Saturday, February 28, 2009
Darn good brownies and frappes!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:12 PM
My little critter, Baloney, has cancer :-( brought my baby to the Vet. There's really nothing we can do. It's how hamsters are, its either they die by old age OR cancer. So the Vet prescribed us to this drops for his right ear to stop itching, other than that. It can't be cured. Poor thing!
Headed to Priscilla's house to do our CDP fandango. I wanted to shout "Pizza delivery!" right after Prissy opens the door but my plan got foiled when her dad opened it. Buggerations! Coincidently, we three were wearing black. (though Prissy thinks my top is dark grey...) In the room, cut the fabric into 2 pieces then Farah offered to straighten my hair, and I was like, why not. GAWK! It hurts when she irons my hair. My leg got all numb.
Not bad, not bad. Went out to see the sewing machine. The brothers were playing PS2. The sewing machine looks ancient! We had no idea how to use it. Go figure! So we gave up. Her dad asked me to stay over for dinner, so I did. They were making Chicken Adobo, a filipino delicacy. It's AWESOME, ...go ask Farah. There were mangoes in the fridge, I took it and devoured them like meat with lions. Prissy thought I was weird but... I LUUURVE MANGO.
Planned to go to Mcdoodles to eat Darn Good Brownies and frappes. We had to wait for Prissy to decide what to wear. So Farah and I watched Fairly Odd Parents. After 4 years, we finally left the house. The new bus smells awful... and Farah only wants to sit on the black ones (...) Headed for MAC-kintosh (I'd say that sometimes...) I saw one of my primary school friend but didn't say Hi or anything. Didn't want to, didn't see a point to.
The darn good Brownies are so darn good! It's le fact. We started talking about Farah's dilemma about something. Prissy and I keep laughing, not being serious and everything. So Farah was a little agitated, so... we TRIED to be serious. Sipped on Prissy's Double chocolate frappe I think. Followed Farah to Cold Storage to find whipped cream. Too high for her budget so she bought a donut, I bought dried mangoes (mmm!) and Prissy bought Hello Panda.
We planned to walk home but ended up raining. Luckily there was a nearby bustop that has all our buses. How ironic seeing Saiful and Seri there. They just got back from a friend's party. My bus came first, so boarded, reached home. The whole family (excluding my sister) were watching Blood Diamond. May not have watched the whole movie but the ending was already nice... ahh, home sweet home.
(PS: No thanks for Azfar for blowing us off on Friday for scrabble. And to think HE invited us. Psh!)
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:42 AM
Legs and arms are aching. No surprise there since PE was marvey yesterday! Ayuni asked me if I studied for my math test and I was like, "Wha- THERE'S A TEST!?"
Mind went blank. Prissy forgot about the test too. It's 40 marks. Er lack! Thank goodness, the teacher gave us a quick revision... Hohoho, the teacher forgot to clear the whiteboard full of equations. Gah! She noticed, ran awkwardly (...i think it was hilarious) and wiped it off real quickly. Ponder, ponder, scribble, ponder, clicking calcey, (calculator) scribble.
For EL lesson, Mrs P asks who wanted to make a group of 3 for a Scrabble competition thing. Azfar wanted to make one with me and Priscilla. (goes blank...) went to the library to practise our Scrabble skills. Uh... we're not that good. We'd have to think real slow especially when Azfar keeps pressurizing us saying, "Faster. So slow!" He isn't fast himself!
He even put the word Darn as Nrad. Real smooth... (PFFT!)
We're bound to lose. Yeeeeeeees, my favey subject. PE!!! Patricia told me they'll be something fun in store for us. We had to run one round and meet up with him at the back of the school block. We had to run all sorts of running. From running with your feet hitting your butt, to running with your feet infront, prancing, turning around to run, lying down on the floor and when the whistle is blown we get up and run. IT WAS AWESOME!!! I loved the lying down then running drill.
At the end, we could race anyone we wanted to. Prissy wanted Aza, Farah wanted me. So 4 of us were gonna race. I sprinted. Prissy kept on saying, "Daymi, you're so fast!!!" HOHOHO.
I was sweating so much, sweat was dripping, face all red. Adha has nothing much to do in recess. They were sitting beside us and we were talking suddenly he asked me to shut up. I gave him the stink eye and he showed me a third finger... oh marvey! Then we started acting like we're whispering about them and laughed.
No idea why Adha disturbs me now, whatever it is. I'm not amused.
MT was a bore like every MT classes are. I just slept all the way through. Planned in the canteen, like always. Everyone was going their own way since I'm going for a check-up and to ICA, Prissy has a lunch date with cousin and Pat has GB camp (who has camp at a Term!?) So we left, reached home, changed, left, traveled to meet mom. Check-up, good news, to ICA, then to Vivo to eat Sushi Tei! I luuuuuurve sushi.
After that, we went into the National Geographic museum that just got out. It's sooo cool in there. Artefacts and pictures all for sale. The prices are unbelievable. Tired, headed home, slept in the train, got home, webcam-ed with Syaz and dozed off.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:26 PM

An extra picture from X-Country ;-)
Thursday, February 19, 2009
3 test in a day
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:14 PM

Stressed out to the
bottom of the sea :-( There were like 3 tests in one day! Geoggers, Socizzy (Social Studies) and F&N. EL got disturbed because we were suppose to go down to make our NRICs. After recess was Geoggers right away, we had a few minutes to revise and write a Pre-test reflection. Did you know Ms Foong just
luuuurves making
complicating geoggers tests. A question can go up to 6 marks!!!
We didn't have much time either, the History students were already outside class which, of course,
pressurized me. After that, we had Socizzy, lookey here!
ANOTHER TEST. Wanna know who my Socizzy teach' is?
marvey, F&N is next. ANOTHER
BLOODY TEST. Prissy and I only studied on Water & Dietary fibre but not Proteins. When the paper was given out, we saw the questions on protein,
coincidentally, we both looked at each over with a panicked face. I tried my very best, I just hope I get marks for it. Headed to the canteen and did touch-up on my Fashion Design Inspiration board.
Sooooo we had to bring materials!? We didn't know. So instead we did our text
thingy on the Inspiration board.
M, our Fashion designing instructor, sat with us and made us laugh real
hard because he can do tons of accents like Scottish, british and...
whatsit? Then Farah noticed something. He was bald right? He got a
'tad bit of hair. She noticed his hair made an "M" so ,
tada, laugh here, there, everywhere. I keep laughing at his expressions!
Bus came, Mr M came running to catch the bus. I pointed at him and shouted, "HAHA!", all carried away by our iPod and phones. Ate at Mcdoodles and went to the loo. In the loo, suddenly, the lights turned
off. We all quickly ran out but Pat hasn't taken her bag and our Inspiration Board. She ran in taking her back and dropped the board. We didn't know what to do. So we stood there looking into the dark loo.
Then I remembered about my torchlight
SLASH pen. I brought it for camp and didn't bother to take it out. A lady went in to find the light switch, I went in with the torch and searched for the board.
scaredy cats.
In popular, I was being so
high that I accidently said, "BARACK
OBAMBAM!" I was really suppose to say Barack Obama but it came out wrong. So I laughed my pants off again. Then I noticed I
don't have my wallet. So I checked my bag and pocket... NADA!
Blimey O'Reilly, I panicked because it wasn't my first time and if I lose it again, I might get
murdered by mom.
Rushed back to Mcdoodles.
AAAAAAAAH! THANKS ZHENPING! If you weren't there, I would've died. I wanted to hug her but y'know, we're in public. Thanks a
ton :-) So Prissy and I walked home. Suddenly when we were about to split, an interest subject came up.
Sooooo we went to the swing and just sat there and
unwinded. We talked about tons of stuff that made us all giggle. We stayed there talking until 7 then we left.
(Big sigh...)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Snore extravaganza
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 4:17 PM
Blimey O'Reilly trousers... I'm
Er lack! Its really hot today. Someone should invent a torso with
built-in air condition, I'd get one. Anyhoozers, today was such a
snore, sort of. Somehow I enjoyed PW. I guess that's because my group members are my goons. We'd joke around but still finish the worksheet thing that teach' gave us.
F&N was alright. Our custard was tasteless,
jeez, put too little sugar. But I guess overall our Fruit Tart was not that bad. Recess, ate one of my Fruit tarty. Really hot at the Parade Square, I joked around and said, "Come to the dark side!"
(was at the shade and they were under the hot sun, ...get it?) Yeah after being such tards we headed straight to the
Phyzzy (Physics) lab.
The practical was a
I kept laughing at teach' (Mr Lin, phyzzy teach') because he sounds
funny when he raises his voice. You can see him almost smiling from hearing me laugh.
Geoggers was even MORE of a snore. I almost died, ...okay its just an
blodge (Chemistry), we had a
petite test. I think I did quite well, though, I hope I still get marks from writing Distilled water not
Distillate. SMART clazzio without break, how super duper! Wasn't such a snore, I got to organize my files. Priscilla said I'm goon being all organiz
ey. I finished my SS homework and my Chemmy-B theory.
Quite some
lot wanted to copy from my book, sad.
BADABINGBANGBOOM. Used my feet to go home under the
bloody scorching sun.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:49 PM
Total Defense Day
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:07 PM

defense day. The usual marching
fandango. Had a guilt trip for MATH, the teacher gave us a quiz which I'm pretty sure I
flunk. After collecting, he told us that anyone who isn't interested to listen could leave for early break. Most of us left. Prissy and I didn't know what to do, so, we just left. He looked
hurt. There were only 3 students left.
So the guilt trip started, he was walking infront of us all gloomy.
Noooo, please, stop! We were really early for break, I guess, around 10 40?
Iskandar being weird in the hall again,
"Can I have your number?" moving closer, with his famous
berserk eyes. Physics, teacher asked me to look infront, replied, "Don't want." Nononono,
not being rebellious. It just spilled out, honest! MT is so bloody BORING. EL, Spelling, yes, full marks again. I
don't even care if I sound like I'm bragging
(raises eyebrows up and down) Chemistry, ah yes. The teacher was in a
bad mood today, we have no idea why. He suddenly started scolding us for talking while he was preparing the screen
thingamajig.He asked if it was working, Some said "No." some said "Yes." and I said nothing. He asked one of us to work it but the AVA expert
(a.k.a Justin) is at O-level something
something. So no one kindly went up to work the screen. So the teacher got all really red and we were not going home on the
Headed to the Chemistry lab, teacher got angry AGAIN when he asked Andy if the yellow light on the screen was on. Blahblahblahblah
blah then we were released. Fooled around for alittle bit then left for LJS. Had a laugh there, talked about all kinds of
rubbish. Popular, then, to the 811 bus to Pat's house. Greeted Liann and
smuggled her to the room again. Played with her, then she was taken for a walk outside so we did our Fashion Design project and chat with a goon
(cough, you know who you are) and then again, had a laugh.
Left, bus, another bus, up the stairs
(I take the stairs more often nowadays, I live on the 7th floor, for your info.), home.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:17 PM
Happy Valentines Day to all humanoids. If you're wondering, NO, I've not been asked. But who cares, it's not like you'll die if you don't. Stop being so
melodramatic. I've been really poofed out these few days. Tuesday, McCrappy CCA. Wednesday, SMART, Thursday, CtotheDtotheP. This will go on for the whole year...
(groans) Whatever, today was kinda nice. Math, slacked. That's because we have a new substitute teacher. He's really quiet. So we were all just joking around about all kinds of stuff.
EL, we had to do another Close Passage. So I turned my chair around and did it with Priscilla, like I always do. Mrs P gave us all sweets
(don't know why...) and gobbed it in class. She's cool because she approves of eating sweets in class. PE, got changed, went down, had to play Traditional Games like Hopscotch, Takraw and Jump rope. We were split up and we got Jump rope.
I'm really good at jump rope. Especially if I have my own rope to jump on, I could do it real quick, with one leg, and backwards, and cross and running.
(MUAHAHA!) So 4 of us to jump, 2 to hold the rope. I could do 360!!! I did like, five 360s.
COOL-A-RAMA! ;-) Then the teacher blew the whistle so we had to change to Hopscotch,
(yawn), BOOORING. So we begged to change back to Jump rope but the guys used one of the jump rope as a so-called "net"
So the teacher went to find a
PROPER net so we could use the bloody rope. I played with my bean bag, throwing it real high in the air and catching it. I could catch them all, well not until Farah distracted me and it fell on my face...
THAT REALLY HURT. Rejoice, teacher found a net. So we took the rope, it was really hard to walk around since all the sec 4s were assembling at the Parade Square.
I was sweating like
shiznit. I don't say I sweat, I always say,
"I'm raining." Don't ask, you
boob. Whistled, had to assemble. Teacher nagged about how some were not
"engaged" in the games. But we were, so it's not us. Rushed to the toilet, changed, lined up for Milo. Ahh... milo always taste refreshing after PE. Agree?
Oh let me tell you about the grumpy old man near the containers you put your plates. HE IS SUCH A
TARD! When I wanted to put my plate into the container, he started mumbling some chinese/malay or whatever and grabbed my plate away and called me "GILER"... (head sizzling) he hadn't even finished mumbling, I said, "Ughhh!"
, and stormed off. That should teach him! Then today he wasn't there, so I was gonna put my plate into the container while chanting,
"He's not here~"...then suddenly HE came out from the back.
Blimey O'Reilly, that scared the shit out of me. So I quickly dropped my plate into the container and ran off. He... has...
MT afterwards, went up to the Library and read. Benedict is so annoying. He keeps talking to me and when I wasn't talking to him, he'd reply! So I'll walk away, ...he'll follow.
BLIMEY O'REILLY, does he have anything better to do then torture me!? I was so annoyed that I said, "Get lost,
FATTY." then he was like, "I know I'm physically attractive.", he mean't PHAT. How lame can he be? So he still follows me and I just keep saying, "Fatty, fatty, fatty. MAN-WHORE!!!" then he called me skinny. Like I care? I know that I eat tons but I don't gain anything, so, there! Then he left... HURRAH!
Got alittle sleepy, so took a short nap until 3G1 and 3D came in. Got noisy, then class ended. Prissy had to do her chinese compo so Patty and I went down to the canteen to wait for them. Tisha gave me a lollipop for
V-day. Thanks twinnie. Sorry, I didn't have anything for you :-( Played Paper soccer with Patty, this game always ends up in laughter. I cried while laughing because when I made a goal, she keeps telling me I
Then Prissy and Debbie finally came down. So we stayed awhile, then left. Ate at KFC, all too hungry. Talked about this, that. Took the same 811 bus with Ayuni, Nadhirah, Ariffin, Adha and some chinese guy I don't know.
(He looks like Benjamin!) Reached Patty's house, finally saw little Lian. She's so grown-up now. But still cute, I just love the smell of babies. Milk... and
drool. Played with her in the room, blimey, are we always distracted? We came to Patty's house to do
PROJECT... oh well.
loves me! Its all because I keep playing with her. Carrying her around, reading her books, talk through stuffed toys and all that. SHE'S ADORABLE!!!
(faints) Well... she doesn't like Prissy. She accidently hit Lian's head with the shaking thingamajig. It was hilarious, Lian stopped what she was doing and gave Prissy a mean look.
(HAHAHAHA! Couldn't stop laughing) So I brought her to the bed to get her eyes of Prissy.
Then... she started crying after all the playing, so we passed it back to Patty's maid. The radio was on so... Prissy and I started dancing and singing
hysterically. You have no idea how stupid we looked but we
DON'T care. I was having a runny nose again, that always happens when I'm at Patty's house. There's dust on the stuffed toys. Then we had to go. Prissy and Patty are going for dinner at a Sushi restaurant as Debbie's treat
(sniffles), WITHOUT me.
Well it was my choice. I didn't feel that well, no money, and I didn't ask my parents. So I just headed home. Hope they had fun though ;-)
I LOVE SUSHI, they said they could do it again with me, next time. Ahhh we'll see...
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Cage cleaner
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 12:18 PM
I was already awake but I couldn't get up, so I just daydreamed. I had to clean Baloney's cage, smelling kinda rank. So I pushed myself to get up and cleaned it. Afterwards, putting him back into the cage. He always feels new right after I clean it, because his scent would be washed off so he would have to do it all again. I always turn out drenched after cleaning the cage, I didn't turn the switch into sink "mode" or something like that. So when I turned it on, ... the shower turned on and got me all wet... damn fudgecakewithcherry. I was alone so I mumbled to myself angrily.
My brother disappeared, mom and dad went grocery shopping. Sister was at the hall using her laptop. I don't know about you guys, but I still miss camp. It's unforgettable, really. Its depressing when you know its over and wouldn't happen again. Oh and what's with the old people around here? They're always so grumpy, aren't oldies suppose to be nice and heartly? Here,
grannies would just bump you and not apologize.
Grandads would mumble bad words if we happen to be on their way. No cookies made with
love, I guess.
Valentine's Day is coming. Love birds would be flocking and I guess I'll be celebrating it single again. Ah, who gives. I got my bestfriends! We could stay over for a movie marathon and eat
tubs of ice cream or any comfort food and we would watch comedy to laugh our sorrows away. Uh...
writer's block.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:54 PM
VINSON! Once again, Vinson came up on top for Cross Country 2009! Yes, keep your
panties on. I'll start from morning. Prissy's mom left for Philippines today for 2 months. Wish her safe trip and back. Math, had a short quiz, easy as strudel pie. EL, library to finish up the comprehension. I was already done so we joked around again.
From chest hair, to psychiatrists, and some other random subjects.PE, walked the whole Cross Country route for the last time. Got changed and reserved the corner seats of the canteen for Ms Foo's birthday
whachamacallit. "This is the first time we actually ate as a class! Well almost." quoted by me. Nikki went to hunt for Ms Foo while we waited at the canteen. When she came, sang Birthday song and gave the presents. Cake was Strawberry Shortcake, her favourite.
Blimey O'reilly!The cake was...
HEAVENLY. I ate 3 plates of cake.
Stealing people's chocolate and strawberries. After that we had to go up, so I shook her hand and said Happy Birthday once more and left. MT, chuckled about the comics we made of each other... then...
BAAAAM! Class was over. So we had loads of time to get ready for Cross Country. Just went to the library and looked at books of Cats, Dogs, Noodles and jokes. Left at 2.30 to walk to Yishun Park.
Tons of people there, went to our respective houses and intros, blah, school cheer,
blah and then it started. The lower sec boys were first. While waiting for upper sec girls' turn, we just sat around and sang along with the song on the radio. Then...
(I noticed I say alot of "Then"... fudge.) it was our turn, ran slowly at first then Prissy went off and I left Patricia and Aza behind since they weren't gonna run. Here, there, up, down and
HAH! Mrs Parames from Elbrus kept on asking me to take my time, I was like, "YOU!" and giving her the face.
You have no idea how bored I was running all alone. I skipped all alone, sang all alone, ran all alone. Meh... Finished, FINALLY. Tried finding Prissy, went to the Milo Truck with Patricia when they reached. Then Cheering competition, almost lost my voice just shouting and screaming. Blah, blah, blah positions, teachers' race, cheer competition, parents' race and then (UGH) the moment of truth. Kilimanjaro was fourth
(clap), Everest third,
(clap, clap), Elbrus second
(clap, clap, clap) and...
VINSON! (clap simultaneously) Screamed my lungs out.
Had photo-taking and was released. Walked to Northpoint with Hidayah, her sister, Fazira, Patty and Prissy. Ate at Mcdoodles since Prissy didn't have much money. Talked, toilet, left, bus, home,
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Who matches who?
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:58 PM

Fussed about being late for school AGAIN. What's wrong with me!? I just don't like being late for school. Even classes sometimes, depending on the teacher. CME,
babbled about Negotiating. EL, did this comprehension, kinda challenging but finished it anyway. EBS, bored us to
death. Recess, we ate our leg
off. Geography, about river system. Social Studies, almost fell asleep, tried my very best not to let my eyes shut. Math,
ah yes. We did correction for the test then afterwards the teacher was calling out names,
humanoids who didn't hand in their homework. It was hilarious because when she called my name, everyone shouted,
"Absent!" and the teacher was so
naive and really believed that.
I was at the second table to the right
(teacher's right view) but she didn't notice. I just turned my back so that she wouldn't see me when she was scanning the room for me. They continued saying that to the others who didn't either. It was a laugh! Who knew the class had our backs.
*winks* We left for F&N downstairs at the Needlework room. Had 14.5 over 25 for my F&N test. Not bad. Prissy and I kept on sniggering when the teacher was talking about the types of faeces there were.
WAS pictures. The descriptions were funny, it went like this. Fluffy and soft,
Then it ended, Prissy and I headed to the canteen, ate before going for CDP. We were moving on to the major project now. So we're doing Futuristic School Uniform. Checked out magazines, those adult kinds.
THERE WERE NUDITY. Everytime we get to those pages, we flip it right away. Oh! Aza kept on poking me from behind. One time she put her pen in my ears,
blimey. Then it ended, seriously, doesn't feel like 2 hours. Toilet for awhile then left. Stopped at the interchange, said our Goodbyes to Patricia, she was going to her boring tuition again. So Prissy and I headed to LJS to eat. We talked about a lot of stuff. We played this game, where we list the guys that either of us match. We ended up laughing
hysterically at the list. We shall not reveal who we listed.
NEVER! Then we walked home from Northpoint.
(been awhile since we did that.) and listened to music. We goofed about while walking. I wonder what the guy behind us thought.
(chuckles) Reached home really sweaty and tired.
Gah!(PS: It's Ms Wendy Foo's birthday on Saturday, we're celebrating it tomorrow after school. Now, HUSH!)
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Marble cake!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:18 PM

Temperature taking this morning was a bore. PW was kinda fun since we were suppose to gather in our own group and we would end up joking around. Ahh yes, F&N we baked marble cake. The
berzerk thing was right after the teacher told us what to do, they all just slipped out my mind and out my ears and there I was... not knowing what to do. So yeah, I had some help. Thank you! Our
"marble" cake didn't really have the marbley look. It looks like a plain chocolate cake or
whatchamacallit. Recess, uhuh,
uhuh. Physics, library for awhile, then back to class and
almost fell asleep. Geography, yes, yes. I was the highest for the test.
ALL HAIL, DAYMI! Mmmm... Chem was a bore. Then right after, was SMART. How AWESOME!
(NOT)Ms Foong came in and asked us to do
self-revision. I just stared at my Geography textbook the whole time until she left a few minutes before SMART ended.
Gah - right away she left we got all noisy again.
Typical. Finished, headed down to the canteen with Ayuni, Prissy and Azfar. Then Prissy and I ate our left overs from our marble cake while waiting for Patricia. She didn't even come down. No one was in her class...
ah great. So we left, walked
aimlessly to the bus and went we got of. We were like...
"So now what?..." Yes, we do that
A LOT of times. Aimlessly going no where.
So walked around again though we all know how boring Northpoint is being, AGAIN. Was gonna walk home with her but it was gonna rain so we took the bus home.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dentist appointment
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:59 PM

Checking students who didn't bring their thermometer. I have no idea how I remembered to bring it. I just stuffed it in my bag, I couldn't find the damn cover. I was bored so I told Prissy I had diarrhea again, her reaction was
HILARIOUS! especially right after I told her I was joking. She was furious. Social Studies was first, ahhh the boredom. Ms Foong asked me to put down my bag because it was at my lap. She claims she doesn't want to suspect people doing suspicious things...
(no comment) did you know she's looney? Let's see... at Geography I was biting my nails
(bad habit of mine...) she told me eating is not allowed. I was like...
"I didn't eat!!!" and she went all naggy and talked about how we are young adults now and how we should know when to eat.
Mm-hmm. She especially picks on Royston. Well not pick, but when she scolds him or asks him to move back to his seat, Royston answers back and it hit us as very funny indeed. She even lectured me on how I sit. What's wrong with how I sit!?... Oh...
(blank), oh and Azfar keeps tapping my shoulder during SS. How annoying. Oh and we had our results for the test. I got 9, the highest really. But teacher didn't notice, she said WenJie did, he got a 7!!! Is she blind or does she just hate me!?... Some are telling her I'm the highest but she's too old to hear. (OOPS...) EL, we had spelling. We were suppose to exchange with whoever's beside but I marked my own
(chuckles) and then EBS, seriously, Mr Sim has anger management issues.
He can be mad with a normal tone but he ALWAYS shouts, at the wrong time. It makes me so mad because there's no reason to shout or get angry. Give us a warning BEFORE shouting. I think he'll end up being a grumpy old man, who knows. Math was boring, Recess
yadayadayada, MT doodled again, no suprise there. Chem, I partnered Prissy for the practical. Something about Infiltration. Physics, had a test I didn't study for. Luckily I remembered some. Then class ended, finally. We ate and walked around to kill time before my dentist appointment. Yes, I do have an appointment.
Saw this wheel of
whachamacallit. Had fun with it until people start coming down from the stairs so we left, thinking they might think we're weirdos. Then we went into the trailer thingy and told me to wait until 3.30pm.
YEEES, i'll be late for my CCA. Then blaaaah, being weird with aza and the sec 2s then they went for CCA, I went for my dental appointment. It didn't hurt, I kept on laughing while my mouth was open, its hard because I might accidently swallow the water. Then it was finished, gave me and Prissy a recommendation for braces,
HOLY PEANUTBUTTERONTOAST.Went up for our bloody boring CCA,
YOU DO NOT WANNA KNOW WHAT WE DID. Afterwards, walked to the other bustop with aza, her
Luuuuurve God and others. Goofed about while walking to the bustop, so beware if you're walking infront or behind us. You're gonna need earplugs. Seperated at the bustop, went to Mcdoodles, ate, talked, left.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:12 PM

I had a bloody stomachache this morning,
blimeyo'reillytrousersonfire. It hurt so bad that I had
cold sweat from it. Then when I got better, was all hyper again. Flabbergasted when I forgot I had EBS test. Not only have I left my EBS file at the computer lab last week, Prissy wissy
accidently brought my revision worksheet home and
didn't bring it to school. Ahh great. Okay so it wasn't that hard. I just missed out one question because I really had no idea what the answer was. Usually I'd at least try to write something but no, nothing came up.
MATH was alright.
I PASSED MY TEST! Well just passed really. The whole class didn't do well, the highest was 15 over 25. I got 13. Meh... EL boring. MT, doodled and laughed our pants off. I doodles about stalkers and claimed Patricia was one and she was sent to jail. Then played soccer using paper and I won, 3-0, she said I cheated. I DID NOT!
(...or did i?) PHYSICS, boring, CHEM, boring. Then school ended, the girls wanted to go to my house and play Sims 2. Ate at
KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN and headed for my house.
There were 3 electronics on at once. The desktop, laptop and telly.
MM-HMM... Prissy used the desktop since the Sims 2 is on my profile. Secretly used my sister's laptop and Farah and Patricia watched telly. Farah would change the channel to either, OKTO, MTV, Nikelodeon, Disnet channel
(?) and some other channels. Laughed our panties off with "Whose line is it anyway?" and "The Simpsons". Sang along in Chart Attack. Prissy was still playing Sims 2.
OH! OH! I forgot something. Before we got into my house. There was this
HUMONGOUS bee outside the door and we couldn't go in. When we came near us, as usual, we screamed at the top of our lungs.
STUPID BEE! Then it flew away we all hurdled to the door, they were pushing me while I was trying to put in the keys, stop it guys! My dad likes the bee, goodness me, maybe one day the bee would eat him up.
Then they had to go, followed them down to fulfill my cravings;
seaweed and gummy candy. Said our goodbyes and I went back upstairs.
(PS: Patty is grounded from the computer, garnet!!!)