Thursday, July 31, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:31 PM
Okay so the past few days I've been getting scolding from teachers. There's one where we were walking back to class and saw Debbie. I had the urge to poke her "burdens" so I just poked and ran. She tried to poke me back and laughed and shouted extremely loud and in the end. My teacher called me to wait outside the class and nag again. SHe said this, "I didn't expect this of you, daymi." May be playful but when it comes to studying and schoolwork, I get all serious so.. yeah.
Another one was after recess and we sat at our classes in the hall and well... Aza and I started poking Iskandar and saying, "Boink!" We can't help but to laugh and what do you know? Mr "Police guy" was walking towards us and shouted, "You think funny is it? You two girls, stand infront, NOW!" So we stood infront and be laughed at by hooligans. How embarassing who cares?
After they all left, Mr "Police guy" went to us and said, "You guys are gonna serve detention for me after Smart Class, understand? Go!" Gosh I hate his face, act fierce and all. I bet he hates childrens' laughter and FUN. So everything he sees something like that, he goes all crazy and runs to the corner and cries.
Finally it was time to go to the General Office. Aza and I headed to the toilet to clip up our fringes, and wash our SCRIBBLED hands and walked to the General Office. He wasn't there so we waited with Priscilla, Patricia and told uber funny riddles and jokes. I won't tell you any, because I may tell you sometime. So we laughed, sang, danced. Doesn't sound like a detention, doesn't it?
Soon we realized we waited for hours and so we left the place and bought donuts and bubble tea. Priscilla and Patricia went to my house to get Liann's present. It's huge so best wishes to Patricia. And now I'm here, thinking about eating somemore.
Note: I drew a profile about Mr "Police guy". Ask if you wanna see it!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Video zonkers
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:50 PM
WATCH THESE FUNNY VIDEOS:Charlie bit my finger:
Where's my rent?:
Bad baby cop:
Worst day ever
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:17 PM
Today is the worst day ever. In the morning, while I was walking. These 3 indians guys blocked my way and so my leg bumped into this hard bamboo stick and made a huge cut on my leg, it bleeded. In math class, some of us had to stay back to do our math work because we all didn't go it right. So no matter how hard I tried, she pushes me to hard and I'm feeling really stressful. The worst part is I had my "strawberry juice" today and it stained my skirt, chair and my BAG!!! So she kept on telling me I'm wrong and I had to do it all again from scratch so I broke down into tears while doing my work because I'm so messed up just now but my friends had my back and they helped me and waited for me till I finished, Thanks Nadhirah, Fazira & Hidayah. So I really had a bad day and I was late to go up and meet the stupid Ace Club members while crying. I met Seri and she called my name and grabbed me but I shrugged her because I'm really in a horrible mood, so sorry. So they all comforted me and the other thing is that I had to go for my math remedial and I had no friends, so I looked like an outcast at the back doing my own work which made my eyes teary again but tried not to cry. Was touched because when Pravin lend my compass and I just nodded while Sebastian messed up the Math instruments of mine but helped me put it back while Pravin said "Thank you" very sincerely so was seriously emotional that time. So I have to say, this day is the most suckish day in my whole teen life(for now)
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:15 PM
 For the past few days, Aza and I have been camwhoring! In Smart class & in the Apple lab(as always)
Note: Aza's my camwhoring mate.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Lian's Baptism
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:32 PM
Last sunday was Lian's Baptism and to be honest, it was only fun at night. Priscilla and I met at the Northpoint entrance at 3 and bought ice cream to eat while walking to the place. Reached there and the baptism was boring and I was really waiting for the reception. I wanted to eat, goodness me! We had to travel ourselves to Orchid Park condo so Priscilla and I took the bus, bought Push Pops even though we haven't eaten yet and reached there with alot of them in the Function room already.
So we ate and then went to the playground to see the boys; Dylan, Mikey, Michael and some dude that I don't know. So we played awhile and then camwhored with my digital cam that I brought. I was so mean I made fun of Dylan because he jumped and I told him he might sink in the sand(ha-ha) Then we all left and went back to the Function room and headed for the Billiard room and saw alot of kids playing with the balls.
We didn't stop them, we joined it. The brothers, Ram and Ron. The cutest kids around went under the pool table and smuggled the balls while Priscilla and I started throwing the balls and throwing them as FAT dylan. I got hit by the ball sometimes and wow it hurts! So it went on for so long and I stalked the cutest kid, Ram and took pictures with him. He's so cute!
Well soon I had to go, it's like already 9+ and I'm gettin' tired. So we went home and when I got home, I straight away went to the computer and played(finally)
Note: Ram is so adorable, he's so huggable!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 1:14 PM
So I've been eating roasted peanuts and now my stomach is upset(great job, daymi) I've been trying out clothes in my closest to see what I'm wearing for Lian's Baptismal tomorrow! I'm so excited... Since you guys are asking. What does "Baptism" mean? Its what we do to make you Christian/Catholic for new born babies like Lian. Once she's baptized then she'll be a fully-pledged Catholic, really special.
So I did find something to wear but I'm not showing it to you. Instead I show you at picture of Princess Lian... she's really adorable! She gurgles and all. Her big sister is the only and only, PATRICIA. I have to agree, Lian looks like her brother Dylan. Sorta a bad thing because he's fat and mean(bad combination) but I feel she'll be like Patricia.
I've seen her quite a few times and she usually sticks out her tongue! While we're talking, she'll start peeking and when we look back at her. She'll quickly shut her eyes again... aw! She's got the most beautiful eyes. You should see her in her frock. So it's a really special day for her tomorrow.
I've tried taking pictures using my phone to get used to it again but I just can't. I'm seriously getting used to the digital camera. So i'll sign out now.
Note: Lian sometimes looks up and smiles, I think she saw an angel!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Foam swords
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:06 PM
Well just as I thought, I failed my 2.4 by 5 SECONDS and STILL I need to retake the stupid thing. This time I tried my very best not to stop jogging. As always, in the middle I get extremely tired but pushed myself and PASSED! Never felt so aliveeeee~ My hatest part of having PE is changing back into our uniforms with our stinky and tired self(grr)
Forgot(or maybe got lazy) to take my muffins down to the cafeteria. Oh yeah by the way, when I was walking to my class, near the window. Fawzy went all, "Deimi, deimi!" Was so obvious someone was changing and "I" was coming. Gosh, whatev~ So I bought Milo(as usual) and for the first time, FINISHED it. Was so cooling and so I shared Pat's pizza and Priscilla's Bacon w/ cheese.
I was so exhausted for the 2.4 that I got sleepy throughout a period of General Science and two for History and still wasn't enough! David "secretly" hit my head while I was having my nap. I'll get YOU! Then the time I've been waiting for... AFTER SCHOOL. ZOMG~ I forget alot of stuff, I forgot about the morning assembly from Mr Glenn Lim again. This time he brought his Gibson Flying "V" or whachamacallit. Was interesting again, he's very appealing to us.
Then walked to The Donut Shop, bought a donut. Left Priscilla at the Bustop and Patricia and I headed to my house. Rested, played computer, teevee and I changed. Left around 2.16pm and ate at Mcdoodles, saw old friends. Went to Orchard and our "mission" was to see Hoodies and Bermuda pants but didn't find any.
So some how, mission FAILED but we have lots and lots of fun in Paragon Toys'r'Us. We played with the Foam Swords... and well I admit. I was PLANNING to buy it, it cost $9.95! Shhhhh... I still have my kiddie-ness inside of me. When we first reached Pat, oh my gosh, she's panicking! Get a grip, pat. You won't see your momma there. So It wasn't that fun until she loosen up abit. YAY!
Went home, playing in the MRT train. I almost forgot we stood throughout! We all made funny faces and had ourselves GREAT time. I hope you're reading this, Patricia because I love you so much!
Note: Playing with the Foam Swords got us being scolded.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:30 PM
On assembly, a few days ago. They told us we are gonna be celebrating National Day together with Racial Harmony day. So either we wear Ethnic costumes or Red/white. I got all pumped up about it. I was thinking of wearing a Malay costume this year. A baju kurong or something. So I asked Aza if I could lend her "bajus" Priscilla wants to wear one too.
The horrible part was that Patricia isn't wearing any costume. She said she'll just wear red/white top. Actually now I'm not sure what I shall wear. I'd like to wear Cheong Sam too but I want to try something new. Now I'm really confused... I better think straight now. I've got runny nose so I feel all tipsy sometimes.
I'd really want a simple baju kurong but all I see in Aza's closest was alot of fancy frills and frock(weh) If I wear a Cheong Sam... Well there really isn't a problem it's just I don't know what to choose, what do YOU think?
I feel all dizzy and itchy... gosh, should sign off now.
Note: You do not want to see my all tipsy and weird, ask farah!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:02 PM
Then again, we went to the Apple Lab to do IPW. We finished really early so we... as always camwhored again and had loads of laughing and sniggering. Skipping to SMART class, we decorated our bulletin board because it's so DEAD. MY drawing for a County Fair was stapled up! After that, Priscilla and I waited for Ace Club to start... NOOOO!
We were asked to paint the Artic tables with the design we've made, and let me tell you. Our one was seriously crappy! But painting was fun though... almost got paint all around me and all. Argued abit because there was either no space or some other personal stuff. We were sooo bored, I dared them to run really fast but not making a single noise. We looked so stupid doing it.
But what can we say? WE DON'T CARE! We grabbed our bags and said, "Let's blow this joint!" If you guys don't know what it means, well, boohoo for you. So, for a tradition for me and Priscilla. We always, and I mean ALWAYS run away from Patricia and she'll be right at the back calling our names(mean, i know)
Ate at Mcdoodles, McChicken and Coke. Ahhh... tasty! Talked about on the 1st of August on what we're wearing. This year, I'm wearing the Baju Kurong or maybe the Kebaya. Not sure, I wear different enthic clothes each year. Philippines, Chinese but haven't tried Indian. Maybe next year... Note: Do not paint near Patricia, she will "accidentally" drip paint on you!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Thumbs down
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:20 PM
My CCA is called Ace Club which, I have to say... SUCKS to the Earth's core and below! Even saying that is an understatement! Its suppose to be more on the Art around the school and learn alot of Art thingy but they're just plain posers who thinks they are so "artistic" All they do is go by the book or COPY someone's artwork and say it was theirs. Only nerds would actually be so excited every Tuesday to go there.
All the teachers are plain cruel and on how they wear? POOH! Even my grandmother can do better. The environment SUCKS. The outing we had was to Hortpark(if you guys remember) SUCKS like CRAP! We went so early but did they ever think, WHO THE HELL GOES TO THE EXHIBIT EARLY IN THE FREAKING MORNING?! We had to stay until 5pm, and that is like... 8 hours and I hope they put it to my CIP or I'll kick their poser asses.
Gladly I heard from Debbie(truckloads of thanks) about the Club she's in. The Photography club! Thats just what I was trying to find, a Club that I'm really interested about. I love photography, and to started all off. I have a digital camera to practice on. I know how to function it and use all those funky effects and THATS how my love for it started. I can't wait, it's like way better than that shitty Ace Club.
Note: Never, ever, join Ace Club. You'll rot... seriously
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 10:00 PM
SKANDAR KEYNES from Chronicles of Narnia MICHAEL SEATER from Life With Derek DANNY JONES from McFlyNote: They are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hot!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:36 PM
 WATCH THESE HILARIOUS VIDEOS: Indian Thriller with English Subs,
Indian nipple song,
Chinese Backstreet boys - That Way,
Chinese Backstreet boys - Public Affair,
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:30 PM
What is the dealio with Minahs & Mat reps? They're just plain posers who wears skinnys, eye-liner, a cheap and fake flip-flop and the most important ingredient, being plain MEAN. They walk around all those posh places like the Esplanade and call themselves oh-so "cool" They take pictures as if they're so good in photography. They smoke, take drugs and all. It shows they have no future because they'll be dead from smoking all those shithole. And some of them have suckish english, my goodness how the heck do they communicate... "I is going Esplanad" and the typo errors, holly neptune~ And you can't, for once, walk pass them without being stared on or commented on. They think they look so nice and we look like crap, sorry, its the other way round, bozo! They go all, "This is what I call friends" but their friends might be backstabbing them, you won't know. They're mean remember? So, I wish all these Minah & Mat reps go hide in all those dark alleys and STAY THERE TILL THEY ROT!
Huamin Open House
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:30 PM
Okay, from the title you know straight away it's about what I did in the Open house but no. I was late and wasn't really intending to go to the Open house. I didn't see the point in going, really nothing to go back to. So anyway, I woke up in my afternoon nap and remembered the Open house so I just asked Fyn if she was there and soon we were texting about where to meet and all. We were late, when we reached the place. Everyone was leaving so we hurried to the canteen and met Fiza there.
She told us Tinie and the others where somewhere in the Gallery but was not. We heard them all talking from the Staff room and saw them. We all hugged and everything. The school looks so small. Last time I was really small so it looked huge, of course. Very soon, we left. It was gonna close anyway. We didn't follow the others to Bishan, Tinie, me and Fyn went to Elly's house for fun. Chat alittle then left to go eat.
So we walked to the Hawker centre, ate fries and talked, took pictures and laughed. Walked around afterwards to look at clothes. Had $14 on me so... teehee. Soon Fyn had to go to her friend's house and watch a show in MediaCorp. It was raining so Tinie promised to wait with me till the rain stopped so we walked around. Bought candy and then laughed alot. She's still funny, my gosh!!!
Rain stopped, so we walked home and soon we had to split so I was like, "It's our last time seeing each other." but I hope not.
Note: Tinie hasn't change abit & she's still as funny as ever!!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:40 PM
Another ordinary but fun day. They didn't present us with another cool & awesome assembly. So they made us do this PC lesson which is dead boring... Mrs. Tan asked us to play weird games like your classmates will ask you a question and if its a "Yes" you'll have to nod "No" and if its a "No" you must nod "Yes" I know... lame right? (yawn) then this mind game thingy which I must start first. Went like this, Yellow Red Blue Green Black. So you must say the colour of the word not the word itself.
I'll skip to my PE lesson. We had to do our 2.4 run, and boy was it tiring. I mean c'mon, what's the point of running. You'll get all sweaty and tired. Then you'll get freaking hungry so you eat & gain weight plus who cares if you can or cannot run the 2.4, it's not like you'll be running for so long(nonsense) I feel sad for the big ones because they are so confident they'll be last. I really do feel sad for them.
So I got the 14th place... pooh who cares. When I was reaching the ending point everyone started cheering for me and I'm already seeing topless guys. GOSH! Its not like it's an ugly view, okay maybe it is. Fawzy was kind enough to tell me not to sit or I'll die(LMAO) was so exhausted, I thought I might get fatigue or something. Kept on coughing. The worst part is all my money and clothes are in the classroom and Mr Tam can't find our keys.
Soon we got it back, ran in to get my clothes and then AGAIN, topless guys. I wore my skirt infront of them(weh) but puhh-leeaaze wouldn't go topless infront of them. The bad thing about them going all topless and buff is that girls can't do that. They have to go to the toilet to do so. Unlike boys, who doesn't know it, actually is mocking us. Its okay, they're boys(rolls eyes) We had two tests today.
One was History and another General Science. I'm pretty sure I flunked my History test. Didn't study at all... That's why I'm taking Geography next year. After school(best time of the day) and followed Aza to her house and ate Mamee and went Bubble Tea shop, went to Northpoint with Patricia and then we really actually had loads to do in Northpoint because we were looking for alot of stuff and bought a seriously cool quiz book about Love & Romance.
We did it at Starbucks and bought(of course) Ice Blended Mocha Frappe... YUM~ while doing it. After that, took pictures and looked at phones because I'm buying a new one this August, can't wait. Went home doing some of the Love quizzes. POW!
Note: The mocha frappe was de-li-cious!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:59 PM
I'm mostly blogging now because of this mean guy named Azfar who asked me to write a post because he's bored and we went like this, "Update your blog, or else"(jeez) Let me tell you about him. He's mean(yes), he's mean and again he's MEAN!!! Today, touched my shoulder. Thinking I wouldn't know it was him. So I pinched him hard and he went like, "OW!" But that wasn't the end of this so-called BEAST(that's right, read it & weep) He put his treacherous leg infront of mine and... I almost tripped! "Thanks" alot, Azfar. You made my day(pulls a face)
Anyhoos, let's forget about the beast. I ate ham sandwich today, YAY! Farah wanted to try out the pizza they were selling because Syazwani recommended it. It was so freaking tasty... mmmm~ Recess wasn't right without Seri. It's really weird! Especially when we reached the hall. So we just talked crap and all. After school we ate chicken rice and chrysanthemum tea(my usual) and enjoyed it. Priscilla and Farah told me there was a checkup tomorrow, was like "HUWHAT?!?!" I hate it...
So we waddled to the Piano room to find Aza but she was in the toilet while Fazira was in the hut. So we sat at a Hut and just made stupid jokes and made a fool out of myself(seriously, ask them) using a rolled vangard sheet and hitting them and acting like royal doofuses. Was seriously fun... And did I tell you the Geography test was easy and slept throughout it and Aza choked me in English class which made my head red and all. So back to the hut, we had so much fun that we forgot about SMART class and was late for... um, 10 minutes??? ZOMG~ we ran up the stairs and into our classes.
In class, we did our Music project while reading magazines and taking pictures. Wasn't THAT boring but I'd rather eat hair(oops) after SMART, we walked home and Priscilla came over AGAIN... to play Sims 2 and shared with her my tasty and wholesome licorice... YUMMY~
Note: Do not walk too near to the beast for your convenience.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:58 PM
This morning, we had IP class and had to do a stupid project work but instead camwhored using the camera on the Apple computer. Brought choco-muffin for recess(get jealous)
Had to go to my old boring CCA today and as always was boring. Patty, me and Priscilla painted polka-dots for the tables but nooo~ crappy critics like Shuainan went on saying it looked horrible. IT DID NOT!!! Her piece made no sense at all, gosh and everyone said it was pretty.
While the teacher was talking to us on how to improve it, I walked away angryly and she was like, "Don't get angry!" Priscilla and Patty stayed. When I came back, we had to do it all over again. What a load of barnacles... It's okay. It's OVER now. By the way, I'll get you one day Shuainan! Someday... somedaaaayy~
Note: The Apple Lab is sooo a place to camwhore. Its got the aircon and everything. Wahaha!
Happy 14th birthday Priscilla
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:39 PM
On the 14th of July, it was our bestfriend's birthday. PRISCILLA EUGENIA AUGUSTINE! Patty and I planned on celebrating it at Mcdoodles and buy her a cute cupcake with a candle on it. Patty's class came into mine at MT class so like we always do when we go plans, we would draw it out and laugh our butts off because of all the disagreements and nonsense. Like ZOMG~ the stupid MT teacher kept on scolding us for "disrupting" the class.
After that, we finally finished drawing it and we hoped it would work. This morning, Patty gave Priscilla a packet of chewy candy and say it's our present for her which is so NOT true. It's just a cover-up. The night before, Farah, me and Patty went to NP to buy her present. Especially made keychain for "Gift a Name" (hey don't break it, pris. It's so expensive and you tend to break or lose things)
Finally, SMART class was over and Farah, me and Patty did our "y'know the plan" look. So Patty went for her detention(aw) and Farah went for her GirlGuides and birthday girl and me went to my house(for me; secretly bringing the digi-cam, candle and a lighter) while she played Sims 2. Soon enough, Patty and Farah texted and called to say we're ready and that we meet at Mcdoodles. Ended up meeting them in the bus(concidence, much?)
The "planned" seating place was empty, we were so happy! Then we did it, we asked to be excused because we needed to "use" the toilet but acutally buying the cupcake and Aza's belated b'day gift. Farah and Birthday girl stayed to buy our McWings. We took awhile and was so excited. We took a tissue and hid the cuppycake and poked in the cute candle and waddled to Mcdoodles. So nervous~
HURRAY! We all said, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRISCILLA!" She looked shocked and happy. I took out the lighter and lighted it up and sang the birthday song while taking random pictures of her and the cupcake. She made her wish and blowed(aw) I even brought the REAL present and asked her to open it. She loved it! So we started our so-called feast and she ate her cuppycake. We all had a great time. WE LOVE YOU, PRISCILLA!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Happy 14th birthday aza
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:24 PM
Alright, let's start this crap. Its like Aza's birthday today, and if you don't know that. You must be hiding under a rock. She planned an outing and thank goodness her momma allowed! Met the birthday girl and fyn but birthday girl was alittle late. Patricia and Weiliang was already at the Northpoint entrance. Patricia and Weiliang don't know each other so they were standing opposite each other(funny) Aza kept on pushing me to wear my shades but I feel weird wearing it in a mall. There's no sun, aza!
We bought our tickets for Get Smart and was $10. How inconvenient(hmph) then we headed to the MRT station to go Causeway. Birthday girl can't go far so only until there. All I was thinking of when we were on the way to Causeway was FOOD. Was so hungry, I could hear my tummy grumbling. Then I forgot because we started the camwhoring(finally) for the sake of aza's birthday, I wore the shades and took picture. Erra wasn't with us yet, she said we should meet her in Causeway.
Met her at Causeway and saw her cool green dress. ZOMG~ took us sooo long to find somewhere to eat. Ended wanting to eat at Mcdoodles at the Civic centre. Brithday girl and erra went up to buy Starbucks while we found a seat to eat. Was so hungry, I ate them all so quickly. Weiliang just ate McFlurry. Camwhored abit and laughed alot! We went back to Causeway point then tried to find places to camwhored. Went to TimeZone and the stupid neoprint machine gave us bad pictures(credits to Weiliang for taking some pictures)
Toilet we went, but not to pee. Camwhored somemore! What's wrong with camwhoring? It's FUN!!! So went back to Northpoint to watch the movie at 4.10pm and finished at 6+ and Erra went home. Walked with Weiliang, Fyn and birthday girl. Weiliang left, Fyn saw her sister at the market. She went home, when birthday girl house for awhile then went home!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Happy Youth Day
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 7:43 PM
Today was the bomb, or shall I say... THE DYNAMITE. When I reached the freakin' school I pulled Patricia's hair(oops, my bad) and just talked crap for awhile when this girl asked me if I was Deimi, like duh, the one and ONLY. She asked me to stand at the corner. I automatically knew I have an award so I asked and got a crappy respond, "Best suggees----- award" I was like WHAT?!? Then Aza and Patricia clapped which DIDN'T help, thank you very much(folds arm) Saw Erra already there, ZOMG~ so nervous. Blah, talk talk and all then Mrs Indra talked about the award and I went up to get my crappy-ness present. WHAT A CHEAP BAG... urgh!~
But wasn't angry for long because soon the programmes were getting really excited. Guessing who the teachers were in the pictures when they were students. So awesome. Then another cool game was we were allowed to use our phones and text the message to the certain number the exact message on stage. I always don't get it, whatta waste but still... worthwhile. Then there was the script the teachers did JUST for us(aww)
It seriously cracked me up because Mr Fairuz was soo funny acting like those "mat reps" or "gangsters" Supposingly as heart throbs of the class. ZOMG~ then Mr Ahmad always holds the guitar and plays it. The "girly" teachers and Mrs Yee as all those chinese girls who wears mini skirts and is sooo truant. THEY ACT WAY WAY WAY WAY COOL. Made me laugh the whole time!
Then it was finished. Had to stay back to take picture for the award winners then I walked back to class to change into my PE attire. In fact, we were in the same timeslot as the 2D class for PE and did all kinds of stuff like, Standing broad jump, sit-up, incline pull-ups and all that shananigans. I liked the shuttle run though. Was fuuuuun. Day was short because it's Friday. After school, went to Northpoint and bought my shades and of course, eat then Farah and Priscilla came to my house to play Sims 2 and camwhore then go home.... (GASP)
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Topping spree
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:52 PM
A few days ago, Farah and I agreed to meet and eat at the oh-so wonderful KFC. We were so bored that we planned to go John Little to wear clothes but not really buy it(teehee) all the clothes we've tried, ended up being loved and we went crazy finding money to buy it. I liked 2 tops and farah sorta want a NOT-casual one and a casual one. Have no idea where she's gonna wear it.
So after that, we met up again the next day and went to Vivo and ate at Burger King. She paid for my food because I didn't have much money(thanks, farah) ate Whopper Jr. the normal Whopper is BIG! After that, the moment we've been waiting for was to go in a boutique to wear clothes. We went to Forever 21 and Topshop. Took pictures in the changing room, walk around then went home.
This post isn't long. It's just what we did, the past few days.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:28 PM
Yesterday was Sports day for my school and you guessed it! VINSON won again. I'm leaving the colour of my font Blue for Vinson! It was a great victory... So let's start at the beginnning, shall we? I was suppose to meet Farah and Seri at the 7 11 bustop at 6.15 but my mother woke me up late! Jeez... but I didn't know only after I bathed and Priscilla and Seri called me. ZOMG~ i gulped down the whole cup of milo, brushed my teeth and left. I got angry because I didn't get to tie my hair properly.
So I ran but suddenly my stomach hurt because after eating, I started running. I endured it until I saw them and walked slowly. It was obvious we were late to meet Priscilla and when we see her, she'll get mad. She was already under her block. We were suppose to meet Patricia at the Mcdoodles but noooo~ she wasn't there. So we walked to the Yishun Stadium. When we reached the stadium, there was alot and we assembled at our classes. They gave us the so called "limited" edition NBSS bottle and yummy donuts with chrysanthemum tea!
We sang the Anthem, blah blah~ and started hitting Fazira(my usual thing) and sat together at the end which separates Vinson and Elbrus. Farah was way too far away. Then Mrs Low's deathening talk and then it started. The runners had to go down so I gave all my good lucks and was soooo excited! I forgot to tell you, Patricia didn't come! If you're reading this, Pat. Where have you been?!?!?! The start was almost all the Elbrus peeps won. Priscilla screamed on my face, screamed right at it!!! Then I was almost lost my voice and stood the whole day!
I almost lost hope for Vinson because alot of Elbrus is winning but wasn't saying no one won for Vinson. They were great ones which ended up first(in your face, Priscilla) Vinson's banner was soooo nice! Once in awhile, I would go back to my seat, to eat my yummy scrumdiddlyumcious donuts! Then it was finished(WEHHH) Then the best part would be the Teacher's race. Holy neptune, the Vinson teachers are awesommomeememoem. My PE teacher, Mr Tam, was almost reaching Mr Yong(Vinson) but kiss my ass. He didn't win! I screamed so loud, I went ballistic.
After that, the House leading. Was Kilimanjaro, Everest, Elbrus then the winning house was... but of course, VINSON!!! I screamed my ass off. Then I shook hands with my friends on Elbrus, told them, "At least you got second. Better than last!" They agreed. So after the picture-taking, we went to Mcdoodles Khatib to eat McWings and went home but not Priscilla. She came over to play Sims 2, while she was playing. I camwhored and after she played, I helped her with her pictures too. Was hard, but turned out(some) nice. What a dayyyyy! Gooooo~ VINSON!