Fluorescent Adolescent.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:20 PM
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:26 PM
These past few days, I've been doing nothing but wasting my life away. No, no just kidding, I've been very very busy with our project work. Thursday (tomorrow) will be our presentation in front of the judges and decide whether it's worth it to provide us the money to make our invention. We've been staying in IT Room 3 doing up our boards 'till 6 everyday. When I get home, I'm always ready to hit the hay or call it a day. Smuggled Oheya! chips up to the lab for snackage. Ms Foo left for a meeting, so we took a break and played Y8 cooking games and retarded kissing games. P and I would occasionally swirl around on our computer chairs like douche bags. When we were finally done, we met up with Patrimbo at the hall (she had detention) she was doing her boards too. While waiting for her, we sat with Fadli and Wei Xian (fellow Detentioneers) we fooled around on stage doing so-called splits in the air and random dancing. Bear in mind there were people watching. Then I grabbed Fadli's PSP and we all tried playing Silent Hill. Creepy but cool. Detention was over and had to follow Patrimbo to present in front of the teacher if they're any good. Blabberblabberblabberblabber and crawled back to my cave. (PS: I've got the runny nose! *frowns*)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Hotel 626 is bogus! (Part 2)
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:46 PM
I'll skip right after IPW briefing to P's house. We were planning to play Hotel 626 properly this time. His brother was still playing so we just waited for 6pm even though we know we could change the computer time. P's other brother came home with his friends. While waiting for 6, we watched Jumper and contributed to noise pollution. Finally her brother finished, everyone gathered around the computer to watch Jon (P's other brother) to play Hotel 626. There, I saw a familiar sight. It's the flippin' dark loo! It wasn't that scary anymore because the atmosphere was hilarious. Instead, we kept on laughing and the hideous lady wasn't that scary no more. We went through another level with a child sleeping. We didn't have a mic so we couldn't sing her a lullaby. We just had to get out of the room quietly, Jon wasn't doing a good job (purposely I presume) and then the demon child appeared in front of us! I can't tell you the last part, you're gonna have to play it yourself. All I could say about us was we were bloody noisy, period. Today spells F-U-N.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Hotel 626 is bogus!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:28 PM
I've been made a foolery of. I was tricked into playing a game called Hotel 626. Apparently, "he" said it was a comical game. I tried it out, and had the shock of my life (almost) I now have the heebie-jeebies and my eyes feel cross-eyed somehow. Here's how the horrible game went, I was in a dark loo, with a camera in my hand. I had a hunch I was tricked, it wasn't one of those comical games but the game must go on. In the darkness, I could see something moving. I clicked the camera and it flashed to show a girl in a white dress. I did it for a few times before being frightened to death by her hideous face coming out of the screen after flashing then vanishes. I exited the browser and took a breather. I would never, ever, accept a request to play a game from him again. Not ever. *waterworks* To him: how do you sleep at night?! www.hotel626.com, here you go Charlie my stalking buddy. Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 4:36 PM
journey to the unknown
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 3:29 PM
I'm not about to say this... but I am. I feel like going in my nuddy pants because it's so cluckin' hot. Also my beloved air-con(s) doesn't keep the room as cool as before anymore. I can't sleep and I can't stop myself from sweating so much. Another bath would be righteous. Yesterday Prissy and I "planned" to go out to study but it exploded in pieces when we suddenly just didn't feel like it. So instead we thought of heading to Plaza Singapura instead of Marina Square. We scoured the place. I decided we headed out of the mall and get some fresh air. A gush of wind hit us right after we got out and it felt goooooood. Loud songs were being played because Starhub is having a... well I really don't know, I didn't care I knew the songs. They were all oldies. I bet some of you know Right Round by Flo Rida but I bet a few of you don't know it was originally an oldie song. Had Ice Kacang for snacks. I have to say, it's been a very long time since I had one. We made such a mess all because of Prissy. A bunch of blondies walked by so she said, "Here comes the blondies..." then I exclaimed, "So bad you labe-" then Prissy spit her Ice Kacang and shot out at me like missiles. We left the scene before we're interrogated. There was this tall old ang-moh in front of us sitting. The seat was way to small for him but I was staring at his creepy green eyes. We took off a rocket ship home. (PS: No pictures because my "beloved" sister stole it.)
Friday, April 24, 2009
Nacho Libre!!!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:27 PM
Want to know what's boring? Softball. We had our first actual softball game and I didn't even feel a 'tad bit of excitement. I was the first batter of the game and ran the wrong way! I was suppose to go clockwise *rolls eyes* I had to bat again and ran to the next base. It went on for the past 10 minutes I think then we decided to change places because no one had an "Out" yet... or if that's how you call it. Every base I go to, the catchers would go, "So boring!" and I'll go, "Yeah I know. Look at me, I'm just running around like a total douche." Finally it was the guys turn to do the game and us for assessment. I got to bat both throws. I wonder how much marks I got. Then we had to do the throwing and catching-with-glove fandango. I suddenly didn't feel like eating anything for recess. So I just bought 100plus and shared with P. Headed to the library for MT and I thought I could cool down in there but there had been a flippin' air-conditioner trip. I was sweaty and I couldn't take my nap so instead Patrimbo and I started disturbing Shiddalingeshwar. Oh how I love saying his long name. I drew on his chemmy theory book and hiding his pencil case. I remember the time when he used to sit beside me for Chinese Brush Painting and sing "Pop Goes The Weasel!" again and again. I started out asking him to shut up but then soon, I got used to it and even sang along. I took a big book as a fan and noticed I picked out Asterix and flipped through a bit. School ended, my randomosity was kicking up. I began singing every word I said to Patrimbo. Flew to Woodlands to get 2 free pizzas and to P's house to eat them up. As you all know by now, I have a humongous appetite (for a skinny girl like me). For that, I bought McWings clearly because I know that the pizzas would never be enough. Brother's friends of P's waited for us because P had the key to the house. His friends were gonna take a baseball bat. When we got to the house, everyone couldn't find the bat except for yours truly. When they finally left, we started feasting and watched Nacho Libre. There was this part of the movie that made us laugh like hyeenas. Ignacio (Jack Black) pounced like a cat which looked hilarious! I think we rewinded it for more than 20 times! Then we watched Wipeout (my favourtie game show) and also laughed our bullocks out because we find entertainment in people getting hurt. Don't ask. We started looking through P's photo albums and laughed very loud because of all the hilarious faces/poses and all that. I developed a headache from all those laughing and whatnot. I opened the door to my house and accidently hit my brother's friend who was in front of the door tying his shoelaces... whoops! (PS: Notice how many times we've laughed really hard.)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Number 23
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:54 PM
Greetings loyal dwellers of my blurg. Career day was today, it was awkward to see humanoids wearing formally. Patrimbo and I begged P to eat at BK but she doesn't want to. She wants to eat at Subway AGAIN. I was already getting a 'tad bit tired of subs but we still had to eat there. So the whole time we were ordering I started dissing P for the fun of it. She would stand beside me (since we're ordering) and talk, I would go, "Don't TALK to me, BK hater!" While eating, I would give her the "look" and I so-called whispered to Patrimbo, "What's that THING in front of me?" and we all laughed. I was cracking up a yank of jokes which I can't remember and almost made Patrimbo squirt out her drink. That reminds me of my "french class days" I was the flippin' joker of the group. My laughaholic partner, Andrea would always laugh real hard with my jokes and either, squirt out her food/drink... OR she laughs so hard she accidentally bumps into grumpy old hags. They miss me *grins* I was about to eat my cookie when I noticed there wasn't much chocolate chips in it, I went, "...my cookie is naked!!!" then they started laughing really hard. I didn't think it was funny, my cookie is naked for goodness sake! Flew to P's house and watched the first ep. of Harper's Island and then watched this movie called, The Number 23. Radical but creepy as hell! It's about a guy (Jim Carrey) being obsessed with the number 23. He sees it anywhere, and I mean anywhere. From words, colours, signs, 32 etc. Then... the creepiest of all creepiness was when I was glancing at my watch and then remembered, today was the 23rd! We swear upon our lives than we did not plan to watch 23 today! You think we freaked out? Of course we did, we screamed! My mind started going berserk. The cable had a clock, it showed 17:30. I minused 30 by 17... I got a hackin' 23! No kidding, I swear! All of this is true. We were like lunatics adding up or substracting any numbers we set eyes on to get 23. More encounters: 1. My playlist had 32 songs. (flip it, you get 23) 2. I took a split second glance on my iPod and saw 0.23s of the song playing. 3. 812E (flip the E to the other side, 3) 4. My sister is 23. 5. Reaching home, I checked the watch, 7:20, I told myself, if I reached the house by 7:23, I can freak out. I got home by 7:23. 6. My brother's playlist had 23 songs 7. My brother played a certain song for 23 times (iTunes indicates it) Now do you believe me?... Lunacy at its worst.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Who is the...
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:50 PM
Nous avons eu Food & Nutrition practical examination today. You have no idea how focused and serious-looking I was. There was 2 shifts you see. The first shift does the examination while the other works on this worksheet. Fortunately, I was on the second shift, which practically means to sacrifice our recess for the examination. I was sweating my arse off while kneading the dough. When Ms Linda shouted 5 minutes before baking. I noticed I didn't have a baking tray. I rushed to get my tray to grease and then threw it in the oven for baking. Oo-er! We didn't get to eat at all because we were waiting for the cookies to be done though I was hungry! Also, we had to let her taste our cookies. I gave her my cookies. She said it was baked right and was really tasty! Impressionnant. For phyzzy, I sneak bites of my cookies because I couldn't take the hunger anymore. Mr Lin was being rather dramatic. He told us to come see him at the office if we were ready to "study" and walked off so they had to call him back. Ms Foong didn't come to school... for the first time in the histories of tomorrow! Mr... uhm, what's his name again? came to class to sub geoggers. He started ranting about his "friend" starting off shitty and then being sucessful and happy. In the end, he was talking about himself. I didn't see that coming but, ...he's happy being a PE/subsitute teacher?... SMART class, started asking questions about the class. Questions like: Who is the cutest boy/girl in the class? Who is the most matured boy/girl in class? Who is the flirt in the class? Who is the retarded boy/girl in the class? Who is the nicest boy/girl in the class? Who is the most over-reacting person in the class? Who is the playboy/girl in the class? Who is the weirdest boy/girl in the class? Who is the most vainest boy/girl in the class? & etc. Il était funny! In fact, there was a question like Who has the biggest/flattest boobs in class. No further information. Bad girl Prissy had to go for 3 hours detention for not attending her Red Cross. So yeah, Farah and I ate at BK and then went home with a full tummy. Bumped into my primary school classmate who couldn't stop looking at me. He used to annoy me in class. I texted my mom to buy me my Herbal Essence Dangerously Straight shampoo and she replied the most weirdest message, "ok Dangerously Brigitte." and I was like... (PS: I'm not flat chested, "you know who")
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
the Delinquents
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:01 PM
Pouring this morning. I hate to take the bus in the morning for it's freezing in there but I had no other choice. I missed the bus so I had to wait for another one which took a gazillion years to come!? I was really really really late and started swearing. When the bus finally came, I gave the bus driver the "look" and took a seat. I quickly got off the bus and brisked walk up to the hall. Farah was late too, for a very stupid reason. She was in the loo with Seri wiping their shoes dry and didn't hear the bell. When they left the loo, the anthem just ended. I just stared at her. Unbelievable! So we had to sit right at the back. Surprised no one stopped us on the way and told us we were late. In class, they thought I wasn't coming to school. EL was the worst. Like I told you guys, we ditched the Scrabble competition right? Yeah well, Mrs. P came to school today so yeah, she told the whole group to stand in front of the class and told them about what we did, blahblahblah. Then she told us to go out because she was gonna "talk" to us. She asked us what she should do with us. I said detention but she didn't say anything. We were brought down to Mr Steven Sim but he wasn't harsh. In fact, he just talked to us. We had to write an offense form. Ironic was that we were having fun doing it. We started making stupid jokes like collecting tears into a packet and stapling it on the form showing evidence that we were remorseful. I know, I know but that's how we are. Mr Lin walked by suddenly and tried peeping what we were doing but I said out loud, "E equals MC square!" *pretends to write* I called us, the Delinquents and took the long way back to class. The whole day was a drag. We waited for Patrimbo to finish her Oral while we just "chill" at the canteen until she came. Fadli came with an umbrella and fooled around with it. I called myself Mary Poppins and started "flying" around with an umbrella. She finally came down and so we headed for Subway (eat Fresh!) ... whoa, we eat there a lot but we can't deny good food. Then you know the rest... *walks away*
Monday, April 20, 2009
Tired of love
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:10 PM
I'm getting tired. I'm actually getting over you. Hopefully you would totally disappear. From my mind. Now I know you're a total douche bag, and oblivious. I shall just keep it shushed. Keep it low, like it never happened. I got the message, it was never meant to be. I get it. I shall accept it and move on. So long... Don't even bother.
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:34 PM
Ironic that I'm using my sister's laptop to blog. It doesn't feel right but my brother is using the other computer so what the heck. It was only today that we all found out that there was oral. Today was, how do I say it, uh, average? Above average but below awesome? Whatever. In class, we started talking about the most unusual and disgusting subject. The boys came up with the subject, we just, go with it. Example: Why must girls wear bra? Yeah... now you know? No further questions. The day went by really fast. It's like the start of the first lesson then you blink once and (POOF!) class is over. My sleeping-time (MT class) was interrupted by kilig talk with Patrimbo. Oh kilig? Uh, it's a filipino word which I have no idea how to explain... like a subject that makes you blush, I guess. So I only had about 25 minutes sleep. When class was over, I was still sleepy but it was worth it because I got to know SOMETHING. THINGSOME. I'm register number 4 so it wasn't long before it was my turn to sit and read the story. I think I did fairly good. I got to be a chatter box infront of a teacher. After Oral, I went down to find Patrimbo. We saw this ball on a chair so I ran to play with it. Patrimbo told the others I could make 1, 001 things to do with just a plain ball. I thought of that as a compliment...? I start running around being a hooligan with a flippin' ball. Patrimbo was like, "Do you do that when you're bored?" I replied, "...pretty much." Who knew waiting for Prissy to finish her Oral was tiring. We hanged out with my slapping buddy, and I mean literally my slapping buddy. Everytime we walk by and see each other, we'd just start smacking each other really hard and just laugh about it. We both have the same obession when were Sec 2. McFly! I love Danny Jones. Danny, ...danny the hunkabalooza. I remember having our phone confiscated by the VP because we were too busy oogling pictures of them. Oh how stupid we sounded at Sec 2. Finally Prissy came down, we headed for Subway (eat Fresh!) and just sat there to talk crap. We all walked home together but instead, we chilled at Yishun Park for awhile before leaving. Prissy was at the... what we call the "Roundabout Town" Shuddup, that's how we call it. Deal with it. I spinned her really fast she got dizzy and asked me to stop but I refused. So she attempted to get off but failed. She ended up rolling on the sand. It was le magnifique. Ah... the foursomes united.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Sunday rants?
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 11:45 AM
My dad suddenly came up to me and started mumbling while pointing at his bleeding toe. I just nodded slowly even though I didn't hear a single thing he said. He didn't notice I was hearing earphones. Mhm. That's how my Sunday morning starts. The night before, I watched Paris Hilton's my new BFF. The people there must be total douche bags even being there. During the show, I told my brother, "Who the bloody hell would want to be her best friend!?" and he replied over his PSP, "Obviously them." He's right. Stupid question. Stupid show. But anyway, it's entertainment for me. My favourite would be Onch. Yeah, he's the gay asian but he's like so awesome. My sister came back from a party saying she was "drunk" but my brother and I just ignored her. The bad thing about having a telly in the room is the arguement on who'd be turning the telly off. Obviously the one who wants to watch the show longer right? Yeah well we love to argue (well mostly my older siblings) Finally, my brother just gave in and turned the telly off. He called us lazy monkeys. I just chuckled under my covers. The season is getting on my nerves. I can never get enough sleep because my brother is an early bird, even on weekends and when he does wake up, I have no idea why, but he would pinch my nose (even when I'm still asleep). Every weekend mornings! He's been doing this since I was young, he would play with my nose. Yeah, he loves my nose. He said it's cute and not oily and whatnot like my sister's *chuckles* Well I'm getting older, you see. So it's getting rather annoying and I even got used to it. Like this: I hear him waking up then before he even pinches my nose, I would smack his hand away and he would go, "Why...!?!?!?!" or "How'd you know I was gonna pinch you?" Hold on, why am I telling you guys this...? Oh yeah, I'm ranting. Okay, you can go now. Shoo!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
17 again!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:19 PM
"Guilt trip alert! Abort, abort! I repeat, abort!!!"The reason for my guilt trip is exactly because everyone in my Scrabble group didn't want to go for the competition. As such meaning, we'll be disqualified from the game. I'm pretty sure Mrs P is very disappointed of us. I really didn't plan on being in the competition anyway so yeah. I'm way too exhausted to wake up at 6 on a Saturday. Prissy texted me at around 6 30 in the morning to ask if it was confirmed, she disturbed my sleep but that's alright. Instead we planned to watch 17 again and we took the earliest time slot since Prissy has a dinner at 3 30 (yeah I know right!?) The movie was at 11 50. I rushed my breakfast and ran out the house. I was kinda late. When I saw her at the theatre, I pounced on her like a hungry tiger (chuckles) and we bought the tickets. We had some time so we just wondered around until 11 40. The movie was really funny. I lost one of the earrings I was wearing! Bloody bloody bloody hell! We traced our footsteps but couldn't find it which only means that it dropped in the theatres, ...fishpaste! We walked to Yishun Park and then she got a call from her brother that we were leaving so we said au revoir and made my way home. Curse you hot season!
Friday, April 17, 2009
random pictures of 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:58 PM
Random pictures of last year. Oh boy!![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Mr. M
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:12 PM
I will miss Mr. M I will miss his criticism. I will miss his bald egg head. I will miss his M-shaped buzz cut. I will miss his twiggies. I will miss his senseless humour. I will miss annoying him. I will miss his sarcasm. I will miss his insults. I will miss his swearing/curses. (PS: I still don't forgive him for poking me with a bobby pin.)
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:39 PM
First time ever on school mornings of mine have I sweat so much today. Mostly because my dad woke me up late that made me rush everything. I even gulped down on one go, a cup of warm Milo. Prissy introduced us to the most boring game known to planet Earth (chuckles), she calls it the "Finger Game" I will never, never in a million years will get the plot of the game. She keeps on telling me to just try it once but I'd rather eat my head off. Softball under the blazing sun. When it was my turn to catch the softball with the glove, I was excited. I liked it. I was really ecstatic when Prissy threw rather high and I jumped to catch the ball and I did it! It had this great feeling in the end. Batting, batting, catching, catching, sweating, sweating. That was pretty much it. We were gonna play an actual game next week. I so didn't feel like doin 2.4 today but what can I do? Lunched at NP and took the bus back to school. On the bus, I was kinda sleepy so I slouched the ride to school. We had so much time so Prissy and I just fooled around at the Fitness Corner or whatever its called. We attempted doing pull-ups and whatnot. I was about to jump for the highest bar when Prissy was doing the same, so she pushed me and I fell to the ground and just laughed it off. Blahblahblah, run, run, pant, wheeze, run, run. I was all sweaty and red-faced when I finsihed. When we reached school we just sat down and took a long rest. I drank tons of water. I got home and just threw myself on my bed and slept like a pig.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Noh genderé
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:38 PM
I didn't get to blog yesterday, no thanks to my brother. I can't even remember what happened yesterday. The only highlight of yesterday was the drawing of our new found friend, Noh Genderé. A picture of him, at the bottom of this post. So I'll just rant about today. I had excruciating cramps today because I just had my red light/strawberry juice (find out yourself). I was groaning the whole day because it really really hurts. I felt like just stabbing myself to death. No kidding. We got to cook spaghetti for FNN. I really simple dish. Mind you, I still had death cramps. Farah, my so-called shifu for this kind of problems told me that I should avoid drinking cold beverages and I went, "Nooooooo!" but I just gave in to the idea, anything to get rid of the pain. Nope, nothing happened. After doing the phyzzy test, I just took a nap. I got woken up by a paper ball from Alfeeq so we passed up our papers. (groans) the pain, the horror! Then the thing I despise the most about having the "red light" is... when... (grumbles) my skirt gets stained. My shifu was there to the rescue. I am so grateful that our school skirt is navy blue. It is really hard to ignore the cramps, so people would notice and ask. Azfar and Irzaq knew and there were not much help... at first. They were being cocky dorks as usual asking me how to feels etc. I don't even want to tell you guys the others they said. Boobs! I told them they shouldn't know anything about "this" but Azfar got all lecture(ish) saying that its the way of life, they must know, blahblahblah. Suddenly, Azfar sang Just Dance in a very very funny way that made me laugh really hard. I even forgot about my cramps. Not only that, he sexually abused my table. Even Zhenping was there, she's a witness! He even licked/sucked his finger and wiped it on my blouse. He poked my sides, which hurt. They self-praised themselves saying if they joke around, my cramps don't get any worse. I have to agree. Unfortunately. Oh well, at least they helped. Thanks a gazillion, guys. I was getting worried because we're having Naptha Test right after school and I have cramps but I said, I'll just go with the flow. It was rather... fun. I had so much fun doing the guy's pull-up thing. I managed to do 2! ...okay with the help of Prissy. It went like this, ... I jump to grab hold of the bar and Prissy pushes me up and down while I went, "Oh yeaaah!!! That's how you do it!" and laughed our pants off. I passed all the stations, oo-er! I think I embarrased myself, I was dancing hysterically and I saw someone look at me and smile. Prissy and I did another round of hysterical dancing on the bus while listening to a funny song. For a hard day's work, we ate at Subway (eat Fresh!) and talked about all kinds of stuff and laughed about it. Then again, Farah bought Whipped Cream. We all walked home from Northpoint. Prissy and I stayed at Yishun Park to just chill. We talked then we moved to sit at the Spinning circle. A little boy came and spinned us around continuously. He seemed to be very amused at us getting all dizzy. He finally stopped the thing from spinning and smiled widely. He had no front teeth, how adorable! I rode on the "Space Ship" and Prissy said I looked like a kid. Then... I flew home in my super duper awesome space ship. Gird your loins. It's Noh Genderé! (... and me)
Monday, April 13, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:46 PM
The night before, I was thinking whether to ditch school or not. I was scared I would miss something important or fun. Yeah, I was right. Today we were getting our NRIC! We had to do a simple ceremony, name called, shake Mrs Low hands and then they bestow you your card. When my name was called, I got up, shook the Principal's hand and she asked, "Is Deimi your name?" I nodded (she hands the card), she said, "Adulthood..." WHAT? After the ceremony, Mr Azlan showed us a picture of a real NRIC of a Javanese guy and his name is super comical, "Batman Bin Suparman" It ain't no joke, it's a legitimate NRIC. Blimey. I don't like remembering what happened in EBS but I'll tell you douche bags. We got in late, and it was a bloody routine of mine to automatically on the computer. I didn't know we weren't suppose to on it and Prissy was too late to tell me not to and the bloody teacher practically screamed at me "Don't bother on-ing the computer!" like very bloody loud. I felt like shouting that I didn't even know, he could have told me properly because I just got in, I felt like swearing and cursing but I restrained myself. I was so angry I didn't pay attention to his boring lesson. He's been very unreasonably angry nowadays, ... what's with him? I'm starting to hate him. He once talked to us like normal people telling us what was boring about his class and should be honest. So I honestly told him he shouts too much and the class is dead boring. He said he would make all those changes, but I don't see a thing that changed. I knew it was too good to be true. I was rather engaged in today's math period. Oh and have I told you I'll be competing in this year's Scrabble Competition fandango. I so did not plan to be in the competition, my teacher just picked us up to go for it. I don't want to go, we'd probably lose. I don't mind. After school, Prissy had to go her CLB test at the canteen and I pretended to read in Chinese. I sounded terrible. After that, we headed to NP to eat Subway (eat Fresh!) without Patrimbo. She was tired, I saw her took a nap in the bus. Farah, unbelievably, bought Whipped Cream!!! She sprayed whipped cream on her cookie. I asked if she could put mine too because it looked awesome. There was this dad and son seating across us, talking and laughing about Farah's whipped cream. They must be jealous because no one can resist whipped cream on cookie. Then something stupid happened, I spilled my Iced Lemon Tea. Can you believe that? I wet my skirt and a bit of my bag. She wiped up a bit then made a dash for it. In Prissy's house, her brother was home again. Farah agreed to a dare last week that we could spread all kinds of sauces on her face, so we did, we had honey mustard, chilli, ketchup and whipped cream! Before putting it all on her face, I said, "Time to meet your makers!" and made a mess. She kept on screeching and shaking around making a ton of mess, it's like trying to bathe a cat. Then we told her to show Prissy's brother. She just ran to the sink and we took a memorial picture! I can't upload it, it's confidential. It's for our entertainment only, you should've been there, losers. She washed off while Prissy and I ran back to the room to hide and scare her. It didn't work! Then we all lazed on her bed and dozed off until 6 to head home. Badabingbangboom!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Baking is f-u-n
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 3:10 PM
I made cream puffs and chocolate muffins with my mommy! Le magnifique. I was too busy baking that I didn't get to reply to Prissy's message if I was free to go out. Besides, its about to rain. I don't like going out when its raining. I let my family try my cream puffs and they all loved it. I didn't get to take pictures, it was all gobbed down by my family, maybe next time. The custard was delish. Even my discriminating-taste sister. I am having a really hard time blogging right now. It's all because of my annoying older brother. I don't know why but he keeps sneaking up behind me and scaring me. He may be bored. He scared me once but that was the farthest he can get. Other times, I would turn around and tell him to get lost. My sister is the easiest target. She has an attention span of a squirrel (sound familiar?) Even if you wave at her and say you're about to scare her, I have no bloody idea why she could still get all jumped up when you scare her. I had enough of my brother's foolish games so I took a two pillows and whacked him simultaneously and said, "Stop it! I had enough!" He shouted, "Abusive sister!" and my sister said we were childish. I feel like whacking my brother some more...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Speech day/Spasm Day
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:58 PM
Northbrook's 10th Annual Speech day! (and also the opening of the new Multi-purpose hall) Surprised someone living at Jurong can reach Northpoint earlier than someone living in Khatib. I was referring to Irzaq and Prissy. Planned to meet up at Mcdoodles at 8 for breakfast with Irzaq and Prissy before going to school. Prissy was late, don't need to know why, don't even remember why she was. Prissy and I shared hotcakes because somehow, we didn't feel that hungry. Irzaq ordered Sausage McMuffin or something like that. Ramdan and Sebastian were there too. Oh and a couple of brooksians we don't know. Half way eating, I saw Indra walk by Mcdoodles so Irzaq caught up with him (eating his hashbrown at the same time) and told him to go with us. So I did my usual routine. I warned Irzaq before proceeding. I mixed butter with syrup and stirred. He dared me to taste it, and I did and it was, terrible. Still, that doesn't stop me from doing it. So we left at 8 30. We weren't late, thank goodness. Prissy and I went to the toilet and then by the time we went back to 1I classroom, the teacher was already there. Oh marv, my MT teacher. Then the student helpers or whatchamacallit came in. We were given funny tasting donuts. I took the pass to the toilet again, since we can't go to the loo later on at the Prize-giving ceremony. Finally we went to the hall, and waited for 5 years and watched the Parade from a live video. The GOH and parents came to the hall, blahblah school anthem, emcees ranting about noses (kidding) I got bored so I started bothering my dearest Prissy. I just made a joke. The guests were on fire. But now they're distinguished guests! (laughs then snorts) Uh, anyway there were Guzheng, choir, band, and dance performance. Then we were finally released, at the canteen waiting for it to be 2pm (student meal at Subway, douche bags) Prissy started talking about the movie, Vacancy. She started out by telling us that the 2 main characters were driving then they hit a raccoon. Then I started to have a spasm attack when Prissy would say something, I would add in a raccoon, Prissy said, "They were at the gas station then there was a-" and I would interrupt by saying, "RACCOON!" and had a laughing fit. She said that they were trying to get killed by someone. So I said, "Must be the RACCOON. They knocked him out so he wants revenge (imitates a zombie raccoon)" Hohoho! I continued, "Might as well call it the "Raccooncy/Raccoon" and laughed with Patrimbo then Prissy shouted, "THERE IS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACCOONS IN THE MOVIE!!!" then I laughed and snorted. Nowadays I snort when I laugh, I think I'm becoming a nutcase. I had Cold Cut Trio at Subway, ohhhhh, I love it there. The food, the cookies and refills. While we were there, I told Patrimbo and Prissy about my brother last night. We were watching MTV in the room then they played Jai Ho by Pussycat dolls. My brother didn't like their version of the song so he mocked them and sang, "Jai whore!" I laughed my pants off in bed before falling asleep. I went to Prissy's house. I got hungry again so we cooked noodles. Slacked and then I had a sugar rush. So I rummaged through her closet and saw her mom's jimjam pants and wore it above my waist and we laughed very hard. Je suis retard. I pranced around like an idiot. Soon I was to be "serious" because I had to help her choose something to wear later on, she was going out. We finally did and met her dad at Khatib Central to ask for money. Interchange, bus, home. Le magnifique.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
caterpillar incident!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:38 PM
I was told there was an F&N test only this morning, making me go, "Oh my god!?" at the hall. Then being told that there was a chemmy-B test too, making me go, "(grumbling) what the HELL!?" They slipped out my mind! Bloooody fishpaste. Luckily, we were allowed to revise during IPW since we practically did everything. The test wasn't so bad. Praaaaawns, I love praaaaawns. Oooops, spaz attack. Anyway, we had phyzzy at the phyzzy lab. We had to make the ruler balance using the metal thingamajig. Very boring. SMART class was awesome. It was really fun fooling around with Pree, Aza, Azfar, Alfeeq, Ayuni, Fairoz and Patrimbo (she stayed for a few minutes). No teacher came in to teach so we just stayed in class and goofed around. Fairoz abused most of us with his supply of black thread. He would wound it up around you and snap it before it strangles you. He did it to me a couple of times, on my head, my arm, my neck and would only hurt only for a milisecond. It sounds painful because it makes a loud snap, but it really isn't. Ayuni, Aza and Fairoz ganged up on me and tied me around on my waist with the thread. Luckily, I got out in time before they pull me around like a pet. Then came jokes. All kinds of jokes. Then I showed them the reflexes thing. Where I hit you somewhere on the knee, and your leg would just kick up without you doing anything. It didn't work on Fairoz, Ayuni and Pree. It only worked on Aza and we laughed our knickers off because it looks funny when her leg suddenly kicks up just like that. You would feel a tingly sensation if you were in Aza's position. Then we left at 2 50 since no one was here taking attendance, no point staying until 3. We all left while Azfar stayed in school. The lovebirds (Aza and Alfeeq) walked with Patrimbo and the rest of us took the bus. It was my first time eating in Subway with Pree and it was awesome. I had a free cookie, and an awesome Pizza sub. We walked to Yishun Park to chill for a few minutes. We sat on the spinning round thingy and just talked. No one was on the swing so we ran there. Something terribly funny happened, I saw this green thing on Pree's blouse. So I told her to get it off. I thought it was a leaf, mind you. Then she was about grabbed it when suddenly she jumped out of her swing and screamed, swiping it of her blouse. I had no idea it was a caterpillar, and when I did. I laughed so hard, my stomach ached like billio! You should've seen it, really. Then we finally decided to go home. Vis a vis.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
hotdog RIP critter
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:45 PM
I gave Patrimbo a warm hug when I reached the hall. She brought bubble gum and smidgets (donut in a ball shape) Pree didn't come, again, on Tuesday, go figure. My SS teacher may be a spaz. Everytime he calls my name, he says it in a high-pitched tone (trying to make it sound girlish) like this morning in class, everyone was already standing up except for me, he went "Daaaaaymi." and I gave him the look and stood up. For EL, Mr Azlan came and took over. He's not bad, rather funny. We did this mind map thing and I had fun (and to think Aza and I used to hate him). I just noticed how loud the MT teacher's voice is. I got to sleep, before waking up a few minutes before class ends and I couldn't go back to sleep since the teacher was really loud and she wasn't scolding anyone, she was talking by her so-called normal voice. Just like Farah. She has a really sharp voice that I could tolerate later in the morning till the whole day but not in the morning. In the morning, I'd like a peace and quiet but that would change when Farah talks really loud, even in the morning. Making me really grumpy but I still love her, her birthday is coming up this friday, yes, the same day as Good Friday. I may just go vegetarian for a day. Sacré bleu and merde, we haven't returned our library books and its due. I didn't go for my bloody CCA today, Patrimbo has choir and Pree didn't come to school, which leaves me to go alone. And the verdict is, I will not go. So hoppidy hop to Pree's house. I texted-eth Pree-eth that-eth I'm coming-eth. Then some ballistimuscus happened, she told me dearest Hotdog had just passed away, which made me gasp out loud in the bus, I was too shocked to even care what the people thought about me gasping. I bought comfort food (seaweed) and brought it to her house. It was sad to see no critter in the cage, ... downright sad. We just slouched on the couch (hey! it rhymes) and watched all kinds of shows while carpenters and whatnot walk by us, I have no idea what's going on, I didn't get to ask. Then the brothers came and we left to go to Northpoint to eat dinner. Now my dad told me to eat and told him I'm already full and he said its all because I just wanted to play the computer, and so I shouted that I already said I ate dinner outside and whispered to myself, "You stupid dad." This is my everyday drama of home "sweet" home. My shitass dad contributes a lot to the drama. I hate him. Period. Now shoo, you midgets.
Monday, April 6, 2009
dont trip chocolate chip
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:14 PM
Nothing much today. The only funny as hell part was after recess when Pree and I starting impersonating each other. I did a really good job that we laughed until our tummy hurt. I even did Hafiz and said, "Don't trip chocolate chip!", his so-called line. Ditched the class to go to the library on MT. Pree sat with the CLB students while I disturbed Shiddhu. I kept on telling that the librarian is his aunty and she's here to look after him for his mom. The librarian is really weird, she would rub her chin and just stare out of space, like she's thinking really really hard. Shiddhu thinks I'm weird because of my choice of books. After I read one book, I'll go find another one. I took cook books, Dracula related book, Rodents and Reptiles. I saw this hideous reptile and said it was him. Then, I talked about Bangladesh. I said he originates from Bangladesh, he said "I'm from India. Bangladesh is where the librarian is from." He was doing his A Math homework and he suddenly erased everything he wrote so I called him retarded. Blimey. MT was over, so we headed back. I called over Shiddhu, "Let's go back to Bangladesh!" and told his friend I'm crazy. After school, went to the computer lab to email the proposal write-up for IPW. It ended up that someone had the same idea as ours, ...awkward. We watched the UGs marching rehearsal for Speech Day before being kicked out of school (don't ask) so we feasted at LJS and then walked home with Pree. Bloody bloody hell, there's flippin' CCA tomorrow.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:18 PM
Childhood days. ![]() ![]()
Saturday, April 4, 2009
BBQ Chicken
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:06 PM
Mooched around at home until my mom called to eat at Northpoint since she had just finished her massage. We ate at BBQ Chicken. I was really disappointed because, okay don't get me wrong, my Jerk BBQ was awesome but it took them like 20 minutes to get our orders. My sister hasn't got her order yet when my dad, me and mom were almost finished. Very disappointed, the food was awesome but really bad service. My mom was so pissed off she complained out loud to the waitress and she was like, "I'm so sorry, sooo sorry. I'll try getting your order." Then we went to the Renting machine for movies. We rented this adult movie that I can't watch, and Wild Child. There should be another movie, Lars and the Real Girl but this bogus machine got the movie stuck so my mom had to call the helpline again. I kicked the machine and said, "What a rip-off!" and then my mom told me to keep it down. In the bus, a bunch of thailanders boarded and sat infront of me and my sister. They LOOK like drunkards, they SMELL like drunkards. I almost got a headache from their strong smell of beer. One convinced me that he was a faggot when he laid his head on his drunkard buddy's shoulder. They sicken me, so I just looked out the window the whole time. The convenience store owner near my block are thailanders so thailand workers would chillax near the store and drink beer and eat peanuts. They would sit under the block to laugh and be drunk. That's why I hate going home late at night, there would be a yank of them and they would stare so I would walk really fast. Go figure!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Free pizza!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:15 PM
Today was uber okay. Weird looking old lady came and took over our english lesson. She does not, and I mean really, does not look like a teacher. She looks like... (no offence) those old ladies who gossip at hawker centres, okay there I said it! PE was kinda fun. I don't really dig softball but I try to like it. I bet you guys would like to hear this. We had to do the same thing we did last week, the catching-your-partner-by-touching-them-with-the-ball fandango. Well, instead of it being partners, it was against Blue and Yellow with Green and Red. So the Blues were the catcher. Everyone was scattered around chasing people and I saw Indra, so I ran and tagged him and the teacher blew the whistle. Then we had to change positions so Pree and I spreaded out really far away from the catchers but they found us anyway so we splitted up, then, well Indra came running to me and said, "This is pay-back!" and I was like, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" running around like a loon. The tragic thing happened, I collided with Irzaq, mind you he's a really tall guy. So I collided and we both fell to the ground. I fell face down to the ground and hurt my elbow and knee but I didn't say anything. People were like asking if I was fine so I just lied and said I was A-okay. Irzaq said sorry but I really didn't think it was anyone's fault but Indra's... okay I was joking, it was no one's fault. All in all, the falling fandango was awesome! Yes, awesome. It was exhilarating. Okay so when we did simple throwing back and forth to partners, Pree and I made all kinds of stupid ways to throw. I did the under the leg throw and some other techniques that you might think I'm retarded. We got to wear the gloves and tried catching the ball. It was hard, but I managed to catch the softball that two times, Pree threw kinda high, ...I jumped for it, mind you! I took off the glove and there it was, orange hands. Stupid bloody glove. Then came the bating techniques, we had to use our hands as a bat. I think I made it into badminton because I used my palm. We finally got to use the actual bat and got to bat for a few minutes before we were whistled to assemble back and then came recess. Blahblahblah slept in the library and then Pree and I took the bus to Woodlands because... ... I'm gonna redeem a free pizza at Pizza Hut! Did you know we thought we were lost when we took the bus? Well we did think so, but instead of panicking, we laughed it off, that's our way of panic but have no fear, we were never lost! We redeemed the pizza, dropped off at Khatib and bought Mcwings and a McChicken for Pree. Whaaat? The pizza isn't enough for my big big big appetite. We pigged out in her room and you will not believe this, after eating McWings and pizza... I wanted to cook noodles because it wasn't enough. Eh... heheh... I told you my appetite is ginormous, I even ate seaweed after that. I'm an eating machine, everyone. After the Simpsons, I went home all fulfilling. Telly ho!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
cyclops sketch
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:12 PM
Thursdays are the longest day of the week. Yanks of one period subjects, that means more textbooks to burden and then CDP after school. Today was alright, despite being the longest day of the week. For FNN, we stayed at the computer lab for a period finding out how much energy we get from the food we ate the day before, girls on my age need to get 2150 kcal of energy and if I get more energy than that, I am eating right. If not, I have to start eating more, of course healthy food. We had to go back to class to be babysat by Mdm Gan but she told us to stay in 3F classroom so we just slacked there. I was tracing our Fashion Design sketch when suddenly Fairoz wanted to draw for us. After drawing (not letting us see at first), he doodled a cyclops! It was comical. I couldn't help notice this old dude wearing a sailor outfit with a goatee at the bulletin board, I think he was hot. Moving on, we stayed at the canteen eating chips, waffles, and nabbing my evil twinny (teesha) and erra's fruits. How could you, teesh, honeydew is awesome! 2 30, we headed for the Needlework room. It was our second last session so we really had to rush on our outfits. Sewing here, ironing there, stitching here, measuring there, drawing here, snippin- okay you get the point! I pricked myself with the bobby pins, this wasn't the first time. Yesterday night I was packing the materials into my back, I pricked myself with one of the bobby pins holding the material, bloody bloody hell. From the window's view, you could see the Netball tournament going on, it was going really well. They were against First Toa Payoh Secondary. Mr. M came again, and of course he's daily routine... ... to nag and be annoying. He is very very very amusing though! I sure would miss him once CDP is over for good. I could be retarded infront of him and he would go, with his million dollar expressions, "Why am I here? How did I get into this mess?" and nods his head as if disappointed... psh! I was so bored, I saw bobby pins stuck on the bulletin board so I arranged them in a line and colour combination. After I was done, I turned around and he was staring and I went, "Whaaaat?" then he nodded and put his hand to his forehead, what a drama queen! He left early because he wasn't feeling well, I bet it was an excuse to get away from us, who knows. Anyway, he was carrying this blue Adidas shoulder bag, it was ginormous as a hippo! I went, "Is that YOUR bag!?" and his response was, "Uh no, it's my grandma's." and walked away. That sarcastic baldy! After CDP, we stayed to watch the tournament! We won, won, won, won. Had grub at Mcdoodles and then hoooooooooooooome, home on the range, where the deer and the antelopes play~
EBS 101
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:04 AM
I am in EBS class right now. I have no idea why, but I just have the trip to blog. Priscilla is looking at me, I think she's a busybody. Yes, she looked away! I applied the same randomosity to my class blog to my own. Who knew? We just finished this Survey Pie Chart shit and now we are taskless. From my view, I can see yanks of people not even doing anything but surfing the net. Oh how the world changes. (What the hell am I ranting about?) Farah is beside me writing a post for our class blog, it has yanks of "....." at the end of each sentence. Maybe I should do that too.... its really fun.... and excited.... (...) okay maybe not. She spelt boring as BOWIN'!!! Holy mama le crappe, its hilarious. She said I was making fun of her, well that took her a while. I just asked my teacher what to do with this other survey and now I'm done and free to do as I please. Iskandar is behind me trying to read my post, I wonder when he would go away. He's still reading and he moved my chair. Yes, success, he's gone... crap, Azfar came with him. Okay, they're gone. I just noticed something, I didn't make paragraphs today, oh well. Priscilla looks bored, maybe she should post something or whatsit. Oh she just said something that I'm too lazy to put down. (chuckles) This has been a really long crappy post, but who gives a cheesecake. I just finished looking around, everyone is bored. Oh crude oil, my stomach just growled and no one heard it so I'm safe. Oh and did I tell you there's CDP today, it gets really complicating now, we haven't sown the top and skirt together. We are dead humanoids. I plan to ditch it but I can't, so... TO HELL WITH CDP. I am really, really, really, really hungry. My brain fuel is finishing up, I'll stop here.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:49 PM
Don't mind me if I didn't entertain you or I just didn't talk much (unless you didn't notice). Clueless as you are, you'll never know how I'm feeling. I am going to erase everything from my mind about you. I may look happy to you, but since you're clueless, you think I really am happy but no, you don't notice anything. So let's leave it like that. Goodbye.
Happy April Fools'!!!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:12 PM
Happy April Fools' day, douche bags! Got fooled lately? I hope so. I shall update you about class. Hafiz verbally abuses us by calling us bitches and every sentence he says to us always includes bitches. Hafiz, if you're reading this, ... BITCH!!! Oh yes, I wanted to get into his little "games" so I shouted really loud at his face, "Bitch!!!" and played along with his "That's a bitchy move." or the *cough* "Sorry, I'm allergic to bullshit." SMART was the best time to fool people. And almost forgetting, today's assembly was another session of gloating from Mr DLee. It lifted people's spirits but I'm not sure gloating is nice. I told Pree that there was trash on the floor and she should pick it up. She didn't want to because she thinks I was fooling her... but really there was. So I picked it up and threw it to her. We did all kinds of stupid pranks that either didn't work or was just plain stupid. Oh by the way, geoggers was hella boring. I was having a hard time trying to stay awake because my eyes were getting really heavy and I really wanted to sleep but I mustn't or you-know-who will come devour me. I haven't fooled Pree yet so I did the simple one. It went like this: (looks up at the ceiling, trying to looked shocked) (Pree looks up too) "April Fools'!!!" followed by the laughter and drops to the floor for another laughing marathon. After SMART, I fooled Shu Yi. It went like this: "What's that?" (points at her shoe, ...Shu Yi looks down), "April Fools'!!!" together with Daymi's long lasting hyeena laugh. I was welcomed by Shu Yi's smack ...BUT it was worth it. I did the same thing to Patrimbo, ah... glory to April Fools'. We headed to Northpoint to eat at Subway but it was full (chuckles) so we ate at KFC instead. Patrimbo is going to the Phillys tomorrow until Sunday for her YFC fandango so she wanted us to follow her buy a top for later's trip (her flight is midnight) It was some tiring shit for we had to walk back and forth from the old building to the new one for Patrimbo to decide what to buy. I was so spazzy that I kept on giving her crappy and ginormous tops. She FINALLY found something nice at OP. We went down to Subway to buy chocolate chip cookies, they are psychedelic! We were all pooped out by the top-hunting for Patrimbo so we decided to go home. My shoulders are aching. (PS: The douche bags I attempted to fool were 1. Priscilla 2. Patrimbo 3. Farah 4. Ayuni 5. ShuYi 6. Indra 7. Syaz ) |