Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Phantom of the... (snores)
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:21 PM
I have a bloody ulcer! Today was going smoothly until recess time when I was innocently eating my pizza... I bit my lip, or shall I say, my ULCER!!! Sacré bleu and bloody bloody merde! It hurt like billio, I wanted to scream. Of course I didn't. Instead, I whimpered and stomped my feet while my friends just watch me break into tiny little pieces. After that fandango, my lip started bleeding a bit. I took a nap on MT. Oh I forgot tell you, Pree didn't come to school today.So I was with my other compadre, Farah. That retard! Have I told you that Mr Lin makes me laugh like a hyeena? I would laugh at any of his mishap or when he looks so serious. I don't know why. I skipped my boring CCA again today. I just hate it, I try to come but its really not my thing. I'm so sorry. So Farah and I visited Pree.She was not bloody sick, she just didnt "feel" like going to school. So I pounced on her and tackled her to the ground (true story) and asked for noodles. We watched The Phantom of the Opera for a few minutes before getting bored.The movie had a lot of those talking kind-of-singing so after getting bored, we started singing for every sentence we say and would end up in laughter. I even did the long opera "Ahhhh....!" which made me laugh until my stomach hurt.Then we went into the room for aircon and watched Definitely, Maybe. After wards, I wanted to go home so I flew home. (PS: I shall move on. I shall move on. I hate you. I mean, I shall move on.)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Earth Hour
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:32 AM
Earth Hour was last night and I have to say, it was way more peaceful when the lights are off. I looked out the window and saw houses still with their lights on. Its either they don't watch telly/listen to radio or they really don't care about mother Earth. They shouldn't be living here then. I suggest Pluto or something.

Friday, March 27, 2009
retarded friday
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:07 PM
Today went by really fast. We practiced playing with the so-called "soft" ball. I wasn't ready when Ayuni threw the ball at me. Unlucky enough, it hit directly on my head. It hurted like billio but it was fun.
Before that, we were to run around chasing our partner with the ball. The one holding the ball after a minute has to do 5-10 jumping jacks. I didn't do any, yes, yes and double yes! I was exhausted that I gulped down a cup of milo and it won't still be enough.
In the bus on the way to Northpoint, this guy behind me smelt so bad I wanted to cry but I held back my tears. Has he ever heard of deodorant or soap? I guess not. Pree and I ate BurgerK and did the "Would you rather..." and "What If..." game.
I think we were the only loons laughing really loud. Oh well! (shrugs) I bought a gazillion licorice to bring to Pree's house. His brother was home, so was his dad. Then this very very very very VERY funny thing happened but I can't tell you or I'll get duffing up (beaten up) by Pree.
I laughed so hard, my stomach hurt and I dropped on the floor. I would stop for a few seconds but then end up starting with "Pfft!" then comes another round of laughing. I remember a time when I laughed so hard until my stomach ached, it was on IPW, all because of me doodling something so hilarious... about pooping techniques (don't ask)
So I cooked up noodles with her because I was hungry again. Yes, we know I just ate BurgerK but I got hungry again. Deal with it! I told you I'm an eating machine. Even Pree couldn't believe that I could get hungry right away but now she's getting used to it.
We watched The Dukes of Hazards, Wipeout, El Tigre and the Simpsons etc. We ate licorice, watched telly and did crazy things. Pree wrapped herself with her blanket (the aircon would always be on) and she said she was in a "cult" and stood at the corner. I walked up to her when she suddenly pounced on me and covered me in her blanket.
I opened the door and pushed her out the door (she was in her blanket again) and I locked her out and the blanket got stuck in between the door, making her slip and fall. Laughathon, I guess!
I finally let her in and we watched telly again. Then I wanted to go back to my humble abode. Ah... another retarded day.
(PS: Earth Hour is tomorrow and you know what that means. Oh yes you do, off your lights for an hour tomorrow at 8.30pm! I'll duff you up if you don't. Read it, memorize it, EAT it.)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:06 PM
I got a major rash on my hand. I've been crying truckloads that my eye got all puffy. I have yet to wash yesterday's dishes. I've got a test about Waterfalls tomorrow. House Practice at bloody 4 in the arvo (afternoon). I'm always almost late for school. I can't wait for P.E on Friday etc etc etc.All aboard the Daymi Train. Chugga chugga chu chu!(Please mind my spasmosity and randomosity.)Random dancing:
Stomp, stomp, shakes fanny. Sways to the right, sways to the left.Disco inferno, stomp left leg, stomp right leg, the Can-can.Stomp, stomp, shakes fanny.This is le crap.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:15 PM
Just a message to everyone.
I just want to get things straight. Do not, and I mean, do not label anyone unless you know them and they really are how you label them. If it was just a what-you-saw kind of thing, don't come to your stupid conclusions that he/she is this or that. Get to know them, maybe you were wrong. Get that in your brains, you mofobrailes. You too don't want me labelling you, right? Don't be dumb.
Woodlands lib w/ Iskandar and Azfar
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:31 PM
Was late to meet Azfar and Iskandar at Woodlands Library because Pree had forgotten that we were going out today so I had to wait for her and it was already 2+ when we were suppose to meet at 1. She bought seaweed! I just got her addicted to it...
... and to think she used to look at me as if I was a loon having cravings for seaweed everyday. We headed for Woodlands library. It was raining and I was wearing my slippery flip flop (oh marvy!) so I looked like a freak walking slowly.
The guys said they were in the toilet and asked us to find a place to sit. It took us quite some time because everyone took the best place. Finally the guys came... who knows what they did in the toilet. I found this comic book on the floor, very interesting.
We didn't really study much and mostly talked crap and then suddenly Azfar starting "rapping" It all rhymed, it didn't make sense but it was funny. There's one that went, "Why do you look so tired? Is it because your parents got fired?" or something like that. Then there was more. Iskandar joined the "rapping" champaign.
Pree couldn't hear what Azfar and Iskandar because they were somewhat whispering. Azfar said because we were in a library, ... he made a point there.
Then exactly (Azfar frequently checked his watch) 4 30, we "ciao-ed" On the way down from the escalator, Azfar and Iskandar started "rapping" again. Said goodbye to Azfar because he was taking the bus and so me, Pree and Iskandar took the train back to Yishun. The whole time in the train, we were memorizing phone numbers, Iskandar talking louder for Pree to hear and crapping around.
We split with Iskandar and so we headed to KFC to eat snacks. We talked about a lot of things, and the most interesting would be about ghosts and nightmares, too engrossed in the subject that we stayed there for a really long time. We bought Subway cookies and walked to Yishun Park to chat alittle more before heading home. SHABAAAAAM!!!
Friday, March 20, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 1:24 PM
Yesterday, rollerbladed with Pree. After rolling and blading, we headed to 7 11 to get a drink and mashed potatoes because I was darn hungry. I bought seaweed again, my favourite snackage to snack upstairs.
On the way to my house, I told Pree that it would be sweet if a guy bought me the 6-packet Macaroons from Bakerzin. I know people get cravings occasinally but not me, no, not me. My cravings are everyday!
I got Pree addicted to seaweed too. We kept on snacking it while playing the computer... she made the most mess. We didn't get to play Sims 2 because we were too busy chatting with a bunch of loons until she had to leave. Not really allowed to play computer but... shh... let us keep this a secret of ours, yeah? Now, shoo!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:06 PM
Woken up by a text message from a friend asking again what time our class started. Late for 5 minutes and then teacher started telling us the topics to learn for the Mid-Year exams after that we played a word charades kind of thing.
After that, the long waited moment (theme song) WE ate hotcakes. When it comes to hotcakes, I can stuff it in my mouth really fast and still have enough room for my beloved hash brown. We walked to Yishun Park to play the sizzling hot swing... well actually only for a few minutes. The seat was cooking my bossums alive.
Waddled back to school to do our F&N worksheet then afterwards getting really bored to death. Patrimbo came out of the mist (evil laugh) and I planned to chillax in Prissy's house while Patrimbo goes for her tuition. The kids (the 2 Ps) wanted to play at the playground. I wasn't in the mood because the sun was killing me.
Said our goodbyes to dear old chum Patrimbo and bought seaweed to snack to Prissy's house. No one was home, thank the knickers! We watched Juno in Star Movies though I've watched it a zillion times, I still think the movie is awesome (a must-watch) I didn't tell Prissy I turned the aircon up to 18 degrees.
Then I got hungry, so we cooked Mee Goreng and after finishing it... well I got hungry again so we, again, cooked up a storm to make pancakes! We had a feast in her room and laughed with our mouths full talking about the well-known "subject" we always talk about.
After Legend of Aang, I wanted to go home so I did and was out on the free world (dramatic much?) and bah... I'm home.
(Breaking news: Tuesday, Prissy fell into a drain! It was comical slash pitiful... HAHAHAHA!)
Monday, March 16, 2009
march hols (not much a holiday)
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:20 PM
Buggerations. My computer luxury has been limited. I know right, on the HOLIDAYS, how unlucky. Unfortunately, it was because my mom went for PTC (for the first time in 2 years) I knew it was bad news of her to come. (big sigh)Well what done is done. I was allowed today because I survived nearly the whole day just studying. I went to the library/LJS/Burger King with Pree to study and eat. It doesn't feel like holidays at all for me. Now I know how it feels like not having technology... ER LACK! So this has been a short post. I may post tomorrow. We... shall see.(PS: Current hobby is impersonating/mocking people's laughter. Beware, I might just impersonate yours.)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
insect bites
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:03 PM
Recently been having yanks of insect bites. Bloody hell! Bored in class, so we talked about a time when we peed in our pants in primary school. I laughed till I teared up. House practice was a snore, I tried holding the shot put iron ball, they let me carry the heaviest one. When they passed it to me, my hand couldn't hold it much longer, so I had to drag it from the floor... Now I told you it was a snore-a-thon.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
darn you, nose
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:55 PM
Do you know your nose runs and your feet smells? The only reason I told you this is because I had a runny nose today, or shall I say, I still HAVE it right this very moment. Buggerations! The whole day you would hear my sniffling.
I didn't bring any tissue so I was in dire need. In EBS, some had tissue. I wasn't feeling well at all. My eyes were droopy and my voice sounds funky. I couldn't concentrate on every lesson. I breathed through my mouth, so I really look sick.
I didn't get to sleep for MT either since my nose is being a rascal. I kept on groaning. In chemmy-B, we went to the lab and the class was DEAD boring, I could just die. Phzzy was kinda better though. Yaoxin was being irritatingly funny. I don't know if that's even a word. I laughed till I cried twice today, other than that, laugh like a hyeena as usual.
Yaoxin had this yellow spot on this right front teeth. I think it's a decay so whenever he makes fun of us, we start the subject of his teeth. We would go, "When was the last time you went to the dentist?" or "Do you brush your teeth!?" It was so hilarious.
He's kind the pervert too. He would talk about girl pussies and basoomas? Sometimes(maybe always) his jokes NEVER makes sense but it still makes me laugh. Not only that, he's extra. He would pop out of nowhere(really!) and start disturbing me.
He would go, "Shutup dammit!" Dammit is so-called my name. He said once, "Why did your parents name you Deimi..." I just stared at him. He continued, "The doctor asked what your parents want to name you and your parents said, ...dammit!"
L-A-M-E. Other times he'll just give me his angry face which looked really stupid but I didn't want to tell him. Oh did I tell you guys that there wasn't any Ace Club today? I think I shouted really loud at the hall after recess but who cares, there's no bloody Ace Club! Mrs Ng asked us to join the Choir. Never in a million years, woman.
P#2 was in the Choir so we waited for her but she already left since she thought we were in Northpoint already. So me and P went there alone and ate at BK. Bought 3 cookies from Subway and headed to the usual place we always chill, Yishun Park. We didn't get the swing today since there were kids taking turns to use it.
We left quite early, I'm so tired.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:32 PM
School went smoothly like how Mondays usually are UNTIL the next day, that would be the start of another busy week. After 4 years in prison, did a quick hug to P#2 before leaving because she had to go for her GB drill.On the way to KFC, this old dude bumped into me and "accidentally" brushed his arm on my... basoomas. My jaw dropped, ...unbelievable how ancient people can be. He didn't even say sorry! (grumbles) Ate at KFC forgetting that bloody incident. Finished up and headed for P's crib.While waiting for the bus, this old lady eating her nuggets (P said it was fruit but I still call it nuggets) and was ranting about something in Chinese to this mixed race looking guy. I couldn't help but laugh because the guy had NO idea what she was talking about but nodded anyway. I told P that if the old lady approached me, I would go, "Look lady, just shut up and eat your nuggets!" ...but of course, I was just kidding. (evil laugh)
No one was home. Then again, we stayed inside watching telly and if there's a song we like, we'd dance like idiots and jump on the bed. We are certainly fun people to be with. After all the wreckage, we took a break and hid under the blanket watching and talking crap.Time goes by really quickly, after the Simpsons I got ready and left to journey home. Like I said, today went smoothly (winks)
Saturday, March 7, 2009
The story of Syaz and Concon
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 12:23 PM
The story of Syazwani and Connor. "Give me back my Syazwani!" shouted Nathan. "Never!" Connor said as he flew by Daymi's window. Connor landed on the ground and requested a wrestling match against Nathan, whoever win gets Syazwani. Suddenly, Jordan came out of nowhere with a badminton racket and started whacking them, "She's mine!"
Daymi the Heroine came out of her house with a flame thrower and said, "Wrong again, mofobrailes. She is MINE!"
No one survived Daymi's ballisticmuscus flame thrower except for the invincible Connor Balooshman who was now in a Recovering Centre. Right after hearing the tragic news, Syazwani Cornbawoah flew to the centre. "Is... is... that you, Syazwani?" slowly opening his eyes. "Yes baby, I'm here for you."
Then their lips touched. A few months later, he was discharged from the centre and they lived happily ever after with a baby boy named Conyaz. The END. (applause)
(This is dedicated to Syazwani. Here is the requested story XOXO)
the fall of the swing!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 11:46 AM
Rushed to school even though I wasn't late. PE still is awesome. We did sprinting, jumping, relays and "suicide" run. Is that what it's called? MT went by really fast, I didn't even get to sleep. P #2 drew me something very touching.
Stayed at the canteen talking about something very sad. When to the loo to change into our PE attire because it was really hot and P #2 has to go for her GB drill practice later on. I said "Dibs on the swing!" and so I got one of the swings, hurrah. At the swing P #2 tried doing what Farah did previously, where you had to walk by us while we swing.
My intention was to hit her. It was tons of fun. Suddenly when I went up really high I fell off my swing and luckily my arms hooked onto the chains. It rubbed against my arm really hard which hurt a ton but instead, laughed like a hyeena. I thought it was terribly funny that I fell off. After getting up, I checked my arm, it was red and peeling but who gives a hoot.
We saw Farah and her Luuuurve God walking towards us. She was heading for GG and so I told P #2 that she could go to school with her later. I gave up my swing to P #2 and sat on P's lap (Prissy, just in case you're confused) and tried swinging with 2 people on it.
It was retarded but fun. Then the 2 goons had to go so P and I left too. We headed for her house talking about the usual. We bought ice pops which I haven't bought for years. No one was home again, ...radical! We slumped it her room again watching Wipeout laughing our hearts out at people falling in every obstacle. Changed to MTV then watched The Nanny. After the Nanny, I wanted to go home, so I fixed my messy hair and left.
I was in a good mood after I left, I do NOT know why.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tuts my barreh!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:16 PM
Unusual thing this morning, I got up when suddenly the world (the room, really) started spinning. I just ignored it and bathed.
Geoggers, I had a major headache and couldn't concentrate. It went on really long. Lunch break before CDP, we ran around asking for bobby pins. We went to CDP earlier to get a headstart on the sewing. Farah worked on the sewing machine while me and P were doing the pleating on the skirt. P #2 was assisting if we needed help.
Then again, Mr. M chilled around our group. He is a laugh! He brought Twiggies and started "devouring" it in front of us with the "M mm!", with his expressions. I tried grabbing it but he snatched it away and starting doing it again. Grrr!
He started saying in British accent, "Rubbish!" at us. So I said, "YOU are rubbish." with the same accent and throwing a string at his face. I then started making fun of his bald head. His hair really makes an "M" on the forehead area. I said he could be in a Mcdoodles commercial and he could even be a logo, a yellow M on his forehead. He called us retards.
He just has to be my favourite instructor, mean but hilarious. He once said, "God, I'm working with morons." So I gave him the stink eye. I call him the M-man. We were finally released, I was still having my headache. Farah asked us to accompany her to wait for her Luuurve God at Yishun Park. Meh, my head hurts but I didn't decline. I wasn't feeling well when we reached the swings, in fact, I was hungry but I didn't say a word.
Farah was risking her life to walk across them while they swing. P kept on yelping because it would always be a close call when Farah moves away but P #2 was determined to hit her.
It made me laugh a bit but my headache would always come back. When it was my turn to use the swing, Farah tried scaring me but I wasn't scared, indeed, I tried hitting her. It is her fault she wanted to risk getting hurt. I kicked her quite a lot of times. HA HA! Her Luuuurve god finally came, so 3 of us were left. P #2 was leaving for tuition soon.
When she did leave, P and I went to Broadway to eat since I was bloody hungry. After grubbing, we went our own way back home. Dad bought Burger King, telly ho.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
eh mambo, mambo italiano!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:52 PM
Fortunately, today didn't suck. Buggerations, we did NOT have a practical for F&N today, I was so prepared. I even cut my fingernails! Imagine three periods of theory work, ...boring. Phyzzy, we headed to the lab but I was asked to go back to class to get my theory book.
When I got there, the classroom was locked. JUST MY LUCK. So I just headed back without a theory book. We did get to do practical. Boring as always. Geoggers was ok, I failed my second test. No surprise there since the test was so hard and we didn't have much time so I just rushed at the last question. "She" said we're gonna have another geoggers test tomorrow, ahhh.... getting all piled up with school. Anyway, in class, I kept on singing the same line, "Eh mambo, mambo italiano!" and made everyone addicted to it. (evil laugh)
Chemmy-B, Mr Ng didn't come again. So we slacked/worked. I don't know if you get me but whatever. SMART, all the chinese left for Oral so we were left behind just fooling around and talking about random stuff until Ms Foo came in, so we had to do our work.
Left the class on the dot, we had a little problem at first (cough), then we took the bus to eat LJS. I don't know why but everytime we're in LJS, we would laugh about tons of stuff. P was eating her usual cheesy bites whatchamacallit then suddenly cheese got all over her face, I laughed until my stomach hurt! When we left, we laughed hard again when I wanted to push her against this guy...
BUT thought twice before doing it because the guy looked really big and mean. I imagined pushing P against him and he would get mad and beat P in a dark alley (I love saying that) So we both started laughing then stopped and she said, "Why are we laughing about me getting hurt!?" ...then again we started laughing. Ahh... I got tons of laughing gas.
In the bus, we got all quiet listening to our own music. Reached her house, no one was home. Thank goodness! No annoying brother of hers. We went to the room and started making the banner for our "Recycling Corner" in the classroom. Suddenly it started raining, and we all know what that means. BLACKOUTS. We know what happened to the last blackout they had in their house when I was there.
When it blacked out, I didn't panic, I just stayed where I was, ...until there was a loud thunder. I jumped onto the bed where P was, hitting my toe on the bed, and screaming really loud, also hitting my head on P's teeth. After a few minutes, we ran out the room. Oh great, her brother's friends are here. They heard me scream.
Just as we thought, they was a blackout but I wasn't scared. It was still broad daylight (phew...) so we went out so that she could do the switch thingy. Took a while to get fixed, then went back to the room and slacked until I had to go home. The rain had already stopped. Oh how retarded, the traffic light wasn't working. The orange light kept on flicking, it took me awhile to find out it was broken so I just ran across the road.
Took the bloody bus home, EH MAMBO, MAMBO ITALIANO!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:01 PM
Let's make this short, today was the most suckish day ever. PERIOD.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Splash park!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:39 PM
This morning, I couldn't find my bloody shoes. It was in the shoe rack the whole time but I just couldn't see it since it was so dark. I sweared under my breath while lacing it on and rushed to school.
The arrangement at the hall was changed again, seriously, they ARE downgrading us. From changing of classrooms to the second floor, to sitting at the front of the hall... like when we were Sec 1/2s? They despise us. Everything went smoothly in school, thank goodness. After school, stayed at the canteen for P (Prissy) to do her chemmy-B theory workbook. She was easily distracted there. I just lolled around with a floorball stick with P #2 (Patricia) Finally we left, would be meeting F (Farah) at KFC because she had to go home and get her wallet.
"Bussybus" to NP. Half way through our Zings, F came with her "Hug Me Free" tee. Loo break then to Sembawang shopping mall. Cotton On is still having the sale on, ...sweeeeeet! Went up to check out the Splash Park. It smells new, ...I don't like new smell. It's like Vivo's skypark, but more of the kid's kind of waterpark. Watching all the little kids frolicking around getting sprinkled with water, made me jealous... rub it in, will you!?
We just played around the Play Area. See-saw, obstacles, boat thingamajig, swings, slides and... AHAH! The spinning chair fandango. We had a LAUGH! P tried it out first, I dropped on the floor laughing my pants off because she looks so... FUNNY.
For my situation, I innocently sat on the spinning chair of DOOM when suddenly P came running and spinned me around. Well of course I reacted right away, screaming hysterically. You have no idea how dizzy I was getting. My head went up, down, around and off my head socket thing. (No just kidding.) When they finally had mercy on me (if they ever knew what mercy was!), they stopped it and I didn't move at all. I just sat there, waiting for my spinning of my head to stop.
We dared F to get herself wet. She did, and she was drenched! We did NOT expect her to be that drenched when they only sprinkle water...! It was fun watching her get all wet and laughing.
... I had fun... well until this ancient dinosaur (old guard) came stomping in asking what our ages were. He pointed at this sign thing, it said, "Only ages 12 and below are allowed to use the Play Area." What a rip-off, old man!
So we left (F still dripping) and walked around to let her dry off. No surprise there when she started shivering. When she was sorta "dry" we lined up for the Shuttle bus. It was raining like cats and dogs. It was raining so heavily, the road was almost flooding and the funny thing was, the red cone things were moving against the wind and blocking cars to move out of the drive-through... I have to say, they looked like pedestrians walking across, couldn't help but to laugh.
After a century, the shuttle bus came. Dropped off our stop and took our own buses home. Poofed out, thank you very much.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 4:21 PM
Slept like a big baby but why the billy-O am I still tired? I can never understand myself. Oh well! Supposedly, I was a man (George Clooney look-a-like), with a twisted moustache. What!? Stop staring at me like that, I'm not being random. (...or am I?)
What's the dealio with SLANGS? I don't have slangs. That's just how I am, because I wasn't bestowed originally with singlish. Stop complaining about it just because you don't have "slangs" Now please leave the peace alone. Sarpinos pizza here I come!