Fluorescent Adolescent.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:29 PM
![]() Unfortunately for Penelope, the Wilherns proceeded to produce a lot of boys—generations of them. Four branches up on the family tree, as the calendar rolls toward the 21st century, Penelope herself arrives and fulfills the old hag's vengeful promise. Her mother is so taken aback by her daughter's visage that she fakes the infant's death and locks Penelope in her room. There she grows for 18 years, educated and entertained, but totally solitary. When she reaches marrying age, Mom takes the reins again and hires a matchmaker to entice the eligible blue bloods of the city with a sizeable dowry. The bachelors are intrigued ... until they see Penelope, whose face makes them want to jump out of a window. (More than one actually does so.) Practical and stalwart, Penelope has all but given up hope of marrying. And then Max comes along. Though he's startled by her appearance, he doesn't hightail it out the door or window as all the others have. A tender, tentative friendship begins to grow between them. But just as Penelope is beginning to have hope, Max disappears. It seems there's more to both of them than meets the eye. AND not forgetting... James McAvoy!!! He's soooooo hot in the movie.
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:09 PM
[Monday] Stayed home. HAPPY DEEPAVALI TO ALL INDIANS!!! [Tuesday] It was my sister's 22th birthday. So we went to a restaurant/club called Blue Jazz in Bugis. The place is really cool but the thing I don't like much about it was that the lights all turned off and the only light sources we had were candles and lamps. I could barely see what I'm eating, which was, Beef Lasagne (my favourite, mind you) Before we went to meet the whole family, my momma and I went to Bugis, to buy my sister's birthday present. You won't believe what my momma bought. The one and only, iPhone! I know, stellar right!? Afterwards, went to my momma's office to wrap while my momma did some work. The funny thing was my momma put the neatly wrapped present into a brown lunch bag, making it non-attractive to anyone. My sister thought we didn't buy her any presents. At the restaurant, she opened it. She was like, "wha-- OH MY GOD!!! Are you serious? YAY!" and insisted on truckloads of pictures with it. Bought the birthday cake home and she blew the candles-- [Wednesday] Nothing much really. Stayed at home and chilled; played the computer the whole day watching Penelope. Its a must-watch to those who haven't seen it, seriously. Its an awesome movie, real sweet and James McAvoy there is so (times a zillion) hot. Info. and summary in another post. [Thursday] Went to woodlands with dearest momma to go to Nokia to fix her phone. Afterwards, headed to Pizza Hut to eeeeeaaaaaaattttttt. I had Beef Lasagne (again!) and chicken soup, and sweet'n'spicy chicken and Super supreme pizza and salad. Which made me a very happy girl. Went home and tada! Blogged.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ebi tempura
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:30 AM
10:30am I don't think I'd ever say this but I'm starting(ALREADY!) to miss school. Like w-t-h is that!? Its because I keep thinking there's still school and I will be like, saying in my mind: "Oh! I can't wait to see my friends tomorrow on Monday." But oh wait? ITS THE HOLIDAYS. BUMMER. Then when I think of the school days, daymn, I miss it. BUT, its the holidays. I should enjoy and take my time because I might regret asking "time" to hurry. So yesterday I went out with my momma, MOM-&-DAUGHTER BONDING again. My dad was with us but only until he meets his friends. His friend, Roger, knows me like since I was a child. So when he saw me. He was like, "Wow! Look at her. So tall and look how she wears now, so fashionable." I blushed a little. Then I placed back my earpiece while him and my dad talk about... well actually I'm not sure. My momma was just staring in mid-air (L O L) And while in the train, there's this hip-hopper guy, he kept on staring at me. I tried to act normal. Then when he was gonna drop off at Somerset, I wanted to get a good look at him. I caught him looking at me. He was out already, he stopped to look into the window the train. OH EM GEE. Oh have I told you? I wore my high-waist shorts and the hippie headband today and everyone kept on staring at me, its like they never seen one before. What LOSERS! BY THE WAY, that's Misha Barton and the high-waist shorts and the hippie band I told you I wore. I LOVE HER! ![]() ![]() My momma and I left Dad with his friends and then reached Vivo. We went straight to Sushi Tei. The line was long, so we waited. I wanted to be at the Conveyor belt. Then FINALLY! we got in and ate our asses off. Then we got really full. My favourite would have to be the EBI TEMPURA. So my momma paid for it, then we walked around. Then we went into The Cocoa Tree and bought 4 Toblerone chocolates. We walked somemore then went into PageOne (Book/stationary store) Its humongous and was.. again, overwhelmed by a lot of books. I told my momma I'd be inside finding books. She just stayed at the Gossip Corner. So I went on my VOYAGE. I almost got lost but managed to find the Teenage Section. So I took like a lot of time, making my choices. I think we stayed in there for an hour or more. Then I found these 2 wonderful books and walked back. It took awhile finding my momma, she left the Gossip Corner. I found her at the Fiction Bestseller place, so I showed her the two books. They were costly, not gonna air. So my momma looked at it and allowed. YAY!!! I love books. So we went to the cashier. The two books are thick, so it was worth it. Then I saw these Litte miss/Mr. bookmarks. They're sooo cute!!! But my heart broke into pieces when I knew the prices. $5 57. Holy crap! So I just left, all sad. Not having a bookmark. I usually use a plain piece of paper. It isn't really cute. So we walked back to the MRT, me, all happy I have more books to read and put in my personal shelf of MY books. My momma was reading the magazine she bought. While I was listening to the iPod. Reached home, no one was home yet. So I took out my books, took off the price tags (mind you) and checked the empty plastic bag they were in. WOW! They're bookmarks in here!!! And they were FREE!!! Yaaaaay. So I looked at it. I was cute, it said: "This is when I fell asleep" Get it? So I was even happier (who knew bookmarks can make people happy) Zzzzz... I went. 11:02am, with love Labels: Sushi Tei is AWESOME
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 2:12 PM
2:13pm SATURDAY. I'm suppose to be going to my sister's friend's 18th debut birthday. I was invited but I didn't want to go. Y'know why? I don't really know much people there. I remembering going to one. One word to explain me: - INVISIBLE YES. All I did was watch them have fun while I sit there and stuff myself with chocolate eclairs. Then they even asked all of us to dance!? That was the only time my sister finally remembered I existed and said, "Dance! What's wrong with you?" I didn't want to dance with people I barely know that much, jeez. And you guys know how PLASTIC my sister can be (big smile) the people who met my sister before might think she's all nice and looks like the bestest sister in the universe but you guys don't know anything yet. When you guys are around, she's all nice to me too. When you guys leave, her horns comes out and the evil comes this way... So yeah, bascially I'm just here stuffing myself again with Famous Amos cookies! Rarrw! 2:27pm, with love
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:59 AM
10:00am Yesterday I woke up, remembering, IT'S THE FIRST DAY OF THE HOLIDAYS! The day before that, Patricia told me I was invited to go Sentosa with Hidayah and Fazira. So yeah, I agreed. When I woke up, I turned on the computer (as usual) and checked who was online. I chatted with a couple of people about mostly crap. Then finally, Patricia went online too so it was an addition to the "couple" of people. We were asking each other what we're wearing, or bringing and all those before-meeting-questions. So I cooked up food for myself because my momma didn't cook and there was no left-overs from yesterday. After eating and chatting at the same time, I put myself "Away" and cleaned Baloney's cage. Baloney used to loose hair (shedding season) it worries me a bit so I bought bathing sand for her that helps with the hair lose and, EUREKA! it worked. Got ready and left the house to meet Patricia at Khatib Platform. In the 806 bus on the way to NorthPoint, I saw Saiful (from my class) and Nicky (" ") so I just turned away. Waited for only a few minutes, another train came and left, JUST as it left... Pat came. I gave her this we-missed-the-train face and she was like, "Whaaaat?" So while waiting, we both exchanged bags to see what we brought. I didn't show her mine (evil laugh) She brought Twisties and her own drink. The train came. Actually we're meeting Hidayah, 2:30, Dhoby Ghaut, but I met Patricia earlier to follow her buy flip-flops from Ripples in Plaza Singapura. We found the shop and looked around, overwhelmed by a lot colourful flip-flops. She asked me for opinion, I liked it polka dot ones and this black with pop-art florals. She tried the polka dots one and said it was nice. So I asked her those questions your mom's ask when you're trying out things. I told her to choose those waterproof ones, like my Billabong teal-coloured ones. She ended up choosing this brown flip-flop, simple but nice. So she wanted to wear it already, she took off her shoes and wore it. So we walked around Plaza Sing. with her new flip-flops! Then I got hungry again, so we ate at LJS. We went up to "Made with love" (scrapbooking material shop), Daiso, Times, Build-a-bear and then got a text message from them that they reached Dhoby Ghaut, so we left and met them. Hugged and the train came right after. We talked about a lot of funny and crappy stuff, won't say it for the benefits of one (Patrcia [evil laugh]) Vivo, went up to the top floor to buy our monorail tickets. I was the last one to buy because the china people infront of us doesn't know how to use the machine. The guy bought one ticket for 3 bucks right? He was putting 9bucks into the slot ALL TOGETHER. So Hidayah helped and asked how much they needed, they mumbled a bit then said 3. So after paying for one of the ticks, we helped them pay for 2 more. Then they said Thanks and bought my tick, and went to the platform. Hidayah was looking for innocent people to ask take pictures of us. So she did. Monorail came, reached Beach Station and walked to the other side of the beach. The whole walk, Pat was complaining about how tired of walking she was. Reached, FINALLY, changed to the clothes we could wet and found a place to settle. Then we buried Hidayah, having a lot of fun. Then it was my turn, it was... how to say, TICKLISH. I kept on laughing. It felt like they were sculpting me. Then I got up, I was full of sand. So I shooked it all off and went to the water to wash them off. So the whole time we were taking pictures, snackage-ing and talked crap. Soon we were going back to the toilet to rinse. After rinsing, we walked back and went to the Monorail platform. Asked a random person to take the picture. Reached back and asked another random person to take the picture. Then we went out to take MORE pictures with the humongous X'mas tree, it gave me and Patricia the X'mas mood to sing some X'mas songs. Went to Banquet to eat dinner, finished, we left and took the super FULL train. While in the train, I tried taking stolen pictures of Pat! And I did, no, I'm not gonna show you, it's for MY own entertainment only. Then transferred to the other train then the splitting came. Pat dropped off at Khatib and I dropped off at Yishun. It was gettin' late, so I walked faster, then someone nudged me. I turned, oh, my brother. He told me he went all alone to Marina Square to buy a certain present. Took bus, reached our stop. He said we'd race, he'd take the stairs and I take the elevator. So I ran to it, went up and ran somemore. Reached my floor, then to my surpise was... Two policemen just standing there, like they were waiting for something. Of course, they are having a stake-out. The past weeks my neighbour has been having those paints being splattered at their door and words written at the wall, saying O$P$. Ahhh yes, my neighbour, the father, loans money I-L-L-E-G-A-L-L-Y. They have been trying to avoid it by painting over the words and washing off the paint. But you can never hide it, they are always scars. When they both heard, me, they thought I was those hooligans who would splatter the paint, but I bet they were disappointing to what they saw... ME. So they turned back around. I opened my house door, and went in. KAPOW! 11:03am, with love Labels: I had a splendid time, YAY.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
3 Integrity
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:42 PM
6.42pm I just got my result slip and the class allocation. I got 3rd for class position and was allocated to 3 Integrity together with Azaria, Farah and Priscilla. Isn't that awesome? But there's also horrible parts of being in 3-I. I won't tell. When I bugged Mrs. Tan, asking her to hand me my form, she asked me to settle down. I just couldn't. She asked us to place all the tables so I tried not to thinking about it. Then she called me, I pranced all the way to her. I grabbed the cold pieces of paper and right away checked the class position I've got. THIRD!!! I screamed and jumped around. Well of course, when I did that. I attracted attention. David, as always, snatched my paper and checked. I was so thrilled! I wasn't planning to get first because we all know who gets the spotlight, SHUAI-NAN(in english: Handsome Boy) She even asked what position I got. So then, I arranged the tables and chairs happily. Then we were asked to settle down and she'd hand out our paper that would state what class I would be in. HOOO BOY~ the suspence started. Mrs. Tan keeps asking us to pick this up THEN she'll say so I was already shaking. So she started with Saiful then it continued until finally she called out my name, 3 Integrity!!! So I hugged Azaria. Then the whole time, we left the class, saying "Bye!" or even, "See you next year!" with a warm hug. We also asked what classes they were in. Then Priscilla, Pat and I was about to left. But remembered Debbie so we invited her to buy Bubble tea with us. We bought it and went straight to Nee Soon East to have a so-called "FEAST" and played at the bridge. Who knew that Debbie was afraid of bridges that shake!!! Then Debbie had to go back to school for a workshop I think? So we 3 headed to my house and I just had to bring my borrowed books and fix my hair and off we went. Priscilla stayed at Northpoint to eat lunch with her mom and go for the PTC while Patricia and I went to Bishan to return my books and just chill. We walked around looking at clothes and accesories. Talking about STUFF(shh...) and plan for the holidays. We went in a computer/camera shop and I used the digital camera, those professional kinds. Boy was I fascinated and took alot of cool pictures of Patricia. I kept on blabbering on about how I really wanted one(sigh) It was really fun, we laughed the whole day through. I love my outings with her, its just... HEAVENLY! I got really tired, so we left Bishan and headed home. In the MRT, all the way to Yishun, I took pictures of her for she is in dire need of new pictures. It all turned out nice, thanks to... MOII! Reached home just to be welcomed by my dad. Damn. With love,
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:40 PM
7:41pm Priscilla and I will start our webcasts again during the holidays. Soo.... GET READY!!! I might sleep over to her house and bring my digital camera to do one. YEHEEEEEY!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 4:14 PM
4:20pm I've just been going to Priscilla's house more often. I'd got nothing else to do so I'd come over and eat lunch in her house and play the computer. When we tried to get into Friendster, it didn't load. But when we go to other websites, it'd work. So I got bummed, was planning to browse through profiles. So instead we watched videos of hip-hop dancers. It was really awesome. Before we came to her house, we bought Chicken rice and Coke from under her block to bring up and eat. But I still go hungry(yes, that's me) so I wandered into her kitchen to find any snacks I could eat. SO i did, this cookie and brownies I saw. I grabbed it and while watching hip-hoppers do their thang, i was eating cookies! Then "EVIL" came. Just kidding, her brother came back from school and said, "I sense there's another one is the house." like OH EM GEE, who says that? (LAUGH OUT LOUD) So he said he'd want the computer, we'd give it to him at 6pm. So we still had like, an hour more I guess. Anyway he was going out so yeah. After we played the computer till our so-called "dead-line" we gave it to him and headed to her room and on-ed the aircon. I wanted to colour my nails so I took her manicure box and looked through all the colours. I liked the pale-ish pink with glitz for my finger nails and a weird kind of pink. I don't know, i was in the mood for pink even though i don't like it that much. She agreed to do the toenails for me while I did my fingernails myself. Even so, we were also watching teevee. After mine, i did hers. And no, it was not a breeze doing hers. Its all because her toe nails are what? TINY! So i was trying my best not to overlap but i just couldn't so there was trial-and-error. But i guess I managed. Then suddenly Priscilla dropped the manicure bottle, making a total mess. The floor was full of dark purple nail polish all splattered and some even went to the bed. She left the room, coming back with a brush to scrub of the mess. She looked like maid(LOL) then she finished cleaning and we watched a wee bit of the teevee and I soon had to go because I saw the window and it was gettin' kinda dark, which is, to me, creepy~! I left and headed home... (YAWN) With love,
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Boredom strikes back!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 1:19 PM
BOREDOM STRIKES BACK... Yes, boredom is back to conquer my Sunday. I'm waiting for my momma to finish cooking her all-time favourite MACARONI. She's really good at pasta recipes. She told us once that when she retires, she's gonna' open up a business selling food. Yesterday night, we watched a movie my folks rented, 10, 000 BC and The Valley of Elah. I have to admit, 10 , 000 BC was awesomely... B-O-R-I-N-G. So half way through the movie, I played the computer instead. After the boring movie, my folks wanted to watch the other movie, its for the adults, obviously because I took a peek at the movie, and I saw this naked lady waitress taking an old man's order. "Ew." So I just chat online, listening to music and surfing the net. I love to multi-task! I'm in dire need of new pictures but I never got the time. Its either i'm tired/lazy or i've got no privacy. YES, I'mma need privacy and peace when i'm camwhoring. All my friends have plans while I'm here rotting. Oh c'mon, could anyone of you bring me out? ANYONE PLEASE! I don't want to waste my holiday like the March holidays. Forgetting to eat... pfff! I just saw my momma walk pass the hall, she's carrying tomato sauce, for the Macaroni! OH EM GEE! Gimme that wonderful delicacy into my mouth (drools) Good news too! Its safe to say that I've been promoted to Secondary 3. Good for Northbrooks they didn't follow the new scheme that you'd have to pass your Math to get promoted or I've been dead-meat. Yes, I'm awful at Math... i just can't do it, it sucks bad. But I passed my English and so I just needed to pass 2 more subjects so I only failed one, that's awesome! I told my momma that after next week, I've got nooooo school! She's taking a week-off on that time so i've got my momma at home, yeheeey! Well... i guess i'll stop here, I'll post later, i guess. TAH! With love,
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 12:34 PM
HELLO BIRD-BRAINS :D Have I forgotten to tell you that last Thursday we went to East Coast park? We had do to CIP and clean up the beach. I didn't mind because we're at the beach. I try not to think about the "cleaning-up" part. So they gave us a short briefing and lecture about the dos and don'ts. They gave us worksheets to reflect and do(as always) So we boarded the bus and Aza and I sat almost at the back where the boys were. Noisy but heck! So i took out my iPod and shared the ear piece with her and watched a little bit of "The Benchwarmers" and then stopped so that I could listen to my songs. Behind me was Saiful. He was sound-blasting. So once in awhile I'd turn around and give him a face. He sang along too. So I turned around again then he sarcastically put the phone at my ears, to irritate me more. Soon after that, I tried to ignore and looked out the window(my favourite) Then I tried to look for signboards to see where we were. We were already at East Coast Park because I could see the beaches. So I kept my iPod and we all unboarded the flipping bus. I was welcomed with the hot sun right when I got out. Then 2D's bus came after us. So when they were all out of their bus. We crossed the road to the beach. We assembled in our classes. Then Priscilla's class came next but I didn't notice until someone tapped my shoulder twice. First one was Azfar(grr!) and second was Priscilla. Then we were briefing again, then we were given black trash bags and one disposable glove. FINALLY, we were allowed to disperse. Fazira asked me to carry the trash bag, i refused and walked faster. Me and Aza told her, "Who asked you to take? See now you have to hold it the whole time! Cannot anyhow give us." Then we wasted a few minutes agrueing which place to go first. Left or right? I didn't want Left because they were already alot of people there and we won't be able to take any trash. Ended up going to the Left side, grrrr! Just as I thought, we barely filled our bag. But I did pick up some stuff. Styrofoam pieces, candy wrappers, plastic covers and bottle caps. I had sand in my shoes because Hidayah accidently kicked the sand, but z'ok. I'm fine with it, it wasn't much and didn't bug me. Then me and Hidayah went up to this small cliff. And I found this receipt so I passed it to Hidayah to give Fazira but one of pieces fell and got to the water. I called Fazira to get it and she wa like, "Eeew. Its wet!" I was like, its just water for goodness sake and it was in shallow water but she refused so I can't argue. So we got down and saw this back thing on the sand. Its not exactly trash but Hidayah still took it. It was hilarious because Fazira was looking away while Hidayah was putting it in, everytime we wanna put something in the bag, she turns her head and says, "Eew!" I thought my glove was wet but it wasn't. I was sweating under it. And I suddenly saw Patricia so I chased her around telling her to get into our trash bag for she IS rubbish. So we laughed and ran around while she hollered, "I'm not trash!" Then my group asked me to go now, so Pat was relieved but I shouted, "I stand corrected, you're still trash to me!" We both laughed. Then we got tired so sat down for awhile. Then I finally asked them to go and do more trash hunting but they wanted to just sit down. I insisted because I don't want to be seen doing nothing at all. So we just walked aimlessly then Mrs Tan came to us and asked for a picture. I ran away then she called back, telling me to clean the school if I refused. So I came back and Hidayah was the only one who stood to take the picture, then came me. So did Fazira. So Mrs Tan asked me to act like i'm picking up something and throwing it in. I purposely did this fake pose where i'm throwing it in to MAKE my point, and she just laughed. I told her it was really fake to take picture of us doing it. Told her to take picture of us later when I'm picking something up but she insisted. So I still did this funny fake pose and she took the picture. Wanna know what it was? I took a leaf(not trash but she doesn't care) and my mouth gapped and looking down at the bag with a leg up like a weirdo. Fazira kept on laughing. So after that commotion, we went to the Snack Shack to get ice-lollies to cool us down. I bought 1 with Aza and Fazira. Was so damn refreshing then someone spoiled the moment. Was this teacher, i don't know her name, she said this: "Please stop eating and continue your work." I was like, in my mind saying that there was other people eating snacks and sitting down and we're walking around eating and finding trash and ohhh... she targets US. I followed Hidayah to buy her drink and chips for all of us. Iskandar gave us 4 bucks to spend on. What a nice guy! Then we did our worksheets and ate chips. After that we had to go back to assembly because it was already 1.30pm. So we walked slowly and sat to our classes. I sat beside Priscilla with Farah, Azfar and Raden in sight. Raden asked for a sip in my bottle and the chips we bought. We talked, laughed, and then I spotted this spider at Priscilla's hair. Instead of helping her, I... well... chickened out. Real sorry! It went to Farah's bag and Ms Yuniza took her bag and shooked the spider off. Then our bus came so I said bye to them and boarded the bus. Listened to the iPod again and looked out the window. Mrs Tan told me I looked really serious and tired when I looked out the window. I just laughed. I got alittle sleepy but I didn't want to sleep somehow. reached school and met Priscilla, Seri, Pat and Farah and yeah... is all. Tired like poop! With love,
Friday, October 17, 2008
PW&NT ent. day
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:33 PM
![]() GREETINGS, MONGOLOIDS :D So today was like Project work & NT enterprise day. We were suppose to mingle in our classes around all the different booths. I had a brief thought about what was gonna happen, we'll be going around, given stupid worksheets to do and run around answering it. And you know what? It really turned out like that so no surprise here. So after morning assembly, we were asked to go to our first booth, was the Art thingy. Some art pieces was nice some were... well... y'know what I mean. We looked at all the pieces one by one, around, outside the AVA room. Y'know those red & white plastic long thingys they use to like... warn people not to enter? The speaker was walking with it, dragging it on the floor and all. So I didn't notice I stepped on it, while I was looking at the paintings. So she was like asking me to not step on it, thinking I'm doing it on PURPOSE which I so did not! So we took like only maybe, 5 minutes in that booth and it was hella' boring. So we went to the other booths, well, actually just taking a brief look at it. Then we went into the Study Room and play this game. You were suppose to arrange them to I think, recyclable and non-recyclable items. I was smart enough to notice the matching colors so all I did was put all the matching colors together and Fiona was like, "How did you know?!" So it was easy as pie, we finished, and left to go the the other booths. We went to the second level and went into all those courses we may get when we're Sec 3. I ended up like the Digital Gaming course and the Tourism & Hospitality course. We went back downstairs to go in the Humanities Room and checked out all those clay sculptures. I looked for awhile and then went out to mingle abit. I know I wasn't suppose to but it took only a teeny weeny bit of time so yeah. After that, we went to the Computer Lab to finalize our picking of subjects. Ended up choosing Geography and Home Ec. I remember being upset yesterday because I was thinking too much of the old times, at the start of the year, it was still so perfect and less stressing. So it made me cry abit so... yeah. What done is done(got it from Azfar) I'mma miss all of you guys after next week. I might not see you guys because maybe we don't go out at all. So you should invite me to go out with you guys, anyone of you, I'd prolly agree! So I won't feel upset not seeing you guys in the holidays. To my closest friends, lets go out! Friends, invite me out, i wanna socialize! Okaaaay? XOXO
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:43 PM
![]() HELLO BOBBLE-HEADS :D Priscilla came over yesterday to SLEEP-OVER!!! Patricia was suppose to come too but there's some personal thingy I wouldn't want air here. So Priscilla texted me yesterday morning, saying she'd be coming at around 11+ and bring fishball noodles and its on her, so i'd like to thank her for paying it and having the trouble to buy it. So I thought maybe I shouldn't eat and just wait for her to come here and eat. So i clean and arranged the whole house(do it most of the time when someone sleepovers OR comes over) I was all ready so is my sparkling house but Priscilla wasn't here yet. She messaged me like 40 mins ago that she left. My stomach growled and ached. I think I had gastric for a weeny bit because my stomach ached real bad and had to go to the lil' girls room(oops!) then finally I ate. Holly neptune, it was hella delicious food!!! After the feast, we went to the computer and... well, the usual. Played Sims 2 Pets and chatted with a couple of people in the middle. Soon I suggested we do something else for it isn't fun for both of us(well me, because I'm just watching) so we watched the Simpsons movie. Then my brother and his "friend" came. So they used the computer for awhile. Then afterwards, headed to the room. Only God knows what they do inside the room!!! After the movie, we wanted to watch another movie, Cloverfield. Priscilla wanted to watch it badly, a long time back well now she can. The movie makes your head hurt though. The whole time in the movie, the person is holding the camera and running around. Falling from here and all so yeah, that time I watched it in the theatres, my dad complained having a headache. I didn't though. Half way through the movie, Priscilla didn't want to watch anymore. Yes, because she had a headache so we went back to the computer and surfed Friendster and everything. Laughing and gossiping alittle. We played this game where you have to write whats on the screen within a minute and see how many words to can write in a minute. Priscilla and I keep panicking so we really didn't go that well. I rather not tell you what we got, hahaha! We played really long then my brother left to accompany the "friend" home and my dad came home with LJS! So we ate and watched television. Then went back to the computer. I know... all we do is play the computer. Don't forget playing my Nintendo DS. Soon my sister came back. Then my momma was last. She asked us to go to sleep for it was already, i don't know, going to 11? So we went to the room, with the air-con already on. Fooled around alittle and well... she tried stealing my pillow but I got a trick to make her give it back. Then we took my iPod Video and watched the movie, Juno. We watched until our eyes got heavy. So we didn't finish the movie AGAIN. So I asked Priscilla to off the light because she was nearer to the light. She couldn't argue because its honestly true! The weird thing is, when the lights went out. We didn't feel sleepy anymore. So then again, we fooled around in the dark. Pulling blankets, hair and all those stuff. Then we got tired and dozed off. The next morning, we checked to see what was for breakfast. It was hotdogs, shrimps, chicken and mee goreng. I wasn't hungry yet, so... YOU GUESSED IT! We went to the computer once more. Then we watched Family Guy. I handed over the computer to Priscilla and dozed off on the sofa. Woke up and was hungry again. So we cooked noodles while playing the computer. Then soon it was time for her to go. So she changed and left. I'mma see her tomorrow! Tomorrow we're gonna have CIP and checking of marks. Wish me luck!!! XOXO
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:42 AM
![]() HELLO SASQUATCHES :D . I don't know. I like those big words! So stop wondering. I'mma make my blog more interesting by putting BOLD, ITALIC and BIG today? I have all the time because I have no school today and the day after today because the teachers will be discussing about our promotion and marks... o ooh nervous wreck! So yesterday, we were thought golf by alot of... indians. So we were splitted up into 5 in each class(i think) and we were laughing at our instructor who wore a very pale yellow AND his tummy was bulging out like he was, i don't know, PREGNANT? So we laughed and chuckled 'till he got fed-up and got angry. He was like asking us to continue laughing. Well of course we were to stop, but it was too funny. So i just covered my face! I was about to cry(what always happens if its too funny, tears come out) but I tried not to. So then he taught us what the SHAFT, CLUB FACE, IRON HEAD and uh... some other stuff was. I sat with Iskandar, and if I do, we mostly talk crap and laugh our ASS off.Then we had a challenge against each other, the 2 groups. Me and Aza had to go with the guys but the yellow guy said it gives us an advantage, so yeah. Fu Xiang tried alot of times but didn't go in at all so me and Aza tried... nah neither did we. Then I just told the guys we'll be the cheer-leader, not surprised they agreed to it. I'll just make our team lose with my oh-so lousy putting. So the first one was a shocker, Fu Xiang and I think... Haikal had one in! So we get score 2. I screamed for that was so ironic. And we have to win or we'll have to buy the other team DRINKS! Then the other team gets in, at gets score 1. My team keeps on cheating but the yellow guy is too smart. So did the other team I think, but didn't work either. WOW! So then suddenly, the two guys shot again, so we get score 4! WE WERE THRILLED! Then we had our break time, the team ended up not buying us anything, don't know why. After the golf thing, we finished early so we were asked to go to the hall. We did, and started planning out Halloween party. THEN the teacher came and told us we'll be watching a movie but the movie is cold hard crap! So I just talked to Priscilla, Farah and Pat. Then they gave up on us and let us go home earlier! So we headed to KFC, laughed our ass off with Fitri and headed to Vivo. I'll just make this short. We looked mostly at clothes and planned to buy them on the holidays, then met Pat and her friend, Denise and then looked around again and then went home and now, Priscilla will be coming over for a sleepover so... shoo! XOXO
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 12:36 PM
![]() HELLO COMPUTER NERDS :D . Finally i'm back here blogging my ass off! I can officially say that; EXAMS ARE OVER!!! Well actually mine finished on Thursday while the peeps with MT language ends at Friday. But its SATURDAY now so... yay for all! I don't know, I have a feeling today is gonna be those boring ol' weekends. I'm broke(same meaning: saving money) so... yeah just gotta place my ass on my computer chair and play the whole day. This morning, when I woke up, I saw my iPod video beside me. So I walked out to get my earpiece and went back to bed and planned to watch the movie, Cloverfield, again. I'm not sure, I really like that show. I could just keep watching it. The iPod is like... small, yeah? I kept my eyes at the movie 'till my mom asked me to go for breakfast+lunch=brunch. I paused it and went out. THEN!!!!... my eyes went all funky. I was looking CROSS-EYED! I mean it wasn't obvious when I looked into the mirror BUT, I could have sworn I was looking cross-eyed. I couldn't look properly, if i tried looking straight, it made me dizzy. So yeah it went on while I was eating. It bugged me! Then I went back to my movie, this time I didn't put the iPod too near to my face. A distance this time, not making the same mistake again. I felt much better, and by the way, my house has been more quieter! Which is great because my blabbering sister is too caught up with her new book, Twilight. That's the first, usually i'm the only one in the family who reads/loves books. Speaking of books, i'm planning to buy this book from Cathy Cassidy; GingerSnaps. I asked my mom, she said next week we could buy it, so i HAVE to wait for next week. My mom is my BOOK SUPPLIER, if you know what I mean. But when I was Sec 1, I'd usually buy the books using my allowance. When my mom noticed that i'm fond of books AND i've not been eating recess since I spent it mostly on my books, she would buy the books for me just so long I read it and have learned more words and all. So I did. The recent books(not so recent) she bought me was the whole 7 books of Chronicles of Narnia. Oh yes, I love their books. Unlike one of my pals who thinks its lame(boohoo, you!) Basically this blog is to stop me from gettin' boring... so yeah. XOXO
Thursday, October 9, 2008
We're baaaack!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 11:13 AM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 4:21 PM
Sorry guys if i've not been blogging. I will soon, like tomorrow or the day after that. For now I'm kinda lazy. MUAHAHA. See you then!XOXO
Friday, October 3, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:29 PM
![]() Summary(not exactly) for "EXAM WEEK" Thursday 2nd October: So is the Geography paperbut there's this one questions which I answered wrongly and i've regretted and is bugging me the whole time. The question was, "What was the impact of... blah blah" right? Well I didn't read it properly so I thought "Impact" meant "Causes" so I started writing the causes. Holly crap! When i gave the paper to the so-called Botox-ed lady(no idea what her name was), I remembered what it meant, oh... the agony! Before the Geo. paper, was the MT paper. I didn't have MT in school so I could go to school later before the next paper. So we 3 agreed to meet up to eat Breakfast at Mcdoodles. We seriously enjoyed the hotcakes, except for Pat, she was broke. I loved their hashbrown! So after that, the usual, we started missing up the food and making abominations(food comined together) and we all did our evil laughs quietly. Once we did that with curry sause and pepper, with salt/sugar and coke and ketchup. WOWZA! Who knows what it tastes like? We do it everytime after eating in any fastfood restaurant.... sigh~ Friday 3rd October: Which is today... HISTORY paper. I studied last minute(my study technique, which WORKS) and remembered all the things I needed to answer the paper. I think I did pretty well too. Even though I flunked most of the test for Mr. Kan wasn't much help for me, thank you very much Mr. Kan! So after the paper I went to eat at Mcdoodles with my compadres again, and this time there were MORE Yishun Town sec. students, and the guys from me and Priscilla's class all combined together like a gang eating. Afterwards, we met Seri and Pat and went to the Pet Shop for fun and who knew we stayed really long just staring at the adorable hamsters they kept, CAPTIVE. They had fights, and we gasped. Running on the wheel, and we chuckled. Hamster CROWDING to get in the wheel, and we laughed louder. Soon we noticed we took too long so we starting walking around somemore, in the dead mall. After that, they all went home while Priscilla and I, all alone, watched Saw 4! Like the previous posts, we watch the other 3, now we finished the last one. We're just waiting for Saw 5 to come out! Then watched half of Chuck&Larry then played Sims 2. Funny part was I got hyper from the movie, I took my toy gun and acted like all those police and all. While she was playing, I kept on disturbing her and pressing the gun to the forehead like what action movie does. I hide from the back of my sofa and around the corner, MUAHAHA! Then suddenly she stood up from her chair so I ran to her and jumped on her back, the bad YET funny part, we both fell to the ground and starting laughing somemore. Ahhhh... what fun! Then she went home and I'm here blogging about it. |