorrow, really early in the morning. Which means I'm left with two guys in the house again that don't talk or make eye contact with each other, shouldn't be a problemo, muchacho.And, I can have a room of my own once again! So two glorious days, I shouldn't waste it. Well I should waste it on a better reason that I can never bring myself to do. I think it would take awhile before I adjust to my usual retarded posts until after I've completely said what I needed to say 'cos I haven't been ranting.I seriously hope tomorrow will be better. I'm gonna have to stop here, for abit.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
the ZZZ machine
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:51 PM
Okay, I slept early last night. Well... that is if 12am counted as early. I would've slept at the usual time but yeah, I told you about my sister interrogating me after. So I was thinking maybe this could be a chance to catch up on my lost sleep. Nope, it's not. I still end up forcing myself to get out of bed. During reading time, I couldn't focus on the book I was reading 'cos my eyes were getting heavy.I fell asleep on my bag before we had this Preliminary Examination 2 briefing. We had assessment for P.E today on Badminton. The racket was a little slippery, so when I tried to serve, the racket flew out my hand. My teacher was like, "You do know it's an assessment right?" Of course I knew that, as if I made this whole incident for the fun or it. I think I did quite well, despite that. So yeah, then this stupid moment when someone hit too softly, so I tried running to hit the shuttlecock and end up running forward even more until I crossed over the net, trying not to fall.School went quite smoothly, I say.I really cannot keep promises to myself. When I promised to go home right away after school, I don't. After school, bought ice cream, decided to go to Priscilla's house and I agreed when I could've possibly slept at home, dang nabbit! We bought pasta and the sauce to make Spaghetti for us and watched Quarantine and Coraline.I started to feel drowsy and would take short naps during the two movies. I really, really want a nice long nap! I shall sleep 'till I die, on weekends. Thank God it's Friday, everyone!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
time is catching up.
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:59 PM
My urge to blog suddenly came running back to me. I'd do this on Tumblr, but there's too many people there. I prefer to blog somewhere I know that is barely visited anymore, like voila, this old thing. I'm pretty sure everyone thinks my era of blogging is over. But I'm the type that just does it whenever I can or feel like it. No matter how random. Time flies so quickly, every year. It's already more than half the year gone and it's not a good sign since I'm the Graduating batch, well sort of, I'm NA so going to Secondary 5 is key. Unless you want a one way ticket to ITE, 'cos you want to or you've lost hope. So you think my motivation to study must've been bubbling, in a cauldron? Not at all. It's been very still. I can't seem to motivate myself. Even in such a conducive environment, all the books right infront of me, na-da. I've been trying my best, like going for study groups. It's an on and off thing. We'll get cracking, then after a while, we've lost focus and start messing around. I'll go home guilty, not confident. Luckily, today was alittle productive. I've managed to do my notes on Nutrients. Don't get me wrong, I am TERRIFIED TO THE BONES that the biggest milestone of my life (for now) is coming up and I'm not doing anything about it. I've really got to do more notes, for all my subjects then try doing my TYS. My cauldron has to start bubbling, somehow... it has to. Like seriously. Anyways, my sleeping routine has vastly changed after the June Holidays. I'd used to sleep exactly at 10pm and be in tip-top shape for school. Though, I'm pretty sure it doesn't make any difference. I still end up sleeping in class. Nowadays, I hit the way like around 12 - 3am ish? And that's on school nights. Just imagine, weekends. Sister has been noticing too, I use in my brother's room to hide away from my folks. I'll sneak back to my room afterwards, waking my sister when the bed sinks as I try to tuck in. She'll ask me what I'm up to, why I've been staying up so late. I reply in silence or say I was watching the television. This makes me yearn for my own room. Gives me more privacy. I never get any here at home, that's why I don't really like going home. No~ I don't hate my family. Okay, maybe just one of them but that's besides the point. I just feel watched all the time at home. I need a break, sometimes I just wish I could earthbend walls around me to get away from it all. I just really wish for my own room, but nobody can get what they want... "Ask and you will receive." I ask everyday.