Sunday, December 4, 2011
Ice Breaker!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 9:20 PM
 And let's see, the last time I posted something on my ancient blog was, last year December? Wow. 'Cos here I am blogging again on December... 2011! How time flies this year, the year is already ending and the memories of me being in the Philippines for Christmas last year is still oh-so fresh. Unfortunately, I'm not coming home for Christmas this year. No one knows how heart breaking such a news is, but I grew up accepting it and sucking up all my disappointments.
I mean it's fun here in Singapore, blaaardy blah. But, what I meant was... the relatives. It's not about the places we can go and do for Christmas. It's the people you celebrate it with. Christmas is never complete with the sight of all of them, on the day itself. Aw shucks, it's making me sad. Forget it.
Anyhoozers!!! My life has totally changed in 2011. So many ups and down, I think I was on a roller coaster of emotions. I wasn't even exaggerating that my life changed. It's a cliche thing to say when you haven't blogged in awhile, but it definitely applies to me.
Friends came and went, and new ones appeared one by one. I didn't know whether to cry or be happy cos everything was happening so quickly for me to even react. But I was contented.
Sec 5 was indeed hella frustrating! I mean the start of the year, I was wondering why I feel so relaxed and still so slacky. That was before I knew time was fast this year and alas, I was shaking my leg even 2 months before my O's. I was angry because I couldn't feel the pressure and stress that would motivate me to study for the damn exam.
AND NOW MY O'LEVELS IS OVER? I don't know why, it's so unbelievable. But I am grateful and happy about everything. The people I meet in Sec 5, they are wonderful. I made sooo much friends, I got even more charismatic this year, it's OH-SUM.
This year made me realize my true friends, and to just a more suitable acquaintances. I will definitely miss Secondary School. I recall being so childish in Sec 1 going, "I HATE THIS SCHOOL! I WANNA CHANGE!" LOL. I ended up learning to love it more and more through my years in school. Honestly, I'm happy to have stayed one more year in the school. I learnt a lot more about myself, and what I was capable of.
You know what? Whatever it is, 2011 was a blast. HAHA.
It was sour at first, but it came up sweet at the end. :')
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pop goes my brain!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:52 PM
Hola! Oh it's sad how I can't be consistent in blogging anymore. But I guess Twitter is something like that, just in small bits and pieces. I'm just as sure that no one reads my blog either, cos they all know it's DEAD. But I come back anyway, I only tell people who I want them to read my blog. Why the sudden urge to blog? Sheer boredom!Sooo, it's December, my holiday mood is boiling up! November has been a crazy one, honestly. I went out every single day, out in the day and back by night. I admit, that made my mom go crazy, but I just wanna have a blast this time. It's not like I've been out doing baaad things. Prom was only damn fun at the end where the song started to play, and my usual high self went up on stage with my small group of friends to dance, then gradually, people started coming up as well. The onyl thing I was upset about was how it felt like forever waiting for Prom, and when that day came... It just swept by.I didn't even have time to grasp every special moment with my friends. I only got to do it when I got to settle down and have time to think and reminisce. One more thing was, I was leaving a day after that to the Philippines. The next time that I might see them is next year. But like I always say, I don't know what 2011 holds for all of us. It scares me.I'm that one person that is scared of the new year. Instead of being excited, I'm always scared what will happen then. But I'll have to face it either way. It's like a fear that I'll have to overcome yearly, it's exhausting.Lately, I've been very nostalgic. When I'm chatting with someone, I'll end up bringing up the past because I think, this year has been very, very meaningful. With new friends that we used to so-called "hate", and the fact that this may be our last year in high school, now to a new environment in poly/ITE. You start to cherish the littlest things now that you know you may not come back. It's harder for people like me who can't let go of pasts, it's true, I can't. But the past, i meant the good memories. The bad ones I can slowly let go.So now I'm in the Philippines right. Usually the week of my flight, I'll already get freaking excited to go home and have fun with my relatives finally. This year, it was different. I had the most confusing feelings about going back. I was happy, I was sad, devasted, ecstatic. The opposites together.Then I knew why, I was happy before cos I had nothing to look back in Singapore yet, except my three awesome girls. This year, I had a lot to turn away before going to the Philippines. It was hard. I know, I'm coming back. But I will, only next year. I've already previously talked about my fear of new years. I think of all kinds of stuff like, maybe we won't be in contact anymore? People change? I change? It would be a terrible year for me? And since I'm still schooling, where would my education bring me?Now I got more great friends worth keeping, and great memories worth reminiscing. It was harder to move to another new year cos we know we can never go back and repeat it all over again.Now it's still the holidays, I wanna cherish it sooo bad because I won't get long holidays like this anymore when I get to poly/ITE. I've been longing for this holiday when I was in school, now that I got it, I wish it got slower. That's the usual.2010 has definitely been a great year, the best one I've had yet. Fair share of sad and happy moments. And I know, and hope there would be more of great years to come. I'm sorry my post didn't even have at least a tiny twist of humour, but I just had to let things out. I've been clogging up my thoughts for too long. I had a lot of times this year where I was left to just think of things.Have a happy holiday ahead of you.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Belated Happy 45th Birthday, Singapore!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 8:48 AM
I know it's kinda late, but better late than never! HAPPY 45TH BIRTHDAY, SINGAPORE!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
short appreciation to my hair.
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 6:06 PM
Racial Harmony Cum National Day
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 5:33 PM
Ciao a tutti! It was seriously bonkers how I slept at 11pm the day before Racial Harmony cum National Day but still had a very hard time trying to get up! I never fail to snooze my alarm. I got dressed and had the usual stare from my parents.
Walking to school was just as retarded. I had even more stares and constant trippings. You need to do baby steps in such skirts but being me, I walk really fast as people say. So I held up my skirt to walk to hopefully bump into Farah at the traffic light 'cause she didn't want to meet. She said she might get "late". Thankfully, I really did meet her there, with Royston and Hafiz.
Getting nearer to school, I started to feel all hot.
Most of the upper sec were wearing ethnic costumes while the lower sec were wearing Red or White. Had this boring long speech from the Principal, watched some lame video and then brought back to class to do the collage. So we were suppose to bring material for the collage.
My friend was asking me, "What did you bring for the collage?" I said, "Scissors." Friend: "Nice contribution."
We had so little time making the collage but it turned out quite pleasant. I don't know who made this ball of paper and cut out white and red to make it look like a huge Singapore Flag. It was like a whole new level of 3D, and rushed work.
Headed up back to the whole for the concert. Everyone was too excited to pass down the flags. There was a lot of photo-taking, and less attention to concert, only at certain times.
The school knew most of us didn't have breakfast, so we had a short break and got London Choco-rolls. Suddenly they looked at me when they knew how I used to sing, "London choco rolls, London choco rooooooooolls!" in class. They remembered, I'm so very touched. The pathetic thing was, we were only to receive one.
Sure, that makes me so full, I can't eat for weeks. Yes, feel the sarcasm. They wouldn't let us have at least one more. I'd like to pee in your face. Nah, just kid'. They had choir, dancing, Singapore quiz and all that jazz.
The only time I would get hyper was the sing-a-longs. Especially the sing-a-long at the end of the concert. That's when everyone would stand up and start singing out of tune, scream hysterically, dance and jump like crazy mongoloids. I would randomly shout, "Mosh pit!!!" Though, that wouldn't be possible in a school. I got to say, it was so much fun. Surrounded by great company.
Took more photos afterwards then ate at Pastamania! We always treat ourselves after school events. Last year's Racial harmony cum National Day was at Seoul Garden. I know, I know, how we were so rich. Now, we're broke shitless. Joke.
Spent the rest of the day watching (500) Days of Summer and doing all kinds of shit at Priscilla's house. I've watched that movie a gazillion times but it really never gets old. It's the cutest movie ever and I can't help stare at the gorgeous Zooey Deschanel. That sums up my whole day. It was in total, the BOMB DIDDLY.(PS: More photos all in my Facebook profile.)
Friday, August 6, 2010
overdues on Universal Studios!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 11:44 PM
                              (PS: I know, I've got a lot of overdues.)
overdues from Photography class!
Posted by Deimi Brigitte at 11:01 PM
(PS: I'll blog about Racial Harmony cum National Day tomorrow!)