Friday, September 18, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:59 PM
Moved to
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
1 more day to MY day.
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:41 PM
Days before my birthday and weird things happen. I could make a whole list, but I decided not to. First, was Hafiz's infested bag. I have no idea how his bag had this hideous cockroah and he still could go on and say, "Deimi, look a cockroach."
I almost fell off my chair.
So, apparently, I'm quite scared of his bag. Maybe, he's got like earthworms, beetles and centipedes in there. (heh, sorry Hafiz.)
Okay, I can't tell names but there's this overly-perky chinese teacher that tries to be all strict but fails epicly when she pronounces words wrong. Turtles and tortoises turn to 'terters' and 'totis'. I really had to hold back from laughing or I'll get eaten my terters in the deliquent chamber.
Today, after recess, I was sitting innocently at the hall when Hidayah hollered sarcastically, "Whose birthday is tomorrow ah?" and then everyone started saying my name. I just started looking around acting casual... yeaaaaah. Another one, after school, I was walking along the corridor when Fiona popped out from a wall saying Happy Birthday.
Seriously, that was really shocking! Well kinda funny, at the same time.
In SMART class, I tried hand wrestling with the dudes. They really were strong, but at least I got to hold them for a bit before I actually lose.
Oh there was this bit, in the morning, when I couldn't find my bloody headband and I thought I was late. So I was rushing to school, when I suddenly tripped over this stupid branch. I was furious but tried not to show it infront of those construction workers that rank kinda bad. I'm not being mean or anything, but do you guys ever bathe!? I know you guys have dirty jobs but that doesn't stop anyone from smelling like flowers.
There was times when I'd walk right behind one of them and they smell so bad , I almost thought my nose was going to melt. I. Am. Serious.
I should stop being so mean.
Buh-bye, burrito.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
"I'll be bulletproof."
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:02 PM
My supercalifragilisticexpialidocious party will be supercalifragilisticexpialidocious-ly awesome. Countdown to party: 10 more days.Countdown to birthday: 15 more days.I've been too caught up just daydreaming about how the party would go but as Iskandar say, "I let my work do the talking." and I will do just that. Who knew Iskandar has got some awesome phrases? I do!I just noticed something so weird. I'm like a total robot in the morning. It's like I have this chip in my brain that automatically do the same routine to get me ready for school every morning.My phone alarms at 635am and I snooze it. I wake up at exactly 645am (all the time) and get all my uniform ready. Take a shower. Wear my uniform. Lotion. Wear my socks. Comb my hair. Apply hair leave-in cream. Tie a bun. Drink milo. Brush my teeth. Put my phone into my bag. Wear my shoes. Take a last look at myself. Say goodbye to mom and turn off the lights.
I don't even know why I tell you this, when I know very well that you don't care. But, no, this is my blog. I can rant all I want, maybe like a rash on my bullocks for all I know. (not true) Even my route to school is very straight forward. Until, I reach school. That's when everyone goes haywire and you don't know what to expect. Like maybe tripping over someone's bag. Or, burping out loud. (already happened)This is the story of my sad, sad life. But it won't be for long! 'cause I'mma party all night long for my birthday, baby!Peace out my homedawgs.