Friday, August 29, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:08 PM
 In the morning, we had ACES day which meant "All-children-excercises-simultaneously" I didn't like the name BUT i liked the activities we did. We were tought Hip-hop dancing! It was so cool! So for a whole hour, we were trying to learn the steps and when it was over, we had to go straight to the hall for the Teacher's day celebration! It took awhile because all of the levels couldn't settle in, I don't blame 'em. Its so exciting, you can't stop moving OR talking.
The performance was great, despite flaunts i think it was nice. But what i was mostly waiting for was the Class Party AFTER the concert. When it ended, some of my friends already left secretly to prepare everything, in the classroom. That made me all PUMPED up. We were released and we all ran to our own classes to throw a class party. All classes were allowed to have Class Party until 12+. THAT WAS AWESOME!
When I FINALLY was outside my class, I saw something very different. THE CURTAINS WAS CLOSED! So i ran in and "KAPOOOW!" the place loooks wonderful. Really looked like a party. Music playing... whiteboard drawn "Happy Teacher's Day"... Food... Refreshments!!! I checked out the food, it was Chicken, mee Goreng, cake with munch-munch(snacks) We were all starving because we didn't have recess, the school did that on purpose so we could actually, FINISH our food.
Soon Mrs Tan was coming, so we rushed in. When she opened the door. She was already "ready" to cover. We pop the party poopers and so we took a WHOLE picture with my wonder-class, 2 Fortitude. Then finally the cake was cut and given to Mrs Tan, Mr Tham and Mr Yong. We had so much fun. When i wanted to get another slice of cake, i noticed that the other food were.... FINISHED! I couldn't believe it, and to think it was TOO much(to me)
We cleaned up the place abit and the others had to clean because we all did our part for the party. So Priscilla and I went to Bishan, J8, for fun. We waddled around like hooligans making noise pollution then we reached Action City then I saw this CLASSIC BUBBLE GUM TOY. THen you pull it, it gives out an electric shock... so priscilla doesn't know what it is so... i asked her to... uhm... PULL IT!!! When she pulled it... she let go of the thing and shouted and squealed. I laughed until i couldn't laugh any longer while she was complaining about HOW pain it was.
HAHAHAH! That was the FUN about it. So the whole time while walking around, she was holding her finger and made me snigger. Then when we got hungry, we went to Mcdoodles to eat. I CHOKED ON MY COKE and well... she laughed. We're so weird, we laugh at horrible things that happens to our besties. After eating, we sat there and talked about ALOTTA STUFF! Personal ones and funny ones, we laughed really loud and every people that walks pass, we had something to say about.
Suddenly i recognised a tiny figure, PATRICIA. Hahaha, but we stayed where we were. We were about to leave anyway. When in the MRT, we made noise again. When Priscilla was looking out the window, i just HAD the URGE to push her head to it. So i did, then it made a loud sound... "BANG" i laughed again. That was an awesome day, A++!
Note: Try doing what i did to Priscilla. You'd get hella alotta laugh! Trust me...
Thursday, August 28, 2008
iMac chronicles
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:15 PM
 We just love♥ the iMAC room.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Marathon? No.
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:58 PM
Today was quite messy. We had IPW for the first two periods so we went to the Mac Lab again. We were suppose to do our Comic Life thingy relating to IPW. We got lazy so we used Friendster and took pictures in PhotoBooth(as usual) Then the whole time until after school, i think was really dman boring and draggy. Was so happy it was break-time.
I will skip SMART because I don't see anything special so... yeah. Patricia was suppose to retest her 2.4 but was late so we just waddled around making a fool of ourselves, i call it "killing" time until 3.30, for we have to go to stupid Ace Club. We were on our way up when something stopped us. It was when I remembered there was rehearsal in the Hall and i saw alot of people there rehearsing.
So we said that it isn't bad just staying a wee minutes to watch. I turned around and saw our Ace Club teachers so we ran up to the Art room and saw she disappeared, so we left our bags on the table and ran back down and stayed until 3.40pm. We saw the OTHER ace club teacher so i told them we should reach the Art room before SHE did.
So when we were in the Art room, we had to do the stupid bottle cap thingys and make them into magnets to the fridge and clips, yeah i know what you're thinking, lame huh? We cut, glued, swept the floor and all that. Soon i noticed i had glue all over my hands. We stayed until around 6 and we were already sure the rehearsal was long over. Though we did reach Aza, erra and Tisha and asked how it was.
Took the bus to Northpoint and ate, well not really. Patricia and Syazwani was the only one who bought food. We just leeched around pat's fries. The whole time Syazwani couldn't stop laughing because we made alotta jokes. Wow! Finished around 7 and went home. Reached home and saw my suck-ish sister using my computer so i asked her to get out. She has a laptop, so i asked why didnt she use hers and she was like, "whatever!" She sucks like hell, i'm tellin' you.
Note: Can you keep my sister? I don't want her. Please!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:18 PM
I thought that today would be the most horrible day ever because my morning started out awful! I was a few minutes late to wake up, so i bathed and ate my breakfast. Then when it came to tying my hair, it just doesn't go the way i wanted it. Like hello, c'mon hair! I was really bummed and i had to leave, so i left the house with my hideous hair and tried retying it on the day. IT STILL DIDN'T WORK!
So when i reached school, i met Patricia in the hall and forgot about my rebellious hair and we read the newspaper. I have to say, the article was interesting. Was about the students having unsafe sex. I know what you're thinking, "how pervertic!" hey better than talking about government problems and all, puhhh-leaaaze. So we went back to class. It was ART so we waddled to the MAC room.
When we reached the place, no one was inside. We waited for centuries and realized she didnt come today, so we went back to class. While walking back, my friend tried helping me to retye my hair. It still didnt work and Aza pulled my hair outside the class, how embarrasing! So i just tied bun and STOPPED myself from retying my hair. After recess, we were at the hall.
I remembered that i must bring my Geography file and workbook BUT i forgot so i panicked like how i always do so. In Geography, i was in a "down in the dumps" mood for almost all the class brought it and so I didnt do much. Just looked at my friend's file hoping it turned out to be mine. So it was DUE until 3pm in Mr Phua's pigeon-hole so i could just run back home and get them.
After Geography was MT! My free-time, so I did a bit of my math homework and... well... dozed off at the back of the class without being soon or BANGED on the table asking me to "DO MY HOMEWORK!" in a sassy way. Woke up and forgot there was still English and almost went down to rush home. English class was... *yawn* then so it ended and priscilla and farah followed me in my VOYAGE and Priscilla kept on thinking we're criminals escaping prison(school)
Sweat ran down my face and I grabbed my file and workbook and we continued back to school. There was somewhere in the middle of our voyage when Priscilla saw this tree and said, "This is where we should stay the night and continue tomorrow!" then I burst into laughter because I really think that was funny! We reached school and drank some water in the canteen and went back to class, during SMART all I did was arrange my file and run into different classes.
After SMART Pat, Pris and I went to Nee Soon East park with our bubble teas and CORN(my craving today) so we talked, laughed, talked somemore about the future. A bunch of mat reps took our USUAL place so we had to settle in the Exercising "corner" They were all half naked showing their NOT-SO buff body. Eww! Then we walked to the bustop near my house, bought seaweed and went home while they both went to the bustop. Ran to the computer without changing. B-!
Note: ARGH! Help us, there's ACE Club tomorrow. I'd rather eat poop! (maybe not)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Tony Romas
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:54 AM
  Finally the family outing that has been postponed for like alotta times already was yesterday and I really had a blast. We wanted to eat at Tony Romas in City hall. So I thought we were gonna be taking the MRT. At the bustop I didn't notice they were discussing if we could ride the Cabby instead so my energy got pumped up because I just LOVE riding the cabby.
In the cab, the window has Spongebob Squarepants stickers and a TV infront of the seat but I didn't want to watch so I just looked out the window. We were taken aback because there was traffic, we don't know why but there was traffic near Ang Mo Kio. When we reached the Exbition hall, the place was crowded and COLD!
It must be cold season now because everywhere I go its freezing cold. When we reached Tony Romas, the line was sooo long! So to kill time, I followed my momma to the restroom. While walking to the toilet, I asked my momma about my Birthday matters. I asked if I could have a SHOPPING SPREE for a birthday present and she was like, What? "Ok i'll think about it" and another one was that if I could go out with my friends instead, rather than a party and that was a straight "OK!" wooohoo!
When we got back, my sister, brother and dad was already instead. So my momma and I went it and soon we were looking through our menus. My momma ordered the Family Feast. By the way, Tony Romas is not like Swensens, Tony Romas has a bar and all those posh thingos. So we took pictures and everything, while eating and then we were full! Then the talking and laughing started while my sister was talking about the Dinner/Dance she attended.
I even know how much my momma paid for our food... $180+! But it was worth it. We left the place and when we reached the Exit, they gave us Mentos, yummy! We walked to TCC, on the way there, we stopped to see the Fireworks, but we don't know why there was but we watched it. When i took pictures on a graffiti wall which looks so cool!!!!!!! When we reached TCC, we drank lattes, frappes and coffee with a combination of CAKES!!!
Laughed and took more pictures then soon we were finished, we took the MRT home. Was really sleepy. Got home, changed and slithered to my bed and went on my deep sleep. A+ ayee!
Note: While my sister was talking about the Dinner/Dance party, there was bunch of jokes which were really funny.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
How to be a...
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 4:19 PM
How to be a Ninja:
How to be Emo:
How to be Gangsta:
You're Beautiful:
Vivo city
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 11:44 AM
  Yesterday after school, Priscilla and I went home straight away(first time) but not to stay home but to change and go out and meet at North point entrance because we planned to go Vivo city to find the clothes I wanted for my birthday. So we met up in North point and took the MRT. In the MRT, we made quite alot of noises because we kept on sniggering and all. Soon we reached Vivo, the gust of cold wind got to me. I didnt want to wear a jacket so i tried to tolerate the cold mall.
We went straight to Burger King because throughout our travel there, we were STARVING! And i was craving for Burger King. We ordered our usual and talked, joked around and soon I remembered i brought my digital camera so thats when the camwhoring started. We left Burger King and walked around for awhile, loosing the full tummy. We went to the Pet Shop and then we headed out to the Sky Garden.
We found a place to sit that is NOT wet because it rained a few hours before we reached the Vivo. Then we camwhored somemore! Soon after camwhoring, we headed back inside and started walking in and out of boutiques looking at clothes and soon we were trying to find what we both wanted and helping each other to FIND it.
Up and down we go around Vivo and my legs was hurting real bad, so is hers but it was way too good to stop now so we held it. We found my high-waist shorts and looked so awesome! We tried finding the long leggings but our legs couldn't take it so we went home. In the MRT we got to sit for a few minutes till we had to change to the next train.
We just had to stand the whole way back to Yishun and it was tiring, believe me. So soon we splited up and when I got home, I uploaded the photos and had to go down and give my sis the camera and her card invitation to a party. Ran back up and played computer with no disturbance.
Note: I really had so much fun in Vivo, thanks Priscilla!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Old hag
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 3:28 PM
After school, we planned of going out for fun. So we waddled to North point. The dead shopping mall and ate at Food Court. Priscilla felt like eating normal food and got sick of Fast Food. So we all ate and shared our left-overs for Pat because she didn't have much money. But before finding our seats, we had to walk around to find one and when we did, this old hag came and stole our seats. I got angry so i stomped my feet to show it to that old gasbag.
Soon we found one and saw 2 teachers eating together so we tried to stay low. After eating we headed for the MRT station. The stupid thing was that the Food Court had an exit/entrance to the way of the MRT. We're so dumb, we went up and down again. ARGH! Was so horrible. Then we took the MRT to Ang Mo Kio. We had so much fun there, we found clothes, we ate snacks and laughed a lot. Then we heard the ringing of bells, the sign of the ice cream guy. Priscilla wanted to buy one but I didn't want to because that ice cream could've been anywhere and be DIRTY by now. So i said, Mcdoodles! I'm paying for her icec cream anyway. SO its my choice!
We kept on going up and down AMK Hub because each time we remember something that we need to find that CAN'T be found in North point. I wanted my fluffy pen! But we couldn't find any. Then we went into this store called "ArtBox" and they had cool notebooks that I wanted to buy. Soon we were tired and i thought we'd be quiet-er in the MRT but we found out that the MRT was empty at the back so we ran and camwhored until Yishun came.
When we reached North point, we went to Popular to read some magazines and comic and then we went home. Take it from me, i'mm give it a A!
Note: The advice I gave to Priscilla ontop is true. If you don't believe me, then DIE!
Green shorts
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 3:05 PM
Ok i'm here talking about my trip to Pat's house last week. I know its was quite a long time ago but I was way too lazy to write these past few days. Better late than never! So it was ard 4+ when she actually REPLIED so I reached her house alone and waited for her outside bcause she was as always, lazy to go down. When she got to the gate... SHE WORE HER GREEN SHORTS AGAIN! How typical! Priscilla didn't come because her momma left and then there was no way to text her.
She told me there were a lot of boys at home so i promised to stay downstairs, well, until I get hungry. So she taught me how to ride her puny bike and we ran around like hooligans until we suggested to go Mcdoodles to eat, so we went up to see no boys(yay!) and so she grabbed her money while I took a peek at Liann. We took awhile because she couldn't find what to wear. So i assisted her.
We walked to Mcdoodles Khatib at combined money to buy McWings meal and another pack of fries and Milo. We had a king's feast... well almost. We talked about personal and some funny topics and soon we were FILLED! We walked to Cheers and bought a Push Pop while she bought Fruitella chewy candy and headed back to her condo. We took a break at a Playground nearby and laughed somemore.
Then suddenly we saw Pat's mom coming to us, she told us she was gonna bake a cake but there was no eggs so Pat and I, being good girls, volunteered to buy the eggs and so we headed back to the market and bought 'em. When we got home, her momma wanted to rest so we used the computer for awhile till pat's brother and his friend, Michael came in. Michael was going home and Dylan is bugging us.
That fat kiddo keeps hitting me, i'd hit him but i'm way too mature to act like a FAT PERSON like him. So I let him hit me but until only if he makes me mad, i'm planning to destroy his face. Soon it was baking time. We mixed egg, with the cake mixture and we took turns mixing them and then we baked them. Ahhh the wonder, her momma placed it to "ROAST" so we had to wait. But i wanted to go home.
So she accompanied me until the gate where we first started the day, so I got home all smiles. KAPOW!!!! An A+ for that day.
Note: The green shorts is what she always wear if either of us comes over.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:58 PM
Well I didn't go out today if you're asking. I was just at home lolling around in the computer or watching the Olympic games. Family outing was postponed to next next Thursday. I noticed everytime when I'm not going out, I do all the surverys in the Bulletin boards so if you see any of mine, well, you know I'm bored. So when it was my brother's turn to use the computer, I grabbed my digital camera and took pictures of random stuff, was fun.
I ate prata this morning, that's a good thing right? And my momma bought donuts! I'm contented. By the way, AZFAR, if you're reading this. Get out of here if you think its OH-SO boring. GAH! Priscilla invited me to go out tomorrow and some other friends too, who should I go with? This is hard.
Have you guys watched Prom Night? Priscilla wants to watch it with me and I hate horror films. There's horror films that I watched but didn't scare me one bit but it was either on teevee or CDs. But now it's... the theatres! I hate watching horror films in the dark, are you ballistic?! I might as well not watch it because I'll be covering my eyes for any scary parts.
But we'll see about it, maybe now I'm strong enough. Its not like we're gonna watch at night or anything. When I get out of the theatres it'd still be sunny so I like that alot. I need a new phone desperately, my front screen of my phone turned rainbow-ish. And the cracks grew bigger... I'm certainly not gonna buy a phone with glass infron of it and I'm planning for a phone with nice cameras. So that I don't have to leech around for the digicam which is very bulky and expensive.
National day is over and it looks like a normal day. I noticed, not all the flats were displaying their flags this year. I wonder why. My brother goes out alot nowadays. Right after we borrowed his friend's bicycle. He's been out cycling around Yishun and beyond. I don't have a bicycle ever since my brother broke the other one and my momma doesn't want us riding around in bikes. So yeah~ i wonder how it feels having your hair flowing while riding.
Well unless you're bald. The house sounds so quiet now... it's very peaceful. No brother playing the guitar and no sister shouting about every single thing. Feels like heaven! I could blog in peace for once. I'd take this day a C+
Note: While writing this shiznit post, my hand has been cramping. ACK!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Happy 43th birthday Singapore
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:43 PM
   Today is the 8th and of couse, we'll have a National Day celebration in school and we'll have to wear our red/whirte but this year, we're collaborating with Racial Harmony day remember? So it's either red/white or ethnic costumes. When I reached the school, wow was I surprised to see alot of people wearing red/white and some ethnic costume. I was really excited. It started out with the marching in of the UG groups then the performance started, singing songs, dancing, prancing, quizzes, more singing and soon it was over. I had a headache from all these messy people, they make me dizzy.
We took some pictures in the hall before we left to change at home because US bffs are going to Vivo City! So we headed to my house to get money and change. We stopped by at the Bubble tea shop and waited for Patricia to buy her bubble tea and some guys came and left. After changing in my house, we went back to the bubble tea shop to get my oh-so new craving; Sweet corn, Priscilla's bubble tea and Pat's fries. WE traded the food to get their food in return, was fulfilling.
We went to Priscilla crib(ha-ha) at relaxed abit more while she changed and off we went to Vivo. On the MRT we were making noise pollution I guess because we kept on sniggering and shoving each other but what can we do? We're having fun! We reached the place and played at the playground and walked around before heading to Burger King. We seriously enjoyed it all and didn't waste a THING.
So we went to the Sky Tower and find a place to settle down and camwhore. After all the camwhoring and gettin' all wet, we went to another place to settle, feel the breeze and dry our feet and PANTS. Patricia brought us to this Pet Shop and saw so many cute animals. Went everywhere and then we looked around for hoodies at Forever 21 and Topshop and soon we wanted to go home. On the way back, everyone wasn't talking much. Way too sleepy and tired.
Patricia got off at Khatib and Priscilla and I hanged abit in Northpoint and laughed somemore and then we went home. Whatta day! I'mma give this an A+!
Note: Gonna upload more photos after Patricia sends it all to me.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:35 PM
Today we had an Assembly by the china kiddos who came here to do the twinnie project. I'm glad they're not coming over to my class. Believe me, they do not wanna come to my class. So I just HAD to sit near the most pervertic and naughtiest boys in both 2T & 2F. Pravin and Kevin! The first item was a girl who is using this chinese flute thing while she moves her body which I have to agree looks really funny and it was really long everyone went very restless and I got bored. When it finished I give a really loud clap because i'm glad it ended. Then came the dancing green girl(i call her that)
She bent her flexible body and well... Kevin just HAD to comment about her boobs. He said it was sharp and they kept on staring at her boobs and bullocks. So well that's the only entertainment I got throughout. Kept on sniggering. Finally it finished and no I don't want to talk about the other items, purrr-leaaaze you do not want to hear it. So we had D&T but the great thing was the relief teacher came so I screamed. All we did was do the worksheet and then we're free! He released us early recess.
I ate my hamburger... oh no! I just remembered, I left abit of it and now it's still in my bag. Have to get it out or will stink up my bag. So anyway, let's skip to during Smart. I was asked to do the menu for tomorrow's food booth that commits to Racial Harmony. Mine is Stall No. 5! So I used blue, silver, red and black markers and some creativity and made it nice. It got me busy for SMART which is a good thing. So then Priscilla and I walked around dead mall, North point and went home.
When I got home, I got my seaweed and ate somemore. Aza went online and showed me this disgusting video about peeps with the disease Anorexia Nervosa and I saw all their pictures. They are godamn skinny dips! And to think you guys call me "sticks"! Watch the video and I can prove you wrong, assholes. I eat until I get so damn full and still I don't grow fat, so shuddup fat people. Don't act FAT! I bet you guys are good at catching... for donuts into your mouth! Today's got to be a B-.
Note: Look out for my made menu for Stall No. 5, hehe.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Saya rasa gembira
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:40 PM
 This morning I had quite a bad mood, some of the 2T chinese boys sat on the 2F seats and they didn't see the board so I said, "Blind ah? Can see not your class right?" Then the fat boy in the group starting speaking in chinese which pissed me off so I shouted, "Move lah, fat boy!" then I walked away. Soon they finally moved. Recess time, Patricia didn't look too well but didn't want to tell us what's wrong(as always)
Then Debbie told me she went home with a bad tummy ache which Priscilla and I suspected just now in recess time because she clenched her tummy and left, going to the toilet. So I was alone for Math remedial AGAIN but z'ok. The only thing I hate so badly is Irzaq disturbing and insulting me. I wanna smack his face 'till he cries like what he always does when he's hopeless.
After remedial, I headed for the Home Ec. room because Priscilla and Farah was having practical and is making Carrot cake. They just started and was suppose to finish at 3.30 but stretched. Watching them do made me miss Home Ec. so much and tomorrow was D&T for me, torture I tell you! Then Azfar kept on asking me to leave and everything, grr~ When they finished, Priscilla and I was late for Ace Club.
But who cares? Now we don't have to stay that long. We had to take all these beer caps and make magnet and other stuff out of it. Was boring, believe me. So we did this, that, got glue on my hand and all. Then we agreed to go Mcdoodles afterwards. After Ace Club(finally) we went to Mcdoodles and ate. I asked them to follow me around to look for White polo tees because I wanna wear it on Friday.
I've decided not to wear the Ethnic costume and returned it. So we found one with a sale, 2 for $30 so I was going to tell my momma when I get home, I wish and pray hard that she'd allow for the sake of how I may look on Friday. I don't want to wear a normal tee, it will make me look like a ragmuffin! So please, God, help me! So besides the mornin' blow-out, I'd take this as a B+.
Note: The carrot cake was de-li-cious! But I don't dig the lemon topping.
Eat this up
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:20 PM
 Yesterday at MT class, I fell asleep but was awoken because of these monkeys behind me; David and Pravin. They had a new toy today(ha-ha) it was a spray and they filled it with water and of course, they sprayed at almost everyone. Then after school, the group w/o Farah went to the Nee Soon East park. It was our old hang-out in Sec 1 and wanted to go there for fun. And like the old times, we bought our favourite bubble tea drinks; Honeydew ice blended, chocolate ice blended and snow blended strawberry.
Then suddenly we started waddling around the hot sun and laughing our asses off. When out of the blue, we started making candid videos like "interviews" and "tutorials". So we made a total of 3 videos involving me falling down and laughing. We had so much fun! It was like the old days but more used to each other than before. Soon we got tired and walked around the market to find my lastest craving... SEAWEED!
Bought one big packer for $2.60. When we walked near to my house then we split because I'm going to my block and they're going to the bus stop near my house. When I got home, I ran to the computer WITHOUT changing and ate my delicious seaweed when my brother came and spoiled the day(joking) should be an A today! Finally, a fun day with seaweed relation.
Note: I get cravings everyday!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Scabby business
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 3:58 PM
Today's just a C. It's so boring today. We were suppose to go out again but as always, it got postponed to next Friday because there are lazy people in my family so I stayed at home and stared into space like I always do. Texted buddy, the only one who could make my day! I took a seriously quick nap and soon heard the bell ring. It was the Pizza my momma ordered, well that at least we had Pizza.
I love the Sweet'n'spicy chicken of Pizza Hut, I don't get why they call it "spicy" anyway. Its not spicy at all. ZOMG time really flies... it's already Sunday and tomorrow will be another school day where we rot. I better think of something to do FAST. Day by day, it gets boring and more boring. GAH! My scab is going all itchy now... I think its ready to be peeled off. Got the scab by those indian guys I told you about who blocked me and I hit a stupid bamboo stick.
I've got Math homework but I don't feel like doing it. Every math lesson is stressful because she gives us alot of things to do. After one math work, she piles us up with more. What does she think we are? Robots?! We just don't "ZAP!" and then we're done with the work. It takes time for goodness sake. All I can do now is play the computer, eat and go ballistic.
I'm just watching Bubble Boy and chat with a couple of friends. I'm so bored I even chat with the people I don't really chat with(WTH?!) and now my leg is gettin' all numb because I've been in this seating position since just now and I'm way too lazy to change it. I need push-pops... I need to eat something sweet right away! I neeeeed my comfort food!!! Gahhhhhhhhhhh~ I'm suffocating in this jail(not really, jail but you get the point) I wish someone would fly me to the moon~
Note: Could you buy me a Push-pop?
Bubble boy
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 3:44 PM
I've currently been watching this movie called, "Bubble Boy" If some of you knows this movie, its quite old but it's still very funny to me. Here's the summary:
Jimmy Livingston is a boy born without an immune system. Because of this, he is forced to live in a bubble dome in his bedroom, which has led students at a local high school to nickname him Bubble Boy. Because of his condition, Jimmy's extremely religious mother forbids him to leave the bubble dome, only allowing him Highlights magazine and the Land of the Lost television show as recreation. When Jimmy discovers that a new girl, Chloe, has moved in next door, he is immediately taken with her. They immediately become fast friends, much to Mrs. Livingston's jealousy. One day, Chloe announces that she is leaving for Niagara Falls to marry the boorish rock-star Mark. Jimmy becomes upset and demands that she leave. Furious and sad at the same time, Chloe leaves him a present and disappears. Jimmy opens the present to find it is a snow globe that says "I Love You". Overcome with guilt for having driven Chloe away, Jimmy builds a mobile bubble suit and sneaks off into the night, determined to stop the wedding. Throughout his journey to Niagara Falls, Jimmy meets many zany and odd people, including the Bright and Shiny cult, The Dr. Phreak traveling sideshow circus, Slim the biker and his gang of motorcyclists, and Pushpop the Indian ice cream man. In the end, Jimmy stops the wedding and takes off his bubble suit so he can finally touch the girl he loves. Jimmy's mother confesses that Jimmy has had an immune system since he was four years old, but she hid this fact from him in order to keep him all to herself. Jimmy forgives her, then grabs Chloe and kisses her. Jimmy and Chloe get married with all of their new friends in attendance. Then, Pippy and Pappy drive the two of them to their honeymoon.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Old times
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:39 PM
On the 8th of August we'll be collaborating with Racial Harmony Day and National day so either we wear Ethnic costumes or Red/white. Remember I told you I lent some from my friends? I'm gonna return them and just wear Red/white. I'm seriously not sure about the bottom because they give us unspecific information. Different teachers say we can wear any bottoms, others say we are suppose to wear our school skirts, like WTH?! So I'm hoping they're gonna give us a briefing a few days before the day itself.
Gah~ the thing I hate about Oreos are that they make my fingernails all dirty with the black biscuits and stick to my teeth but I've been eating them since just now before I took a nap. I noticed any snack I see nearby, I'd eat it until I get sick of it so you'd better keep all those snacks away from me if not I'll finish 'em all. I'm suppose to the going out with my family now but they are all so lazy and this is what I hate so badly.
My sister went home very late yesterday and she slept till 12+ and woke up to eat and guess what? She slept somemore! WTH is wrong with her, she has a serious sleeping problem. She's so freaking lazy, she can sleep somemore even though she already had enough sleep. She's the weirdest! My brother on the other hand, wakes up early but never takes nap. Gosh! So he went out with his friends today. For me, I'm just right. I sleep early or late, wake up early OR late. I take naps and be energized again.
So my momma told us that we could just go out tomorrow. Better than never. WE used to go out alot on the weekends. Then soon it ended, I don't know why. Yesterday, my momma called to say we're eating at Food Court so I thought it was a sign maybe we could go out the next day or Sunday. I'm gonna ask my momma about buying me a white polo shirt for Friday's extravaganza! It's August already! That's really fast, next thing you know it's already the end of the year exams and to 2009. We're gonna be Secondary 3s!!!
Somewhere near the end of August, I'm gonna get a new phone! YAY! But the whole thing I really dream about is the one at the front is a Digital camera and at the back, a phone. It's so cool! My birthday is coming soon! On the 17th of September. My cousin, Jaime's birthday is a day before. 16 of september. We used to celebrate our birthdays together till I moved here. When we were kids, we celebrated it together. I got a Vanilla cake while he got a Chocolate one witha a big "1" on it. Good times~ I miss all my cousins so badly. I'm only coming back to the Phils on 2009.
But we can't do anything, can't we? I'll just have to wait. I once dreamed, my life in the Phils was really great and when there's a special occasion, like a birthday of ours. All my cousins would come over and party till tomorrow like we always do when we go back or when they tell us about it. Here, I celebrate it only with my family and friends. No single relatives here... it's lonely. So, todays a C-.
Note: All my childhood memories have been forgotten, only pictures are helping me.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 4:03 PM
Today is a C+. There was no cool assembly but we were to be called out to our CCAs and take attendance and the reason for this thingy is for the people who have not been going to their own CCA. Punishment was they would give a warning letter through mail and a text message, I've been going so... yeah I'm free. All the while, was just eating candy secretly and making jokes.
After going to my CCA and we could go back to our places, I was too engrossed talking to Patricia that I didn't notice I was way too far from my bag, I went to the technical's places, how embarrasing. No wonder I couldn't find my bag! For PE, I passed all my stations so we could play with the spongeball while the boys play soccer. I sweat like mad and it even dripped to my feet(don't ask) we played volleyball with it.
We hae the same PE as the 2 Discipline class but they were at the Basketball court. After that, we were asked to gather and two of our china friends changed without permission so they were asked to change but didn't. So we were asked to wait until they decide to change. One of them went back to change, when she came back I laughed damn hard because she wore her uniform inside the PE shirt which is so stupid but not acceptable so she went back to change again.
The other one, on the other hand is very defiant and well... she only thinks of herself and not the others so she didn't change back, I was so angry I said, looking at the other side "You only think about yourself sia!" Soon the teacher allowed us to leave but she had to stay back. After changing, ran down to the canteen and heard the group talking about something.
So Priscilla and company were talking about the comparison of American girls and Asian girls that Asians have smaller boobs than them. One of the "friends" of the group discussing told a guy from Technical and thought it was serious and told another girl. The story of what they were talking about was "changed" in a way because it was suppose to be just a comparison so... yeah.
The girl who was informed had the wrong idea and got angry with Priscilla and wanted to meet her at the canteen and discuss it over. It was good because I "think" they sorted it out and all. So please don't get offended guys, it wasn't supposed to be passed around anyway. I bet you guys have some talkings about things that shouldn't be heard too so think of the others, c'mon. So it was a complete COMPLETE accident.
After school, we went to eat at LJS. Walked about dead shopping mall, Northpoint and read magazines at Popular and soon we were tired and went home.
Note: Ask before thinking it is a bad "comment" Don't go overboard or you'll get embarrased for thinking it the wrong way, thank you!